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Hernia case Page 5 of 5
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♡ nawazkhan 9 years ago
First of all my apologies for the delay in my response. I got busy with the exams.
I took Ferrum Phos as suggested. The swelling has gone down. The gas above the groin area did bother me. Also felt a little bit pain if I didn't wear tight pants.
My mind was occupied with the exams
Please let me know what to take next.
Thanks for all the help.
I took Ferrum Phos as suggested. The swelling has gone down. The gas above the groin area did bother me. Also felt a little bit pain if I didn't wear tight pants.
My mind was occupied with the exams
Please let me know what to take next.
Thanks for all the help.
suna711 9 years ago
Please take Thuja 200C, 1 time a day, for 3 days.
Many prayers for you.
[message edited by nawazkhan on Tue, 16 Feb 2016 07:28:43 UTC]
Please take Thuja 200C, 1 time a day, for 3 days.
Many prayers for you.
[message edited by nawazkhan on Tue, 16 Feb 2016 07:28:43 UTC]
♡ nawazkhan 9 years ago
I took Thuja as suggested.
Pain is less. Very good bowel movement for last couple of days, even though I didn't eat that well.
Mind has been busy with exams and school work.
Please advise what to take next.
Thanks Doctor for your help.
Pain is less. Very good bowel movement for last couple of days, even though I didn't eat that well.
Mind has been busy with exams and school work.
Please advise what to take next.
Thanks Doctor for your help.
suna711 9 years ago
♡ nawazkhan 9 years ago
I took Silicia as suggested.
Bowel movements have been pretty OK even if I am not eating well. Have experienced cold symptoms through mucus from nose which is bothersome on certain days. I only experienced some pain in the swelling area yesterday as I did not wear a tighter underwear and had to blow my nose a lot.
Mentally normal as usual and busy with exams etc.
Please let me know what to take next.
Bowel movements have been pretty OK even if I am not eating well. Have experienced cold symptoms through mucus from nose which is bothersome on certain days. I only experienced some pain in the swelling area yesterday as I did not wear a tighter underwear and had to blow my nose a lot.
Mentally normal as usual and busy with exams etc.
Please let me know what to take next.
suna711 9 years ago
Hello Doctor - Waiting on your response. Please let me know what to take next.
Thanks for all your help.
Thanks for all your help.
suna711 9 years ago
♡ nawazkhan 9 years ago
I do not have Anacardium Occidentale 200c, is there anything else I can take in between, until I procure it.
suna711 9 years ago
Then, please take Lycopodium 200c, 1 dose every 3rd day, for 2 weeks.
Get the previously suggested remedy asap.
Many prayers for you.
Then, please take Lycopodium 200c, 1 dose every 3rd day, for 2 weeks.
Get the previously suggested remedy asap.
Many prayers for you.
♡ nawazkhan 8 years ago
I took Lycopodium 200 for 3 days. The pain in the area has been bothering me a lot since last 3 days. It is very uncomfortable and painful. I don't feel like walking, just want to lie down. I am home and eating very healthy fibrous food, so not sure what happened. I have not done any exercise also, which could have caused this. I am very stressed out because of all this.
Can you please tell me urgently what I could take to reduce the pain.
Thanks for your help.
Can you please tell me urgently what I could take to reduce the pain.
Thanks for your help.
suna711 8 years ago
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