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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Hernia case Page 3 of 5

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I have finished taking Lyco 200 today.
The urologist confirmed small right side hydrocele. He also said that I have a small right inguinal hernia. Permanent solution is to do surgery to fix both- urologist will remove the hydrocele fluid sac and surgeon will close the hernia. No need to do CT scan. Urologist also said my condition is not dangerous and I can proceed with my activities without worry, which relieved my mental stress significantly. I can wait for the surgery, there's no hurry, he said.

Please advise on what to take next.
Thanks, I appreciate the help.
suna711 9 years ago

Please take Cocculus Indicus 200C, 1 time a day, for 3 days.

So, do you have Silicea 200C with you now?

Many prayers......
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Thanks Doctor.
Yes, I do have Silicia 200C.
Also, not sure if I have told you this before, but I do have a gas problem, yesterday I ate fruits for dinner and the gas got stuck and bothered me. It kind of worsens my hernia situation.
suna711 9 years ago
You are welcome. Good. This remedy should help your gas issues as well.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
I have taken Cocculus Indicus 200C, 1 time a day, for 3 days, as you suggested.
Please suggest what to take next.
suna711 9 years ago
"what to take next."
Please always give your current Mind and Physical symptoms after taking the remedy.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
current Mind symptoms:
Trying my best not to think of the hernia but mind still sometimes focuses on that. But I'm relieved from the surgeon's diagnosis. Mind feels much more at rest. Will be starting school soon so I feel I will be busy which will help my mind calm down.

current Physical symptoms:
Increased gas in system last couple of days;
I still feel some organs out of place and pushing down in the hernia region;
Nevertheless, feel more confident doing some physical activity
suna711 9 years ago

Please take Silicea 200C, 1 time a day, for 3 days.

Many prayers for your healthy and happy life.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Thanks Doctor.
I took Silicea 200C as suggested.
Current mental & physical symptoms: I feel great, swelling has reduced and am able to engage in light physical activity. Pain and discomfort has gone down. I feel like the decrease in pain ties into also how busy my mind feels so I'm going to talk about mental symptoms as well. I've been very focused on work lately so honestly when I don't focus on the problem, it doesn't present itself to my mind. Overall I feel relaxed about my problem and my worry has receded significantly. I am able to sleep better as I am very tired from work. My main mental symptoms are good stress from school but that drives and motivates me to strive for success.

Please advise on what to take next. I do appreciate all your help.
Thanks a lot!
suna711 9 years ago
Hi, You are welcome. Thanks to our creator.

Please take Thuja 200C, Only One Dose. No other remedy must be taken at this time.

Many prayers for you.
[message edited by nawazkhan on Fri, 11 Sep 2015 16:21:56 UTC]
nawazkhan 9 years ago
I took 1 dose of Thuja 200C as suggested.
Please see current symptoms:
Mind feels much more calm compared to this weekend. I felt more intellectually open and my thoughts were flowing well today. I feel stress but I think it's good stress. Sleep is coming well as I'm tired from work most days, no problem with sleep.

Physically, I feel fine. Am able to move around without a problem. My bowels were cleaned this morning which prevented any swelling from occurring in groin area. I danced at a performance yesterday and felt great without hiccups.

Please let me know what to take next.
I really appreciate all your help. Thank You!
suna711 9 years ago
Hi, Thanks to our creator.

Please take Silicea 200C again, 1 time a day, for 3 days.

Many prayers for your bright career.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
I took Silicia 200C as suggested for 3 days.

Physical: Minor swelling experienced during recent dosage but increased physical activity could explain this. Saturday, I had a dancing event for my dance team that required a couple hours of standing up without break. I noticed increased swellings after the physical activity along with discomfort. The pain was bearable as I'm used to it but was little uncomfortable.

I can see the bulge in the groin area and it hasn't decreased in size. The only time I see decrease in size is after using bathroom to release bowels. Bowel movements are still quite comfortable

Mental Symptoms: Similar to last time, I'm mentally busy and always doing something so my mind is naturally not focused on the problem. I'm so tired that I fall asleep easily. I've been waking up early around 7:30 every day which has kept me more focused and healthy throughout the day.

Please suggest what to take next. Thanks for all the help. AA
suna711 9 years ago
Hi, Please report on time.

Please take Hydrofluoricum Acidum 200C, 1 time a day, for 3 days.

More prayers for you.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Thanks Doctor.
I do not have this medicine at this time. I am ordering it. Can you suggest something else which I can take it in the meantime, until I get this one, as it takes some time to get it.
suna711 9 years ago
Hi, You are welcome.

Well, until then, please take Thuja 200C, Only One Dose.

Many prayers for your good health.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
I took Thuja as directed. I am still waiting on Hydrofluoricum medicine. I am going home end of this month, and then I will bring this one.
Please let me know what to take next in the meantime. Please see the symptoms below:

physical: I have been able to go through my day without wearing a physical support for the last two days and it has felt normal. The only setback I suffered was from excessive laughing at one time where I felt the intestine pushing out. I haven't really tried much physical exercise except for playing basketball with a support on which didn't bother me. Overall, I feel good as I'm eating healthier but sometimes I still get setbacks with the hernia as the swelling is still there.

mental: Mentally, I'm pretty calm. Work can be a bit overwhelming but I try to take a break with friends or play sports. I've been getting about 7 hours of sleep and taking naps in between the day to catch up.

Thank you.
suna711 9 years ago
Hi, Again, please report on time.

Please take Silicea 200C, 1 time a day, for 3 days.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
I took Silicia as suggested. No changes observed compared to what I told you last time. I will be getting the Hydrofluoricum Acidum on Friday Oct 30, so I will take it then. Can you suggest what I can take until then?
suna711 9 years ago
"No changes observed compared to what I told you last time."
It's been a while. Please refresh my memory. I am an old man.
What are the current Mind symptoms? Also, all other Physical symptoms?
nawazkhan 9 years ago
physical: I felt some discomfort after exercising a bit last Sunday but was mainly due to gas caused by empty stomach. Swelling of scrotum area doesn't appear to go down. Can something help to bring down the swelling.

mental: I'm mentally exhausted. Ready to go home tomorrow.
I will have Hydrofluoricum Acidum tomorrow. Please let me know if I should take that or something else and what should be the dosage.
Thanks Doctor.
suna711 9 years ago

Please take Ferrum Phos 200C as well, 1 time a day, for 3 days.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
Hello Doctor Khan. I have taken Hydrofluoricum Acidum 200 and Ferrum Phos 200C for 3 days.
I have been feeling better for last couple of days when taking the medicine. I have observed Increased bowel movement. Initially I noticed some reduced swelling as I was getting good bowel movement, but now no difference in swelling.
Please let me know what to take next.
Thanks for all the help.
suna711 9 years ago
Please report on time.
nawazkhan 9 years ago
I am sorry about the delay in my response and in taking the medicines. Initially, I didn't have both the medicines together. When I came home, I got the Hydrofluor Acidum, but Ferrum Phos was at the college hostel. After I came back to college, I was travelling for some time, so was not able to take the medicine.
Can you please advise on what I should take next.
Thanks for the help.
suna711 9 years ago
So, what are the current symptoms, Mind and all Physical?
nawazkhan 9 years ago

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