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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

pls help me with my depression Page 3 of 3

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
do not worry i have studied your case,

take RHUS TOX 1M liquid, 2 drops in a tablespoon water, only 2 dose not more than that, not daily, 1st dose before sleep and next dose next morning after wakeup,

{if buying pills then 3 pills as one dose, 2 times, 1st at night and 2nd after wakeup, chew it, do not swallow with water}

do not eat or drink anything 30 minutes before and after medicine,


feeling calm=
good sleep=
proper energy level=
self control=
confidence level=
freshness on waking up=
love and affection with others=
mental freedom or freshness=
any other change you felt=

0antivirus0 9 years ago
are you doing the astrological remedies, if no, then start it sincerely,

continue taking biochemic.
0antivirus0 9 years ago
0antivirus0 sir thanku for your kind support...
yesterday i took rhus tox 1M and in the morning..not feeling good til now but would wait..
thanku sir..
sir onething i need to tell you earlier i used to get panick attack but after november 2013 i worked on meditation i didnot get any but this shivering trembling and contraction tension all these thing resemble that..it feels as if i get a complete panick attack i would be ok..but i am not getting that..just ike nausea but no vomiting..it feels my body is not reaxed specialy my abdomen..
[message edited by aamir2312 on Tue, 27 Oct 2015 14:34:51 UTC]
aamir2312 9 years ago
0antivirus0 sir sorry again for a long message..

sir iu have made a theory why i am afraid of people and feels as if i will be humiliated in people and ashamed of me..

sir in my childhood i had very bad company..they were my friends and they would tell me about girls sex and porn..infact i watched BF at a very young age of 12-13 years and as i child i considered that to be my HAPPINESS i would fantasize about girls..now sex is happiness that would require a girl now it was a compulsin for me to have a girl so if anyone is having a girl i would assume him to be more happy and that made me jealous and would compell me to find shortcomings in me,as by this age i understood that i have lot of shortcomings i wouldnt be able to be happy ever..and definitey those having girls are more advanced ,superiour than me and i would find myself very short and little in front of them..so to hide my shortcomings i would hide my self and woulnt go in between them always fearfull and afraid of being humiliated..since i consider my self very low a i would avoid gathering...

now when i went to school i had to hide myself from students always fearfull of being treated badly and humiliated..always tense in the school time and would be fearfull of any such incidents even i would avoid any confrontations..what i assume sir by body became more and more tense and started trembling and shaking do you think i am correct sir ?
and my body seems to be in that sate even after i left the job my body doent feel flexible it seems very rigid,tense..it is good till i am at bed as soon as i start walking or the some times worst when i take a halt it seems shivering in the entire body,trembling tiredness,pounding of heart..pounding of heart makes a lot of difficulty when i meditate,i cannot meditate because of this pounding..as soon as my heart beats my whole body feels that..

sir do you think i am right..?
aamir2312 9 years ago
you have problem of anxiety and panic attack, if homeopathy does not works in your case then you will need to consult psychiatrist for allopathic medication, duration of treatment can be of 2-3 years daily medicines.
0antivirus0 9 years ago
0antivirus0 sir...i have worked on medicines and i have found cocculus indicus,actenia racemosa,and agaricus..
sir can you help me further..

aamir2312 9 years ago
sorry but according to me these will not help in your case.
you should be patience to see the response of RHUS TOX, since your problem is chronic so you cannot be treated without patience.
0antivirus0 9 years ago
0antivirus0 sir..i am very sorry ..actualy i bacame ill amd my father came to know about it(as i didnt inform my parents)..he took me to a very old homeopath he prescribed me
1)bach flower (Larch)
2)sugar pills containing(ignatia ,Podo,Kurchi,stramonium(all 30c)
4)arg nit and colchicum(200) 2 tablets once in 8 days

6)Placid plus

and i am feeling better sir

pls guide me..thanku for your generous help
aamir2312 9 years ago
i recommend you to continue with this homeopath medicine as there is improvement.
0antivirus0 9 years ago
0antivirus0..antivirus sir I finally found out a medicine..and it sir Staphysagria..
sir could you look in it..
aamir2312 9 years ago
please consult psychiatrist for allopathic medication.
0antivirus0 9 years ago

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