The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Sexual Weakness & Extreme Fatigue
I am 33 year old man, married with one son. My problem is that my sexual drive has really gone down. My penis has shrunk a lot and my erection is not hard or strong anymore. I also feel dizzy and weak all the time. My mind has gone numb with very poor concentratation.I do have sexual intercourse with my wife but after the intercourse I feel extremely fatigued and tired and have terrible headaches (at the back of the head). I also experience back aches.
Due to this condition of mine I feel very agitated, short tempered and don't feel like doing anything.
Can anyone please help me? I would be extremely grateful.
Simple Guy on 2006-01-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
YOU please take SEPIA 30, thrice a day for 3 days, and report back about the progress.
♡ drsajid last decade
Simple Guy last decade
Simple Guy last decade
Dr. Sajjid can you let me know in which form should I take Sepia 30? as it is available in liquid, tablet, tincture and powder form. Thank you
Simple Guy last decade
YOU can take 5 drops in some water as 1 dose, and in tablets form the single dose will be 2 tablets,
♡ drsajid last decade
Our family, myself, husband, and three children, were poisoned by pesticides, which led to many health problems including severe breathing difficulty, heart arrythmias, extreme fatigue, depression, and other health problems. Over a period of years I came to realize that other petroleum-based chemicals also caused these health problems. Everyday chemicals like air fresheners, laundry detergent, fabric softener, personal care products, the finishes on clothing as well as new home and new furnishings chemicals. Unfortunately, the list is almost endless. When we removed these chemicals from our lives, we got our health back. I have energy and I am no longer depressed. Eating a strict organic diet is very important -- critical. Dairy and meat are particularly toxic. Unfortunately, even organic dairy and meat aren't totally free of chemicals so going organic vegetarian for awhile is a very good idea. Please check with a nuritionist. Also critical is avoiding everyday chemicals. This is what I encourage you to try for at least 7 days, along with eating totally organic, to see the difference this makes in your energy and emotions. If you want to know more about pesticides and their detrimental effects research the name Steve Tvedten on the Internet. He was poisoned by pesticides and is now actively helping people understand the danger. I pray this information is helpful to you. Mary Anderson
P.S. I encourage you to continue with homeopathy. It saved me from surgery once and brought healing three other times for chronic problems within our family. It is very effective.
P.S. I encourage you to continue with homeopathy. It saved me from surgery once and brought healing three other times for chronic problems within our family. It is very effective.
meanderson last decade
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