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Interstitial cystitis2Chronic vaginitis with chronic bladder cystitis2Potency of Equisetum Hyemale for Cystitis1Male with possible overactive bladder/interstitial cystitis3Please Advise Medicine for stricture urethra and cystitis1cholecystitis3cat suffering from idiopathic cystitis1Interstitial cystitis1Interstitial cystitis3Chronic Cystitis12


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Frightful thoughts and cystitis

Hello dear Dr,

I am experiencing various health problems.

I suffer from a cystitis (not a bacterial one) which makes me pee many times a day (especially if I eat some particular foods like oranges, ananas and many other fruits. When eating them I suddenly feel cold and dark circles appear around my eyes, and in a matter of minutes I go to pee many times).
My glans stinks a bit and has a light white discharge on it ( in the lowest part ).

I also suffer from premature ejaculation. I get aroused very easily and expel my semen very very quickly, as soon as I insert my member in my partner's vagina.

It happens to me that some times some frightful thougts pop up in my mind, such as the fear of hurting or killing someone. This kind of thoughts scare me so much, and everytime I am afraid of losing control of myself.

My trapezius is stiff, and my shoulders are always contracted, raised from their usual position.

It takes time for me to digest food, especially fat foods.

3 cysts appeared on my head as soon as the previous symptoms came up.

I hop you can help me with your knowledge.

Many thanks in advance.
  maxguevara on 2015-04-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I can consider your case but you need to give many answers, copy the questions list in notepad,
write answers in same way with questions and then paste in post reply, NO SHORT answers explain MAXIMUM you can.

1. Age,sex,weight,country,occupation.

2. Main complaints and other associated troubles.
a)Where is the trouble; The exact locality of the complaint like hands,legs etc; duration of trouble.
b)What exactly do you feel, Sensation as pain, how pain feels or burn etc.
c)What are the factors that causes this trouble according to you.
d)Condition under which the complaint is reduced or you feel better like,cold or hot application,cold or hot weather,position as standing,walking,rest etc.
e)Condition under which the complaint is increased like,cold or hot application,cold or hot weather,position as standing,walking,rest etc.
f)Any other complaint any where in the body.
g)Onset time of troubles in detail, i.e which came first, after that what problem and so on.
h)Treatment method adopted and its result.

3. History of diseases in family.

4. Personal History.
a)About childhood.
b)Academic performance.
c)Any major incidents in life and the effect of it on life.
d)How you are satisfied with your sex life, friends, family members, company etc.

5. Habits/Addiction.
a)Smoking, Alcohol,Sleeping pills, Laxative etc.
b)Masturbation and frequency.

6. How is your Appetite and Thirst.

7. Likes and Dislikes.
a)Alcohol Bread Butter Bitter Salt Sweet Sour Fats Milk Mud Chalk Egg Spicy food Meat Fish Fruits Fried Food
Warm food-drink Cold food-drink Ice Ice cream Chocolates Tea Coffee.
b)Anything else about like and dislike of any activity with you or surrounding.

8. Bowel movements.
a)Nature of stool, frequency, satisfactory or not.
b)Any discomforts associated with stool.

9. Urine.
a)Frequency, nature, volume.
b)Any discomfort before, during or after urination/odour

10. For men.
a)Any difference in erection/want of erection/weak erection/Ejaculation early/late.
b)Any other trouble in sex.

11. For Females.
a)Menses, Regular, Irregular,Early, Late.
b)Duration of menses.
c)Nature of flow, Scanty, Blood colour, Consistency, Odour, Staining, itching/ when and what makes it worse/better.

12. Sleep.
a)The quality of sleep, the quietness or restlessness of sleep,
position of sleep, times of waking and reasons for waking,
need for cover over various parts of the body,
whether the window must be open or closed etc.
common dreams, peculiar sounds or gestures during sleep, etc.

13. Sweat
a)How much, what parts, staining, Odour.

14. Weather
a)Tolerance to heat and cold, dryness, humidity, weather changes, sun,
foggy weather, wind drafts, closed rooms, etc.

15. Mental Status
a)The quality of the patient's life in relationship to loved ones, family, friends and colleagues. Overall quality of energy available to function in daily life, and under various circumstances.
b)Any mental/emotional shocks occurring in the patient's life-grief, major financial losses separation from loved ones, death, identity crisis and other stress in life.
c)Memory,ability to concentrate/comprehend.
d)Are you fearful of anything eg: Animals, people, being alone, darkness, death, disease, robbers, thunder, storm, high places.
e)Are you anxious about anything: if yes, give details.
f)Are you impatient.
g)Are you doubtful or suspicious.
h)Are you hurt easily (emotionally)how do you react. Does it cause hatred/revenge.
i)Does your pride get hurt easily.
j)Are you depressed, if so, reason/circumstances.
k)Do you like to share your problems.
l)Effect of consolation.
m)Do you ever become suicidal when? How.
n)Memory- quality if poor, for what ( eg. Names, places, people, what you read).
o)Do you weep easily, effect of weeping, ie, does it make you worse or better.
p)Are you easily irritated. What makes you angry, how do you express it.
q)Are you destructive.
r)How good are you in making decisions.
s)Do you like company or like to remain alone.
t)How seriously are you affected by disorder and uncleanness in your surroundings.
u)How does failure appear to you?
v)Are there any matters that you deeply dislike?
w)What activities you deeply like? How does it affect your mood?
x)Are you affectionate? How does others sorrow affect you?
y)Any present fears in your life or future.
z)Any present life or future life desires.

16.Describe your face and tongue by doing FACIAL AND TONGUE DIAGNOSIS by visiting homeomzp.blogspot.com

17.(OPTIONAL) For medical astrology tell your birth place,location,timing(dd/mm/yyyy format)

NOTE-- if proper reporting will not be done by you, then i will close the case, you can take advice from others.

0antivirus0 9 years ago
I would like to thank you for your help.
Here is the answers; sorry for my english, i hope you can understand it.

1. Age,sex,weight,country,occupation.
28, male, 65kg, Italy, healthcare professionist

2. Main complaints and other associated troubles.
a)Where is the trouble; The exact locality of the complaint like hands,legs etc; duration of trouble.
In the genital area and bladder
b)What exactly do you feel, Sensation as pain, how pain feels or burn etc.
Urge to pee when drink too much and pain associated.
c)What are the factors that causes this trouble according to you.
Exams show there's no bacterial overgrowth, so i think is some mental issue or maybe some hidden parasites
d)Condition under which the complaint is reduced or you feel better like,cold or hot application,cold or hot weather,position as standing,walking,rest etc.
When fasting.
e)Condition under which the complaint is increased like,cold or hot application,cold or hot weather,position as standing,walking,rest etc.
Eating fruits like oranges, ananas, strawberries. They suddenly make my bladder hurt and i rush to the bathroom
f)Any other complaint any where in the body.
Stiff neck, trapezius and shoulders. Premature ejaculation. Cold hands and feet. Dark circles around he eyes (gets worse when drinking too much or eating fruit or fatty foods)
g)Onset time of troubles in detail, i.e which came first, after that what problem and so on.
First came the stiff shoulders, then cystitis, then premature ejaculation.
h)Treatment method adopted and its result.
I went to a osteopath for the shoulders, but i didn't get any success. Then i took some natural pills for cystitis (d-mannose) but no success either.

3. History of diseases in family.
My grandma has diabetes.

4. Personal History.
a)About childhood.

b)Academic performance.
Never was a great student. The subjects at school rarely got my attention.
c)Any major incidents in life and the effect of it on life.
at 20 i had a serious car crash where a car hit mine from behind at high speed.
After that accident i suffered from panic attacks and had some back problems.
d)How you are satisfied with your sex life, friends, family members, company etc.
My sex life is not as i would like it to be because of premature ejaculation. My friends are good.
I don't tolerate too much my dad, he is irritating some times and he doesn't know what respecting people's spaces mean.
My mother is lovely and takes care of me in many ways.

5. Habits/Addiction.
a)Smoking, Alcohol,Sleeping pills, Laxative etc.
b)Masturbation and frequency.
few times a year

6. How is your Appetite and Thirst.
Good appetite, no thirst at all.

7. Likes and Dislikes.
a)Alcohol Bread Butter Bitter Salt Sweet Sour Fats Milk Mud Chalk Egg Spicy food Meat Fish Fruits Fried Food
Warm food-drink Cold food-drink Ice Ice cream Chocolates Tea Coffee.
I like sweet foods, bread, chocolate, warm foods like soups, cereals and yogurts
i dislike meat, fish,salty foods, iced foods, too much fat foods, alcohol
b)Anything else about like and dislike of any activity with you or surrounding.
I dislike when my personal space is violated.

8. Bowel movements.
a)Nature of stool, frequency, satisfactory or not.
once a day, soft stool, quite satisfactory.
Not always they are well formed
b)Any discomforts associated with stool.
Not really

9. Urine.
a)Frequency, nature, volume.
10 times a day, quite clear orine (sometimes very clear), high volume (of course depending on what and how much i drink).

b)Any discomfort before, during or after urination/odour
Sometimes it stinks like cabbage, particularly on waking up in the morning.

10. For men.
a)Any difference in erection/want of erection/weak erection/Ejaculation early/late.
Powerful erection with easy arousal but quick ejaculation.
Sometimes i ejaculate as soon as i enter vagina.
b)Any other trouble in sex.

11. For Females.
a)Menses, Regular, Irregular,Early, Late.
b)Duration of menses.
c)Nature of flow, Scanty, Blood colour, Consistency, Odour, Staining, itching/ when and what makes it worse/better.

12. Sleep.
a)The quality of sleep, the quietness or restlessness of sleep,
position of sleep, times of waking and reasons for waking,
need for cover over various parts of the body,
whether the window must be open or closed etc.
common dreams, peculiar sounds or gestures during sleep, etc.
Sleep is a bit disturbed, with dreams and sometimes nightmare.
It happens often that i wake up (between 1.00 am and 3.00 a.m. with a terror sensation, with self-defeating thoughts which scare me so much.
Sometimes i also sleep walk, mostly when dreaming of walking on a collapsing floor.

13. Sweat
a)How much, what parts, staining, Odour.
Very little sweating. I need to do much physycal exercise to start sweating

14. Weather
a)Tolerance to heat and cold, dryness, humidity, weather changes, sun,
foggy weather, wind drafts, closed rooms, etc.
Cold climate takes its toll on me. When it's cold i really feel it in my bones and blood and start shaking and trembling, even for a slight decrease in temperature

15. Mental Status
a)The quality of the patient's life in relationship to loved ones, family, friends and colleagues. Overall quality of energy available to function in daily life, and under various circumstances.
I have a girlfriend. Sometimes we argue and suffer, but i love her deeply.
I love my mother, but she instilled in me many fears since when i was a child. She is anxious about me and over-protective.
My father was never very present at home. He is not very respectful of me since he smokes in my presence (i hate smoke), he is a very loud person, always talking aloud, with tv and pc always turned on with music and shows.
He is also very spiteful. He hardly was ever sweet and affectionate, still i really love him.
I have few friends, but very good ones. My best friend is like a father to me.
I don't have colleagues since i'm not working at the moment.
I have little energy as i tend to be a passive one. But when i forcedly activate myself in doing something, a big amount of energy rises in me.
b)Any mental/emotional shocks occurring in the patient's life-grief, major financial losses separation from loved ones, death, identity crisis and other stress in life.
The biggest lost i had recently is the death of my Grandpa. A persone i loved and still love deep from my heart. An example, a teacher, a father, a friend, all this he was for me and when thinking about him i still cry, because
i really really adored him.
I'm also experiencing a personal crisis in which my real Self and my Ego are separating. Sometimes i'm full of divine joy and love, and sometimes i'm depressed, like nothing has a sense.
c)Memory,ability to concentrate/comprehend.
Not very able to focus, lately
d)Are you fearful of anything eg: Animals, people, being alone, darkness, death, disease, robbers, thunder, storm, high places.
Fearful of hurting myself or someone else, fear of blood collection (for blood analisys), fear of injections with syringes, of high places where my feet are not grounded onto something stable,
of horror films where there is violence.
e)Are you anxious about anything: if yes, give details.
Yes, about my future (economically speaking) since i would like to become independent and not be a weight on my parents shoulders.
f)Are you impatient.
Sometimes i am.
g)Are you doubtful or suspicious.
Not that much. Only in certain occasions
h)Are you hurt easily (emotionally)how do you react. Does it cause hatred/revenge.
When i'm hurt i keep it inside and try to observe the feeling and not identify myself with it. It's most often a feeling of rage.
i)Does your pride get hurt easily.
j)Are you depressed, if so, reason/circumstances.
Yes, because of the recurring thoughts which arise in my mind (such as hurting someone or myself).
They give me no peace and i feel like i'm going mad.
k)Do you like to share your problems.
No, i'm very introvert
l)Effect of consolation.
Sometimes it makes me feel loved
m)Do you ever become suicidal when? How.
No, but as said previously, self-hurting thoughts came in my mind, but not like they are my own thoughts.
n)Memory- quality if poor, for what ( eg. Names, places, people, what you read).
I have very good memory for long-term events
o)Do you weep easily, effect of weeping, ie, does it make you worse or better.
No... mostly i weep when thinking about my grandpa
p)Are you easily irritated. What makes you angry, how do you express it.
Yes, noises irritate me very much because they upset me and make me lose my focus.
I don't always express it. I tend to observe the feeling and let it go.
q)Are you destructive.
A bit, when disconsolate and hopeless.
r)How good are you in making decisions.
I'm not very resoluted and tend to be in the middle
s)Do you like company or like to remain alone.
Remain alone. Sometimes i go on the mountains in my second house and stay there alone for days and days.
t)How seriously are you affected by disorder and uncleanness in your surroundings.
Not affected.
u)How does failure appear to you?
I care little about it. On the road to success it's possible to fail sometimes.
v)Are there any matters that you deeply dislike?
Deeply not
w)What activities you deeply like? How does it affect your mood?
Playing soccer with friends, meditating, eating healthy and delicious foods, learning. They make me feel happy and like i have a purpose, like life gets his colours back.
x)Are you affectionate? How does others sorrow affect you?
Sometimes i am, but mostly i have difficulties in showing my feelings to others. When in sorrow i tend to isolate myself and live it alone.
y)Any present fears in your life or future.
Of not being able to become economically independent.
Of going crazy and hurt myself or someone else.
z)Any present life or future life desires.
Become healthy and have my space, become independent, with a house, a garden where i can have my vegetable garden and animals.

16.Describe your face and tongue by doing FACIAL AND TONGUE DIAGNOSIS by visiting homeomzp
Deep dark circles under eyes
Sunken cheeks
Dehydrated skin

17.(OPTIONAL) For medical astrology tell your birth place,location,timing(dd/mm/yyyy format)
28/08/1986 Parma, Italy, 6.30 P.M.
maxguevara 9 years ago
take OXALICUM ACIDUM 200c liquid, 2 drops in a tablespoon water, only 2 dose not more than that, not daily, 1st dose before sleep and next dose next morning after wakeup,

{if buying pills then 3 pills as one dose, 2 times, 1st at night and 2nd after wakeup, chew it, do not swallow with water}

do not eat or drink anything 30 minutes before and after medicine,


feeling calm=
good sleep=
proper energy level=
self control=
confidence level=
freshness on waking up=
love and affection with others=
mental freedom or freshness=
frequent urination=
frightful thoughts=
shoulder pain=
any other change you felt=

0antivirus0 9 years ago
Many thanks,
I will report back in 20 days.
maxguevara 9 years ago
feeling calm= same
good sleep= same
proper energy level= more or less the same
self control= a bit less
confidence level= a little better
freshness on waking up= same
love and affection with others= a little better maybe
mental freedom or freshness= less
frequent urination= same
frightful thoughts= more
shoulder pain= same
any other change you felt= more hungry
maxguevara 9 years ago
i am examining your case again will reply tommorow
0antivirus0 9 years ago
take CANTHARIS VESICATORIA 200c liquid, 2 drops in a tablespoon water, only 2 dose not more than that, not daily, 1st dose before sleep and next dose next morning after wakeup,

{if buying pills then 3 pills as one dose, 2 times, 1st at night and 2nd after wakeup, chew it, do not swallow with water}

do not eat or drink anything 30 minutes before and after medicine,


feeling calm=
good sleep=
proper energy level=
self control=
confidence level=
freshness on waking up=
love and affection with others=
mental freedom or freshness=
frequent urination=
frightful thoughts=
shoulder pain=
any other change you felt=

0antivirus0 9 years ago
Thank you,
I'll let you know.
maxguevara 9 years ago

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.