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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

dosage and potency

I am new to this site, looks like there are many expert homeopaths are here. I have a simple question to all. WHAT IS THE STANDARD PRACTICE OF DOSAGE AND POTENCY? I mean, if one finds a suitable remedy, with poteny of remedy one should start with and in what dose and for how long? If improvement is felt, but not completely gone then what poetncy of remedy should be taken and how long?

Please answer to this question, as it would help many self-treating persons like me would be immensely benefitted.

Regards, Billy
  Billy on 2004-07-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
if remedy is most homoeopathic to characteristic symptoms of patient...then start single dose of 30c ---note response --a response should be had from hours to 3 days if vitality high and in acute dis-eases..--if vitality low or older patient -then may take up to weeks before response is noted in chronic dis-eases...

possible observations : (a) no response from remedy (b) aggravation of old symptoms (c)new symptoms occur

depending upon the response determines the next step...
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Thanks John for your reply. Could you please elaborate me further?

1. If one uses globules, how many globules contain a single dose?

2. What happen if someone continues for 4 days of 30C following instruction as provided here (e.g. first 6 does in 2 hours duration followed by 4 does daily)?

3. If symptoms are minimised but not fully cured what should be the next step?

Thanks a lot John and waiting for further advice.

Regards Billy
Billy 2 decades ago
3-4 globules ok--

1 dose is all that is needed in 30c to stimulate response --no problem 12c -6c repeat dose --but no more than 3 days--response will be had by then if correct to case..

"...what will happen...?..." depends --on what i explain in previous post...same applies to "cure"....

sometimes a remedy is partially homoeopathic to case--this usually occur with "key-note" prescribers--prescription is based upon 1 symptom--they tell take remedy many days --but what is important is observing the changes that "DO " occur--just because main complaint is minimumized and new symptoms occur--DOES NOT constitute a cure....this is symptom chasing--
John Stanton 2 decades ago

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