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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

How to make a solution from homeopathy tablets?


I bought Schuessler Tissue salts - Kali Phos in a spray bottle, which is very convenient for me.

The bottle is almost empty already, but I bought the same company the same remedy Kali Phos but only in tablets.

I would like to reuse the spray bottle and dissolve the tablets in it. How many tablets should I use?
As I can see the spray solution contains the alcohol...Should I add vodka to the water?

  Podruga on 2014-11-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

Do you have any of the original spray left? If so what is it's potency?

The tablets you have bought, what potency are they?

One thing to keep in mind, you can duplicate remedies or dillute them in water but there is no assurance that it will retain it's same properties and will also be a different potency.

Being energetic in nature you could dissolve one tablet say a 10x into 100ml of 70/30 distilled water/ethil alcohol and end up with roughly an 11x solution that you can now spray just like your last purchased remedy...

It is a common practice for me to hold onto 4 pillules of each remedy I obtain and convert them into liquids.
[message edited by realityphantom on Thu, 13 Nov 2014 11:50:25 GMT]
realityphantom last decade

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