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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

pilonidal sinus

respected sir
sir i am doing my post graduation in homoeopathy(org &hom phil).
my dessertation topic is pilonidal sinus homoeopathic management.so plz send me some cases u treted by these sius and some literature for refference on th same. i am wating for ur replay.
  dr.lingaraj magadu on 2006-02-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
What is Pilonidal Sinus ?
A pilonidal sinus is a cavity containing hairs, that is found at the base of the spine. It was sometimes referred to as jeep seat because it was a common condition in drivers in the American Army during the Second World War.
How does Pilonidal Sinus occur ?
It is thought that friction of the skin at the base of the spine causes hairs to become embedded beneath the surface. The hairs form small cavities which develop to form the sinus . Infection of the sinus may lead to an abscess being formed. An alternative suggestion is that some people are born with small pits in the skin of this area. These subsequently collect hair and debris. They then become infected, producing the pilonidal sinus or abscess which is painful.
Why does Pilonidal Sinus occur ?
Pilonidal sinus occurs more frequently in dark-haired men or women whose hair tends to be coarse in texture. Dark coarse hair is more likely to become embedded beneath the skin than fine hair. Nevertheless, women or fair-haired people are sometimes affected. Rarely, a similar condition can occur between the fingers of hairdressers. Again the cause is thought to be embedding of hairs beneath the skin as a result of their job.
Treatment Involved for Pilonidal Sinus
The sinuses beneath the skin are frequently far more extensive than they appear on the surface. A pilonidal sinus should therefore be cut out (excised) to prevent infection and abscess formation. Under general anaesthetic the sinus is examined and its extent assessed. A dye may be injected into it to demonstrate the size of the cavity. The whole cavity is then cut away. If the resulting defect is not large, it may be closed with stitches. If the cavity is large it may be left open and allowed to heal naturally. Occasionally plastic surgery is performed to move the surrounding skin in such a way that it closes the defect. A wound that is closed using stitches will usually heal quicker than one that is left open. Stitches cannot always be used in large cavities. They would be too tight and the wound would break down. If the infection or an abscess is present, the pus is drained and the wound left open. It does not heal if it is stitched. Stitched wounds take about 10 days to heal. After this time the stitches may be removed, although it will take about another month before the scar becomes firm. Strenuous exercise should be avoided during this period. Wounds which are left open are dressed regularly once the wound is clean. The dressings can be continued either at a subsequent visit or by the district nurse. Such wounds invariably take longer to heal than stitched wounds. The length of time depends on their size. On average, most take about six to eight weeks to heal and require some form of dressing during this time.
During Treatment for Pilonidal Sinus
If the wound is healing satisfactorily, the area is shaved regularly to prevent further problems developing from newly growing hairs. Occasionally if a wound has been stitched, it may break down. This occurs when there is tension on the stitches or infection has occurred. No harm will come as a result. The sutures will then be removed and the wound allowed to heal as if it had been left open in the first place.
After Treatment for Pilonidal Sinus
It is usual to keep the area shaved until healing is complete and the wound has become firm. At the first sign of any infection or pain developing, advice should be sought, as this may represent a recurrence. Recurrence is more frequent in wounds that have been sutured rather than in those that have been left open.
If Pilonidal Sinus is Left Untreated
Pilonidal sinuses frequently become infected. The result of infection is an abscess. Abscesses are acutely painful and need to be opened and such wounds cannot be sutured.
Effects on Family of Pilonidal Sinus
If the wound has been left open and requires dressing, arrangements will have to be made for the district nurse to visit until healing is complete. This may interfere with, or limit, the ability to work. The majority of pilonidal sinuses require surgery. This is best done before any infection occurs.
Homeopathic treatment:
Silicea, Hecla Lava, Hepar sulph, Merc viv , Kreosote, Carbolic acid , echinacea , Pyroginum ...etc are used in this disease i.e fully depend on totality of symptom
dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
sir i am very thankful to u.
sir i wanted to know really we can help the patient.if so than plz send me some case records so that i can take this topic succesfully.i am wating for ur help.
thanking you
dr.lingaraj magadu last decade

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