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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Sex problem.. late ejaculation

Hi doctor / homeopath,

I am 30 years old man.my ejaculation during sex is very late and before ejaculation pain in both testicle.last time Dr kadwa prescribed me but I didn't take Medcine and started taking vigra

now help me
  sadman1986 on 2015-12-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

I will take care of it.. wait for my questionirie..
sabkamalik1 8 years ago
weight -

height -

food habbits -

blood pressure or dibetics -

alcohol or smoking -?

any injury to penis?

errection level -
sabkamalik1 8 years ago
weight -70

height -5.8

food habbits -veg

blood pressure or dibetics -

all normal

alcohol or smoking -?


any injury to penis?
errection level -

no and not hard

plese help ASAP
sadman1986 8 years ago
I don't want your advise mr sabkamalik1
sadman1986 8 years ago
Hi sabkamalik1,

you are not a degree holder doctor. so plesse refer my case to a degree holder Doctor.
sadman1986 8 years ago
MR sabkamalik1,

I can try you in my case but confuse.
sadman1986 8 years ago
sabkamalik1 8 years ago

[message deleted by JayKrish1 on Mon, 21 Dec 2015 08:58:00 UTC]
JayKrish1 8 years ago

as u can see there are lots of people who can introduce me and they did already..

sadman1986 people will be like that. I posted a questionnaire but they jelious to me and remember one thing

when people just saying me bad or throughing stone towards my growth and achievement then I think am in a right way..

"" people always through stone to mango tree not to cactus ""

trust me when I see myself in mirror in feel am doing good am great and I will fight with all strugle and difficulty..

saying some personal things I have a lota of problems in my life and still struggling but I never want bad for anyone.. before I start taking any case I say to people am not a doctor just practicing and reading homeopathy and who show trust on me i tried my best and they cured as per the link I posted in questionnaire thread..

when I started in this forum a guy "" moorty " jusr tried to humiliate me lots of understand him because he was sad and depress, frustrating.. he has impotence (errection problem) so he got failed by many Medcine here also Dr kadwa tried help me but not good response.. I forgive him and from that time I made my self strong. I cured many dibetics impotence Case here and other forum also. infact I work under a homeopathy professior near my place..

so if u will listen to other it's up to u..

I am very different people.. god knows all.

I.pray to god for all but not now.. now people will feel the hardcore sabkamalik1..

I can be cool and I can be volcano.. I will raise the hell and answer from hell will be

"" rest in peace ""

I badbless to all who trying to hurt me hiding back. god will be punish them.. like they humiliating me god will humiliate them. they will cry and cry and cry..

Maa goddes durga will destroy there demonic power

maa Kali will change tgere time

lord shiva will punish them

entire universe god will punish them

I was not wrong at all..

they said me mother f... and many abused word.. I say to my god maa durga maa kali maa bindhyabasini agar aj tak mane mera sab devi maa ko prayer kia ho ya Sabko bhakti bhabse bulaya ho aj Unka beta ko kisine mothrchud bola hey to usko wo dandit karenge..

they will see the suffering and pain.,

sadman1986 if u want my advise I will cure you

if u want a doctor advise

you can try for

Dr mohla

DR Deshlok

Dr kadwa

try anyone from them and wait there reply
sabkamalik1 8 years ago

I want to tell you some things

ejaculation problem need to understand carefully. did u gone through a medical checkup??

from how long you are facing this problem??

after vigra do u feel any pain??
sabkamalik1 8 years ago
Hi sir,

calm down,I will try your experience
what homempathy Medcine I have to take?
sadman1986 8 years ago

[message deleted by JayKrish1 on Mon, 21 Dec 2015 08:57:40 UTC]
JayKrish1 8 years ago
bro sabkamalik,
this is not good.
i was talking about people s safety and you are cursing me??
when i abused you u saying i said mother f...when i did?
its good that u r a nice person
but unnecessarily cursing someone coz he speaks truth is being selffish
chrisgayle 8 years ago
Chris Gayle, I deleted all my posts because I found it of no use.

JayKrish1 8 years ago
yeah really no use of timewaste.
people hv their own common sense.
i'm talking to him like brother and friend and he is cursing me.
chrisgayle 8 years ago

It seems that people are not allowed to give their opinions about prescribers.A total waste of time.
JayKrish1 8 years ago
It is total waste of time here.
[message edited by JayKrish1 on Mon, 21 Dec 2015 09:51:27 UTC]
JayKrish1 8 years ago

I have some idea about homeopathy medicine. if he will prescribe some dangerous remedy then I won't take. I am from kolkata I can ask to homeopathy pharmacy store about the remedy.

lycopodium will work for me? all issue started after consuming vigra (blue pills).pain also after intercourse. now a days it's painfull testicle, penis cold, no errection and late ejaculation.

reply ASAP


sadman1986 8 years ago
sabkamalik1 8 years ago

I need to prescribe you 2 remedies.. step by step.. no lycopodium will not much work in it..

step 1-

plesse Take

arnica 200c

one dose everyday for 3 days

then wait more 5 days

just note about pain in testicle.. it's reduced or not

don't take more then 3 dose

one dose means 6 globules or 4 drops liquid directly on tounge or u can mix with 1 teaspoon full mineral water.

report me after 5 days.. once pain reduce will prescribe next remedy for ejaculation problem..
sabkamalik1 8 years ago
brother can u please give me an advice???
-sorry for intruppting u bt no body is giving me this advice and i'm not in a condition to go to meet the dr. for 4weeks.
-so plz help me i wil b gratful to u brother??
chrisgayle 8 years ago
Getting an advice from someone who is not a doctor is always a dangerous thing to do.Be careful !.


You replied Sabkamalik :

" I have some idea about homeopathy medicine. if he will prescribe some dangerous remedy then I won't take. I am from kolkata I can ask to homeopathy pharmacy store about the remedy."

I have a question to you Sadman :

You may be different in getting treatment from someone who is not a Doctor.What happens when people don't know anything about Homeopathic remedies and getting a treatment from someone who is not a doctor.Will they take care of themselves if they get side effects after taking the remedy.Usually,majority of people don't know about Homeopathic remedies on how it works and in this case how to believe the prescriber as you believe.Your reply to Sabkamalik is not correct.
[message edited by JayKrish1 on Mon, 21 Dec 2015 16:31:33 UTC]
JayKrish1 8 years ago
MR jaykrish1,

I am sure you have some personal Enimity with this Dr sabkamalik1. if you are doing for all why do not you choose other thread for your view or whatever. I was reading his all threads and found no wrong that to he treated many cases. I think you need to checkup with a psychological doctor for quarellsome behave. please do not disturb me.
MR sabkamalik1,
I will start Medcine soon and let you know the results after 5 days.thanks a tone for your kind help.
sadman1986 8 years ago

It seems to me that you don't want to answer me.I know you cannot answer me.I am trying to help you,so that you can understand what happens here.

You have mistaken me that I show enimity towards Sabkamalik.Personally, I don't know who Sabkamalik is.I saw he was not a doctor or even a Registered Homeopath or a man knowing anything in homeopathy and I thought of suggesting the people that getting advice/treatment from someone like Sabkamalik is really very bad.If something bad happens to the patient after taking a remedy,the prescriber Sabkamalik will stop to attend the patient out of only fear.He knows nothing in homeopathy.Even Chris Gayle was advising Sabkamalik only like me.

I think you should meet a Psychiatrist before getting treatment from Sabkamalik.Only then you can understand me.

Giving opinion is not wrong and as a patient I have the right to my opinions.People should think about what I have said.
[message edited by JayKrish1 on Wed, 23 Dec 2015 07:33:01 UTC]
JayKrish1 8 years ago

Waiting for your reply.
JayKrish1 8 years ago

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