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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Feeling heartbeat and depression after masturebation

Hello. Im 26 year old and i was about 14 years i start masturebate,it become my hobby to masturbate daily. Usually once a day or may be 3 times a day. 4 months ago i masturebate 3 time at night and after few min i felt shivering, depressed, feeling heartbeat. Then i went to doc he suggested me a anti depression tab named ALP.when i use this tab i feel ok but heartbeat doesnt go. I tried to leave his tab but i fell depressed and feelin heartbeat more. Plz suggest me any medication through which i can recover. Im also u married n really worry about future married life.
[message edited by Salmanz3 on Sun, 06 Sep 2015 12:51:01 UTC]
  Salmanz3 on 2015-09-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
China 30 twice daily for 7 days staphysagaroa 200 at bed time for 3 days then weekly dose for one month
akshaymohl 9 years ago
Thx for reply!! Is thatmed available without med prescriptions?
Salmanz3 9 years ago
Need experts suggestion plz!!!
Salmanz3 9 years ago

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