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Attn: Rishimba..4 YO male, eczema like problem
Dear Rishimba,My 4 year old son is having eczema like problem in both his legs (image attached) three spots of similar nature. The spots neither pain or itch. He is having this since the last 2-3 months. Apart from "Bio-combination 6" for cough & cold and Calc phos for Calcium at least 6 months back we haven't given him any other homeopathic medicine. We haven't given him any allopathic medicine for this problem. We tried giving him neem tree leaves but it is not working in his case.
Thanking you in advance.
Rajesh Singh
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rajeshsingh on 2015-04-22
What makes it better and what makes it worse?
Describe the child's personality, his likes and dislikes in food, thirst, sweat etc.
Does he like to be in warm or cool environment?
♡ rishimba 9 years ago
It just started with a small spot and later spread. We did try Betnovate-S cream on it but it is not working. It is dry and is spreading. He is active but sometimes shy boy. He dislikes sweet or hot food. He likes salty food. He has less thirst. He is very sweaty in warm environment thus likes cool environment.
rajeshsingh 9 years ago
♡ rishimba 9 years ago
I have given him one dose of Phosphorus 200c, will report the progress to you after a week.
Thanks for the help.
rajeshsingh 9 years ago
Please find the latest image after one week of giving one dose of Phosphorus 200c.
Rajesh Singh
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rajeshsingh 9 years ago
I feel you should give him one dose again after 15 days of giving the first dose.
Have you tried moisturizers on the affected area? How does it respond to olive oil or glycerin etc.
♡ rishimba 9 years ago
We have been applying olive oil after your suggestion. Please find the latest image of the spot. I will give him one more dose tonight.
Some more small spots seems to have appeared in his skin.
He has one more problem, saliva comes out from his mouth when he sleeps, either at night or in evening.
Thanks in advance.
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rajeshsingh 9 years ago
Is there any pain or itch?
What other symptoms does he have?
What are the factors or conditions that make this eczema worse and those that make it better?
I feel we have to change the remedy by looking at his totality.
♡ rishimba 9 years ago
Please find my reply inline:
What time is the suffering worst? Day or night?
No change in day or night
Is there any pain or itch?
He itches but not not on these spots but some where else.
What other symptoms does he have?
1. Silva comes out of his mouth when he sleeps.
2. Complains of stomach pain before going to potty.
What are the factors or conditions that make this eczema worse and those that make it better?
Haven't observed any such factors.
Doctor he is very slim even though he eats well.
Please let me know if you have any other queries.
rajeshsingh 9 years ago
Observe his stool for any mucous or blood and quantity of stool. He may be suffering from worms or amoebic infection. You can test his stool for parasites. I am afraid he is infected.
♡ rishimba 9 years ago
I will give him MERC SOL 200C as suggested. Just to update you that today I have already given him albendazole for worms. So far he has not passed stool.
Since I have already given him Phosphorus 200c yesterday, do I need to maintain a time gap for MERC SOL 200C first dose after phos 200.
Thanks for helping me out.
rajeshsingh 9 years ago
Postpone it to next week. I suggested Merc sol on his totality as these are all related. Merc Sol would have addressed his amoebic infection as well.
Anyways, wait for a week and then let me know about his symptoms.
♡ rishimba 9 years ago
After giving him albendazole on 9th of this month, we did not find any mucous or blood or worms in his stool. Mean while we tried giving him neem tree leaves to eat but that too did not work. Now we can see multiple new small spots popping up (say 40-50 nos in count). Please let me know if I should go ahead with Merc Sol. Please find the latest image attached of the old spot for your perusal.
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rajeshsingh 9 years ago
If you can, please try to give me his full case including his mental nature, behavior, when and how did this problem start, his generals like appetite, thirst, sweating, stool and urination, sleep, fears and dreams, any peculiarities etc.
What makes this symptom worse and what makes it better?
Do you see any periodicity or peculiarity in its timing of aggravation? Day, Night, Evening, Morning etc.
What is the exact sensation in his words?
Is it suppurating or is it filled with pus inside?
How does it respond to pressure, rubbing, cold or hot application?
♡ rishimba 9 years ago
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