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Eczema and bleeding cuts in feet Page 2 of 2
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My skin is definitely responding to the medicine. However, it is very very slow. The digestive system has a noticeable betterment though.
sadhus last decade
Pls confirm this: when you said half glass of water, it means about 150 ml right? I put one drop in it and that's how I took the medicine.
sadhus last decade
The body will heal at its own pace with digestion & other internal issues being the first to resolve.
fitness last decade
After taking 2doses and more than one month, I don't see any change in my feet. I agree it works wonders on my digestion. However, I don't know if it has any impact on my feet. Because, digestion impact was very clear even from first day of taking medicine.
However, the feet still remain the same. Dryness hasn't reduced even a little bit. The cracks went down a little bit since I was taking good care like wearing socks and applying moisturiser.
Please advice. I strongly feel lycopodium is not the one for my feet.
After taking 2doses and more than one month, I don't see any change in my feet. I agree it works wonders on my digestion. However, I don't know if it has any impact on my feet. Because, digestion impact was very clear even from first day of taking medicine.
However, the feet still remain the same. Dryness hasn't reduced even a little bit. The cracks went down a little bit since I was taking good care like wearing socks and applying moisturiser.
Please advice. I strongly feel lycopodium is not the one for my feet.
sadhus last decade
Hello sir
I am reporting the effect of medicine on me. If you think that lycopodium is e only remedy for this remedy, then I could probably for one month and see what happens.
However, as I said before, not a slightest change in feet is noted till now.
I am reporting the effect of medicine on me. If you think that lycopodium is e only remedy for this remedy, then I could probably for one month and see what happens.
However, as I said before, not a slightest change in feet is noted till now.
sadhus last decade
Just a couple of posts above you posted 20% improvement in feet cuts, so which post should I believe.
You said digestion is 30% better and here you say wonders in digestion, so what is right.
You said digestion is 30% better and here you say wonders in digestion, so what is right.
fitness last decade
However, before taking second dose, my feet went back to initial level and after taking second dose, I have seen very little change. I went out walking today with my sandals and socks on, I felt miserable with my feet burning within a span of 1km. That might explain the facf that my feet are not healing.
Also, by wonders I meant that significant improvement in gas reduction. However, I stick to my 30%.
Hope that clears my points.
Also, by wonders I meant that significant improvement in gas reduction. However, I stick to my 30%.
Hope that clears my points.
sadhus last decade
I think Lyc is the right remedy. It might take a few months to show improvement in feet skin along with good hygiene and feet care.
fitness last decade
A new development after taking the second dose is that there is increased dryness in feet and Face (new thing). My face is feeling very dry from past 3 days. It's like tightened and I am hydrating it a lot. But still all the hydration goes away in a matter of 10 mnts and Everything is gone.
sadhus last decade
fitness last decade
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