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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Hi.. Im new on the forum desperate looking for a remedy..
Im 31 years old male latin with mixed skin type oily in some areas and dry in others. Im 67 kg. 1.74 tall and I have acne on my back big boils with something white hard inside is painful i have pics if needed. Im already consulting an homeopath in the university but is already three months since we started treatment and nothing really happens.. In the past when I was 16 or 17 years old I had the same cain of problem with acne, exactly the same type of eruptions and that time I went to a homeopath doctor too. She treathed me with sulphur and it worked. After that I had 10 years withouth any pimple on my skin. I remember that she gave me at the end of the treathment sulphue 3000 c. I remember it was dificult to get but I menaged. This time the doctor gave me many diferents remedys but non of them seem works. I will list them next..
First he gave me EPHAR SHULHUR 6C AND EUGENIA JAMBOSA 6C. Afer a month and with no results he gave me KALLI BROM 6C.AND SULPHUR 30C. DILUTED IN WATER THE SULPHUR JUST FOR 7 DAYS AND THE KALLY BROM FOR 15 DAYS. With this the spots when a little bit better but nothing else.After He prescrive KALLI BROM 6C. FOR 3 WEEKS EVERY 6HRS. AND TUBERCULLINUM 30C.EVERY 12HRS. ONLY FOR 7 DAYS.This time they went worst.Next he prescrive but this time under my pressure or sugestion I believe.KALLI BROM 6C. EVERY 8HRS FOR 30 DAYS AND SULPHUR 30C. EVERY 12 HRS FOR 30 DAYS TOO. and I dont know sometimes are better sometimes are very bad.. Im also washing my selfe with sulphur soap.. I dont know what to do next? if combine it with acupucture may be? or consult another doctor? I have to mention that my doctor is a practitioner from the university.. I need guidance please..!! Also I founded an online remedy call BOILX is homeopathic many components in there should i try? HELP PLEASE..!
[message edited by izzi one on Sun, 20 Dec 2015 00:57:09 UTC]
  izzi one on 2015-12-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

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