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I took arsenicum album. With in an hour my headache was aggravated. I am very sensitive to medicine
Gitu11 9 years ago
If you have aggravation, its a good sign. It means you have responded and this is the right remedy.

Stop dosing and wait for the aggravation to get over.

Things will improve after it is over.
rishimba 9 years ago
Yes i felt little better I took second dose only 2 pills again I felt pins and needles over my body. Should I take third dose. Or stop
Gitu11 9 years ago
And I also feel I don't have any thinking power for everything I have to put lot of concentration
Gitu11 9 years ago
And I also want to let u know that I am taking 2 pills of 30 c . I am scared from side effects and level of arsenic. You told me to get 3 pills but I am taking 2. Can u tell me about side effects so I can be free from worries
Gitu11 9 years ago
It won't matter much if you take 2 pills or 3 pills. The only thing which will matter is that the remedy should be able to create a stimulus and evoke a response. It is like an 'information' which is the same whether you say it softly or a bit loudly...you convey the same thing.

If you have any aggravation or new symptom, you have to stop dosing. I had told you this earlier also. Please follow what I tell you or else you may not get cured.

So, now wait and watch yourself getting better...don't take any further doses.

Only if your symptoms return, take one dose of 30C or 200C.
rishimba 9 years ago
Thanks I will stop. But I have lot of pain going from back of ear to neck and shoulders. What should I take. I have arnica 200 at home
Gitu11 9 years ago
Don't mix remedies. Now that you are on ARS ALB, don't take anything else.

We will see later if all your problems don't get solved with this.
rishimba 9 years ago
I did not take today dose. But I have very bad headache. I took one Tylenol. I couldn't tolerate it. Hopefully it's fine. How long it takes for this aggravation to go away.I have ear pain , pressure in my head neck ache.
Gitu11 9 years ago
Are you sure this is aggravation and not your original symptom?

Do you generally get aggravation from homeopathic doses even in low potencies?
rishimba 9 years ago

What can I take for general body aches and fatigue
Gitu11 9 years ago
You need to give specific symptoms with modalities, probable cause, sensations and locations.
rishimba 9 years ago
Hi I just got my blood results back I have cocsacci virus positive. My symptoms are fatigue, headache, and burning sensation and pricking needles over my arms and legs. Can u suggest something. It's been 2,3 weeks with these symptoms.
Gitu11 9 years ago
Can you tell me exactly, what makes these sensations worse and what makes them better?

What is the probable cause of this infection?
rishimba 9 years ago

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