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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Dose and potency

My son's constitution is phosphorus. He has ADHD symptoms. He takes 6CH split dose, 3-4 times per day. He gets better on many levels, better attention, functions better, mood better etc. However, after a month of improvements every couple of days the remedy does not make a difference until I plus the bottle a few times. This happens often, a 2-3 times per week. After plussing the bottle the remedy works again. Anything I can do to keep the dose working all the time. My son dreams his day in school away when the remedy does not "take". I cannot always tell if it worked that morning or not.
Thank you for any help.
[message edited by Slingan on Sat, 21 Nov 2015 22:00:43 UTC]
  Slingan on 2015-11-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You can change the potency to 30 and see if the effect is longer . One dose should work for around 7 days.
telescope 9 years ago
Thank you very much.
Slingan 9 years ago

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