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Posts about Depression

Long standing depression35Mental irritation, ed, inappropriate sexual thoughts and anxiety and depression214Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with extr!eme depression17Depression2Acute acidity due to mental depression6Intrusive thoughts, sexual obsession, panic attacks depression88Social Anxiety, OCD and Depression38Anxiety GAD. Panic. Depression6Anxiety, loose self confidence, fear, Bipolar, depression2Severe Depression, Extreme Fatigue & Laziness, Severe Depression1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Blood pressure, heart , depression

My blood pressure readings continue to be relatively high,despite several anti-hypertensive and cholesterol lowering prescription meds
I am taking, plus they have side effects, like erectile dysfunction and, with the diuretic, it has me going to the bathroom so much, I am somewhat limited socially, because I don't know when it will kick in. My readings have been from
137/84 to 150/90, sometimes higher, it fluctuates.

I am 59, had a quadruple bypass in 1996. The last tests I had done said the lining around my heart was thin and the doctor had
thought I had congestive heart failure, but after blood tests, it was determined that there was a low incidence for that, at this time. Lasix was added to my list of prescriptions.

I am about 5 ft.8, medium to heavy build, hard to lose weight, even though I have consciously cut back on what I eat. I have had problems with depression, anger (currently being treated for PTSD by VA),hypervigilence,
social anxiety,have bouts of insomnia, worry and anxiety, mind continually busy with thoughts, am overly critical sometimes of myself and others, moody.

I have cravings for sweets, coffee (decaf), though I have begun to cut back. I have increased vegetables in my diet and am taking some herbs, such as CoQ10, Strauss Heartdrops and lecithin and chelation formula, though, so far, I can't tell what effect they are having.

Though I don't like crowds,
I feel better having some kind of noise in the background, such as t.v.
Feel guilty if I am not engaged in some type of
goal-oriented pursuit or

What can I take to help lower my blood pressure, strengthen my heart, ease the depression and get rid of ths erectile dysfunction?

Thanks for any homeopathic remedies you could suggest.
  blessme44 on 2005-12-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Use Aurum Met 30,5 drops thrice daily in a little water alongwith baryta mur 3x,2 tablets thrice daily.I hope these medicines will help you.Regarding your erectile disfunction it will revive slowly.Modern hypertensive drugs badly effect this so it takes time for reversal.
sajjadakram635 last decade
I see from reading some of the other posts that I may not have put in all you require to make an appropriate analysis, so here are the answers below that I did not include in the previous post:

1. Age-59

2. Sex-Male
3. country-United States

4. climate-dry, not much rain, live in Nevada, which is in the desert, hate the excessive heat in summers

5. current complain-from how many days-
Have had these problems since 1994,after over 20 years of smoking, also had had major dental surgery due to periodontal disease and that is when the symptoms began to kick in

6. current medicine you are taking- metoprolol, lasix, isorsorbide dinatrate,zocor,
herbals I mentioned in my first post

7. sign & Symptom of disease-sometimes cramps from walking, got worse after being
put on statin drug, sometimes get winded upon exertion like walking or lifting things,
fluctuating blood pressure readings, depression, PTSD

8. Slight back history-
Given in first post

9. family back ground-
Fatherhad heart disease and high blood pressure, mother and brothers all had depression

10. qualification of patient ??

11. Nature of working-
Co-owner of small home business

12. desire and aversion of food-
mentioned foods I crave earlier, dislike pickles, sour foods, do not like drinks or anything else that are too cold

Think I pretty much answered 13 and 14 in my earlier post
blessme44 last decade
According to your point .5. below you state you had "major dental surgery", this could be the main cause of all your troubles.
Follow the links below for more information, and possibly a happier life.

>5. current complain-from how many days-
>Have had these problems since 1994, after over 20 years of smoking, also had had major dental >surgery due to periodontal disease and that is when the symptoms began to kick in

w w wDOTcurezoneDOTcom/dental/root_canal.asp
Amalgam page, amalgam - mercury health risk
w w wDOTcurezoneDOTcom/dental/amalgampage.asp

The International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology
w w wDOTiaomtDOTorg
The Scientific Case Against Amalgam
w w wDOTiaomtDOTorg/articledetails.cfm?artid=99

Dr Huggins
w w wDOTdrhugginsDOTcom
A 17+ minute audio interview. (Very informative)
w w wDOTdrhugginsDOTcom/default.asp?PageName=Healthy%20Talk%20Radio%20Interview

Preventive Dental Health Association

PS Remove the DOT and replace with "." and remove the spaces between the w w w.
How do others manage to post web addresses ?

TimCam last decade

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