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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Please help, get raid from allergies

My 8 years old son has allergies in his hand, leg and often gets cold. Sometimes his hands and leg are very scratchy. After scratching the red rash can be seen there. For this I give him Alatrol (Cetirizine Hydrochloride). It gives some temp relief. He also gets itchy eyes. Sometimes he scratch the eyes very much with his hand and eyes become red. I have tried giving him homemade Eupharisa eye drop (1 drop of mother tincture in 5ml distilled water). I used this 1 drop in both eyes 2 times daily. After using this white discharge starts flowing from his eyes and gives temp relief also. After sometimes it backs. I really want to treat his allergies problem (for hands, legs and eyes) permanently. I have Sulpher 30, bellodona 30 and also Euphrasia-30. But I don’t understand/know how & what doses of these meds should use.
All the expert comments are appreciated.
Please help.
[message edited by ismail1 on Tue, 03 May 2016 08:53:58 UTC]
  ismail1 on 2016-05-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
try weekly one dose of arsenic alb 30 by dissolving in 1/2 of water take 2 spoon from the cup continue till get relief

dr. Deoshlok sharma
deoshlok 8 years ago
Thanks Dr. Deoshlok Sharma for your reply. I have some quires:
1. 1 dose means 2 drops?
2. Do I need any other meds for his itchy eyes or not?
3. Is there any food restriction?
[message edited by ismail1 on Wed, 04 May 2016 04:35:16 UTC]
ismail1 8 years ago
One thing I would like to inform you Dr. Deoshlok Sharma, there are many small white spots in his fingers. 10 out 10 fingers.
[message edited by ismail1 on Wed, 04 May 2016 04:37:22 UTC]
ismail1 8 years ago
One thing I would like to inform you Dr. Deoshlok Sharma, there are many small white spots in his finger nails. 10 out 10 nails.

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ismail1 8 years ago

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