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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Sinus Problem

I have been suffering from heaviness in the head this winter. I think it has to do with accumulation of mucus in the Sinuses. I have pain in the left eye. I feel pressure in my head. This is interfering with my daily activities. Sometimes I feel nauseated also. I can't seem to concentrate.

I would appreciate your suggestions.

Thanks in advance.
  sdoodala on 2006-01-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
First avoid cold by winter dress after that contine the following medicine for a week
Kali Bich 30c 2-4 pills thrice in a day for a week and report to the forum
dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Yes Kali Bich is the right prescription.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Thanks a lot for the quick replies.

I am currently taking Lachesis 200 (3 doses each after 4 days) for my sinus problem. I have completed 2 doses. But do not see any difference. Could you please let me know if I should wait until I complete all 3 doses of Lachesis before I start kali bichromium ? Do these medications interfere with each other ?

Appreciate your input.

Thanks !
sdoodala last decade
You can stop this and have Kali birch 200, 2 pills a day for 3 days. Wait a week for results.
new2town last decade

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