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Hi karamjitkaur,

What remedies have been taken for the last 5 days?
nawazkhan last decade
Hi Karamjit kaur,

You have symptoms that i had before.. pls check my prev posts.. i had constant white discharge for 4 months, with heavy periods at time.. Calc carb helped me as suggested by dr. Kadwa.

Also try ANulom vilom and kapalbhati ..breathing exercise .will help a lot
bhavnas90 last decade
Many Thanks It gave me a hope.
i am taking staphysagria 200 4 drops in a very little water.
Feeling like very sad dump.
rest is same.
karamjitkaur last decade
hello sir
I am taking staphysagria 200
i am also feeling too hot and burning in my stomach and also bitter taste .Pain is still countinuous ,still pelvic pressure ,feeling weak,less energy ,morning sickness,constipation.
Pls reply
Many Thanks
karamjitkaur last decade

What was the response from Kreosotum 30C? When did you take that?
nawazkhan last decade
The previous medicine kreosotum 30 made my stomach tender.bloating. in pain no improvement .especially upper stomach is very hard and even when I uee hot water bottle for pain in lower abdomen I dodnot feel the heat very very less .I feel something hard in my lower abdomen .rest is same
karamjitkaur last decade
"What was the response from Kreosotum 30C? When did you take that?"
How is the Vaginal discharge and smell?

When did you take this remedy?
nawazkhan last decade
Hello dr nawaz
I took kerosotum before 10feb. I start staphysagria yesterday.and no change in leucorrea still fishy smell and milky.but itching start too much.
karamjitkaur last decade

Please take Kreosotum 30C as well, for 4 more days.

What are the mind symptoms? Are you angry? How do you take criticism now?
nawazkhan last decade
Same as before but it making my body tender.i am getting angry too much all the time I am pressing my teeth even while sleeping. My jaws are paining.
Do I need to start today as today is third day of staphysagria.
Pls reply.
karamjitkaur last decade
i also want to mention one more thing that i am feeling pain and too much pressure in lower abdomen also pain like periods pain (before periods).
My periods was in january from 21-28jan and also start again 02 feb and stop on 04.
pls reply
Many thanks
karamjitkaur last decade
"Do I need to start today as today is third day of staphysagria. "
No, let's wait to take care of your early periods problem.

Please take Pulsatilla 30C, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 3 days. Stop the remedy, if period start?

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
hello dr nawaz
I start pulsatilla 30 yesterday as per your instruction Still No change in pain but i got fever and very bad headache like very bad cramps inside my head
Pls reply
Many Thanks
karamjitkaur last decade
"Still No change in pain"
Please describe this pain, where and type? It is not due to the remedy.

Do you have a cold right now?
nawazkhan last decade
Hello sir
Pain is like period pain .pelvic pressure pain in lower abdomen and feeling pressure downwards.i feel cold feet are freezing but no cold cough.whole body is lethargic.
Pls reply.
Many Thanks
karamjitkaur last decade
Please take Mag Phos 1m as well, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, 1 time a day, for 3 days.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
Hello dr nawaz
I did not get meg phos as it is out of stock but I place the order yeaterday and I will get it by today evening.i am taking pulsatilla as per your instructions. Now I got very bad sore shroat its irritate like choke.fever is 100 .pain in lower abdomen is same headache same mind is very much irriaate and leucorrea and itching is also same .pls pls advise.waiting for your reply
Many thanks
karamjitkaur last decade
Please list all remedies at home right now?
nawazkhan last decade
Hello dr nawaz
Thank you for your reply.i have sepia 30 .staphysagria 200, 30 .pulsatilla 200. Kreosotum 30 , echinacea ,calcareia carbonica 200 and there are more from last year but there is no name on it as my doc did not gave me any prescription.i bought some which he told me not available. .
I also would like to inform you after the treatment from my previous doc last year in jan 2014 I did not get any benefit but I got too much acidity which is still today giving me too much burning in my upper stomach. .I have to take renatidine every day.
Pls advise
Waiting for your reply.
Many Thanks
karamjitkaur last decade
Hi, So, at this time, please take one dose of Calcareia Carbonica 200C, at bed time tonight.

Many prayers for you.
[message edited by nawazkhan on Sat, 14 Feb 2015 17:50:11 GMT]
nawazkhan last decade
One dose ??? Is it same as previous doses of other medicine?
Pls explain
Many thanks
karamjitkaur last decade
"One dose ??? Is it same as previous doses of other medicine? "
nawazkhan last decade
Hello dr nawaz
Many thanks for a quick reply.i was continuously checking your response.
Thanks alot sir
Many thanks
karamjitkaur last decade
You are welcome. Stay Blessed!

More prayers for your pain free life.
nawazkhan last decade
Hello dr nawaz
I got mag phos 1m pls explain which medicinee I have to take. After calcaria carb 200 I went for urination 4-5times.
Rest problems same no change.
Shall I take meg phos or pulsatilla or cacaria carbonica.pls explain.
Waiting fir your response.
Many thanks
karamjitkaur last decade
"Rest problems same no change. "
Please describe your problems and complete symptoms again.

When was the Calc Carb 200C dose taken?
nawazkhan last decade

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