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Posts about Depression, Tinnitus

Long standing depression35Mental irritation, ed, inappropriate sexual thoughts and anxiety and depression214Tinnitus10Reoccurance of UTI with stomach upset and tinnitus1Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with extr!eme depression17Depression2Tinnitus34Acute acidity due to mental depression6Chronic Tinnitus3Intrusive thoughts, sexual obsession, panic attacks depression88


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

ear tinnitus + depression

Dear Friends
I am Raj 31. fropm bangalore INdia. I have had ear tinnitus in my right ear for the past more than 12 years. It all began when a cracker burst near my right ear. Gradually it decreased. But whenever exposed to loud noise, it would aggrevate. Anyways, But for the past one year it has increased like anything. I was under depression and neurasthenia for the past one year. THe cause not known to me. May be extensive MB(masturbating) resulted to this. I used to talk a lot over mobile say almost 4 hours a day. THe condition worsened so much that I lost patience and could hardly remain at rest. Alwys restless and wandering and melancholy and the fear of meeting people. Mind alwys filled with thoughts. Thoughts of yesteryears and commiting suicide. over power me. Even now i dont get a good sleep, I get frustrated over a slight tension and then my heart beats like anything and my limbs go cold. I have severe backache and flatulence and i am underweight also. I could not concentrate and now the ear tinnitus has increased like anything and resulted in ear deafness too.

If any friend can help me out. I have tried material doses of lot of medicines like China 30, Phos acid, Kali phos 6x, Phosphorus 200, Aconite 30, Kali mur, Five phos, Tribulus Tri Q, Avena sativa, German Alfalfa tonic. and too much. The neurasthinic condition has improved a little but the ear problem is increasing and whenever i take tensions it aggrevates. I cannot remember things and always feel like commiting suicide. Please friends help me out. I have stopped MB and do it once in 10 days only. Even i can see lot of black spots before my eys like springs and dont have a good vision even with correct spectacles

Please friends help me out
  raj 123 on 2005-12-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear friends
I recenly read aurum metallicum and asarum can cure nerve deafness. Please read and reply . It is there in materia medica. And only in aurum and asarum this nerve deafness is there
raj 123 last decade
Dear raj 123,

Take Aurum Met 1M one dose which is two drops or globules.Then report in ten days as to how you feel.Stop masturbating if you can.Two days after takinf Aurum Met, start taking Agnus Castus 6C morning and night for a week.

All the best.

rajivprasad last decade
Dear Rajiv
I was takin aurum 30. Now I will take Aurum 1M. But jus one dose will be enough? Or can I take one in a day.Please guide. And wat about the tinnitus?? any other medicines
raj 123 last decade
Take one dose of Aurum Met 1M and wait for ten days.Take the other medicine as i suggested.Then report after ten days.One dose is enough as 1M is a high potency and its effect lasts for a much longer time.I will guide you as you go along.It may help tinnitus also.

rajivprasad last decade
Hi Raj lycopodium 12c addresses all of u r existing symptoms...

1 dose= before break fast =5 pills

2 dose=1 hr after the food=5 pills

3 dose=1hr an hr after the dinner

let me u r symptoms once u start using this ...

ravibengaluru last decade
kind attn dr. ravi

i came to know about u from abc homeo pathic forum i am suffering from tinnitus for past 25 years. pl suggest suitable medicine. i give my complete details below. lakshmi1. name - mrs. lakshmi d pillai
2. age - 39 years3. sex - female4. married/unmarried – married with 11 year old daughter
.5 list of complain 1. tinnitus ( non stop buzzing sounds in both of my ears for the past 25 years
2. hearing not clear. (some percent of mild hearing problem), sometimes blockage in ears - when i watch tv or cinema, many times i find it difficult to understand what the characters speak
3. allergic sneezes – 26 years- allergic to many things like, sour food, cold food, change of climate, dust, fruits , ( for 2 years i am having ayurvedic medicine hence sneezes are under control)
6 since how long suffering for each complain tinnitus – 25 years ( for 13 years hammering sounds & cracking sounds came in both ears . one day that hammering/cracking sounds stopped and now for last 12 years buzzing sounds coming non stop from both ears daily) no improvement at all – total years of suffering is 25 years allergy cold – 26 years - since i am having ayurvedic tablets for cold, sneezes are under control 8. current medicine taking - multivitamin & zinc supplements and ayurvedic tablets for keeping allergic cold under control. i am taking ars alb 30c for 15 days no improvement in my tinnitus
padmadharmar last decade
I am curious to know that if you have got cured of your illness by now?
ronaldo81 last decade
Dear dr. ronaldo

tks for yr concern,
actually one dr. ajoy bhattarcharya prescribed me constitutional medicine which was carbo veg in potency of 30 c 200c & 1m potency.
I tried only 30 c & 200c but there was n o improvement in my condition, I still hv to try 1m of carbo veg.
padmadharmar last decade
am a tinnitus sufferer plz help me any one know about this treatment .hearing not clear. (some percent of mild hearing problem), sometimes blockage in ears - when i watch tv or cinema, many times i find it difficult to understand what the characters speak please contact me nipinrajgmailcom
Nipin Raj last decade

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