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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

antivirus, please help Page 2 of 2

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
o)Do you weep easily, effect of
weeping, ie, does it make you worse or
ANS. Dont weep unless emotionally hurt, makes me feel somewhat better
p)Are you easily irritated. What makes
you angry, how do you express it.
q)Are you destructive.
r)How good are you in making
s)Do you like company or like to
remain alone.
like both
t)How seriously are you affected by
disorder and uncleanness in your
ANS. Very little
u)How does failure appear to you?
ANS. Failure in major things appear bad to me.
v)Are there any matters that you
deeply dislike?
ANS. Dont know, maybe present condition
w)What activities you deeply like? How
does it affect your mood?
ANS. Spending time with friends, watching TV, social media, etc. Positive effect on mood
x)Are you affectionate? How does
others sorrow affect you?
not much aaffected by other`s sorrows.
y)Any present fears in your life or
ANS. Present problem
nobita 9 years ago
z)Any present life or future life
ANS. First of all I want to be free of my present problem, enjoy life with friends and family, Study hard,Crack IIT, and have a very good, happy and enjoyable life.
Another thing that i forgot to mention was that I am scared of sleeping alone at night. I am somewhat scared of dogs, if i see dogs on road I try to maintain a good distance from them, few days ago I mistakenly took one dose of pulsatilla 200 same day as taking 2 dose of ignatia 30.
Waiting for your reply
nobita 9 years ago
take these biochemic cell salts DAILY,

CALC SULPH 6X - 3 pills morning

NAT PHOS 6X - 3 pills afternoon

KALI PHOS 6X - 3 pills evening

(chew them, do not swallow with water, nothing 15 minutes before and after medicine)


feeling calm=
good sleep=
proper energy level=
self control=
confidence level=
freshness on waking up=
love and affection with others=
mental freedom or freshness=
chest and leg pain=
mood swings=
desire to live without tension=
any other change you felt=

[message edited by 0antivirus0 on Sun, 12 Jul 2015 03:20:20 UTC]
0antivirus0 9 years ago
thanks. Can aggraggravation occur after taking the medicines?
nobita 9 years ago
NO aggravation
0antivirus0 9 years ago
Are there any dos and donts for taking these remedies, Thank u.
nobita 9 years ago
nothing 15 minute before and after medicine

0antivirus0 9 years ago
Hello Sir,
I have started taking those biochemic cell salts. I know homeopathy medicines would take time to work, I am not able to function normally in daily life, I feel like I was better dead than living like this.
So please I request u to kindly prescribe me some allopathic meds so that I can control myself for the time being then we will continue my biochemic salts.
nobita 9 years ago
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mani_jee 9 years ago
keep some patience nothing will happen to you, just keep doing the astrological remedy also as told,

as per your horoscope the problem is due to planets,

if possible recite MAHA MRITUNJAY MANTRA 11 time daily (youtube or google it), this mantra if done with full belief can cure anything.
0antivirus0 9 years ago
From amiya123 on 2015-08-03, 21 replies
I have the problem of nervousness and concentration. ...I can't sleep at night before the day of exam and interview...and problems in recalling important things during exam....problems in concentrating on my study for long time....and remembering more things. ..I was taking anacardiuum30 for one month before 3drops twice a day. ..and Argentininum nitricum30 for 15 days. ..my age is 23 and weight is 68.....
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Re: fear before exam, nervousness, concentration problem From AsadGhumman on 2015-08-03
You should take Aethusa 200c once daily for 5 days & then once in a week for 2 months. One dose = 1 or 2 drops in quarter cup of water, 30min before taking food.

If you have fear of failure as well then take these medicines for 6 day during the gaps between two successive doses of Aethusa-200c. You should not take these medicines during the first 5 days rather start these after you have taken Aethusa for consecutive 5 days. Also don't take these medicines for more than 10 days in all.

1- Kali Phos-6x

now I am taking both the medicines. ..can you suggest me something else for increasing memory and concentration to remember things by studying once. ....and about the correct dosage of the medicine. ..
amiya123 9 years ago

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.