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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Daughter case for Evocationer

My daughter, age 2-
1. Very spirited, happy, hyperactive
2. Restless sleeper, wakes at the slightest noise, wakes frequently, not eating enough during the day makes it worse
3. Very clingy, still breastfeeds, needs lots of comfort from mom only
4. Loves being outside, loves being barefoot
5. Loves being around people, center of attention.. but has recently become scared of some guys at first but eventually warms up to them.
6. Has a temper and screams/throws stuff when upset, but then is also VERY loving. Cradles and gives hugs and kisses to her dolls
7. Coordinated
8. Traumatic birth, in labor for a couple days (unfortunately, induced) was vacuum extracted due to dropping heart rate. Was a low birth weight baby at 5lbs 6oz.
9. Very alert from birth (looked around the whole car ride home for 45 min, awake for long hours just looking around
10. Strawberry dirty blond hair and grey/blue eyes
11. Somewhat of a daredevil (always goes for the most dangerous on the playground!)
12. Worse when things don’t go her way, even the small silly things. Stubborn and likes to do it herself.
13. Likes cold food
14. Slow painful teether
15. very sensitive to injuries and protects that area for a couple weeks
16. Not vaccinated, but I did have to take meds during pregnancy.
17. Occasional stomach cramps lower left intestine.
18. Inconsistent bowel movements, only 2-3 times a week.
  Rockyblue04 on 2015-05-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Should also mention that she was very tense as a baby. Had clenched, white knuckles a lot. She would have stiff limbs and fight you if you tried to get her dressed. Fought the swaddle and didn't like to be tied down. She is loud.. If the blender or vacuum is going she needs to yell to match or top the noise.
Rockyblue04 8 years ago

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