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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Afraid at this point--sinus infection, allergies, depression?

This started about three weeks ago, when I felt "out of it", vertigo like symptoms...very dry mouth, and bicep/arm tingling, esp. in my left arm, like someone was hanging onto my biceps. Felt like there was a knot at the top of my nose, had no tears in my right eye, pain. Was drinking unreal amounts of water--three 17 fl.oz bottles of water in about 20 minutes. I went to the ER, was told I have a sinus infection, took the antibiotic, a few days after finishing felt worse again.

I've done a few rounds of nasal irrigation (water/sea salt), the mucus is clear--doesn't seem to completely clear my right sinus. It's completely blocked (stuffed?) unless I use a medicated nasal spray). I've had echinacea tea, eleuthero tea...

The fresh air makes me feel better--it's been in the high sixties the past few days. Being outside seems to soothe symptoms a bit. Indoors, my symptoms have been slightly better (due to nasal irrigation and a medicated OTC nasal spray, Afrin), I've felt less energetic. Hard to tell if I was just hot or whether it was another allergy.

I should say I have a very messy room and car(dust, etc.)--I've been trying to clean up, but it's going slowly because I'm so energy depleted and irritable/upset.
Today, I vacuumed and took out some garbage--I drank a LOT of water again and felt worse. It's been about an hour, I feel slightly better.

I've had a history of mild allergies before this, and I'm on steroids for asthma. I feel kind of silly saying I'm upset about this when so many have had problems for years. I was mildly depressed to start out with, I think, and this has just made everything so much worse. I'd appreciate any advice--I've been told stinging nettle is good for allergies...anything else for this sinus problem?
  magglee on 2005-04-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
"steroids for asthma." is a telling sentence.

You are caught in a swinging door. We cannot help unless you ease off of steroids. Asthma is easy with homeopathy. Also you are stressed from your FEAR, your worse enemy. I had an asthmatic son, I do understand.

Do not drink any caffeine in anything! This diuretic will rid your body of liquid faster than you can put it in. 18 cups of water per day is 4 20oz bottles of BOTTLED water. Do not drink tap water.

No sugars...no sodas...eat fresh fruit, no carbs. Eat vegies. No nuts or peas.

Tell us what this sounds like to you. Are you already doing this? Do you need to make changes? Post again and just talk about yourself and your habits.

Hire someone to come and clean you up to form a new beginning. Be good to yourself.

It IS allergy season after all and depending where you live, it is worse this year.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
Hi Sabra,
Thanks for replying! Generally I know I'm doing poorly in terms of health. I don't eat vegetables, I eat meat, I eat dairy, etc. I do eat fruit though. I've tried multivitamins two or three times, but they always seem to trigger an episode like this most recent one (maybe it's that I don't take them until I'm feeling horribly anyway?).

The reason I'm on the steroid is that I had an episode similar to what I described in my original post a few years ago--they couldn't find anything except lung inflammation and that I wasn't breathing up to par (My glands were all swollen, too). I have over time taken one dose instead of two..not taking it some days...up until three weeks ago.

Steering clear of caffeine sounds right--the day I went to the ER, I had a cup of coffee. When I thought I was getting better, I had another, and felt horrible. Haven't had any for about a week. I've been eating a lot of fruit lately, almost like I'm craving it. I think 18 cups of water sounds good...I think I'm having about that.
I've cut the carbs and sugar way down, but I get extremely hungry around 10-11 in the morning and I'm not sure what I can eat without some bready thing (this is also a dietary issue I've been dealing with for some time...the level is definitely down though)

Interestingly, about water--I seem to be thirstier in the afternoon/night and can barely drink a cup in the morning. The morning is when I feel the worst, also. My right nostril is completely closed, and the right sinuses feel 'soggy' or flat out hurt. It gets better throughout the day (after the nose spray--and ibuprofen, if I feel I can't take the pain).

I'm trying to get a handle on my fear issues... I am a single parent, and I worry a lot about having an "episode" (asthma or otherwise) where I'm incapacitated and my kid is here alone. I also worry about working while feeling like this...I can't take any time off.

It rained/was cloudy today and about 10 degrees cooler. I've felt the best I've felt since this started.

Thanks for the reply, again.
magglee last decade
To some, including myself, veggies are a pain to prepare and then consume. I get a veggie supplement at the health store. (greens) and this is far easier for me. The cost is about the same when buying vegies. Must take into consideration the children's habits too.

Form a habit of drinking at least half a glass of water first thing in the morning. Put it out the night before and go drink it immediately upon arising from bed. When habit is better, increase water to a glass.

Regular Multi-vit are not easy to digest and one must break them up with teeth. One never knows if there is one that does not set well with you.

Better to get two or three choices and take them only. Vit C, Zink, Liquid Calcium are a good beginning. Break up the tabs with teeth. Only 3 Zink tabs a day is enough. 500 to 1000 of the C. Chew the Vit C. It then gets into mouth and throat to help avoid trouble in those areas. Calcium at night, helps sleep. Liquid comes in little squishy football shapes.

When you are feeling better, you will be a happier mother to happier children. Children respond to the problems of the parents.

Please give yourself some good reports when you look into that mirror in the morning. You ARE raising the children...by yourself!! Be nice to yourself, you are first in your life...when you feel good life is better.

Contrary to popular belief, mothers are NOT LAST! Find a support group. Form one. Others have these problems...get together to feel better about one's selves and not feel alone.

This will take time and we can talk as long as you like.

Will be looking for remedy.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
Thanks again!
I bought some zinc, c, and calcium, took the first two already...they also had a sinus relief remedy which I bought on a whim. It contains hydrastis/goldenseal, kali bichromium, lemna minor, luffa operculata, and mercurius sulphratus ruber...what do you think?
I took it, it seemed to help (but it's also 47% alcohol ;) ) . What do you think?
I'm also curious, you said your son has asthma--what sort of remedies are good for that?
I very much appreciate your replies, you've helped a great deal.
magglee last decade
HAD asthma, gone before he began school. Used Arsenicum Album. He nearly died before age one. Before homeopathy.

As you specifically asked, no I do not approve of the sinus remedy. Unless you are an alcoholic no danger. The alcohol is normally found in liquid remedies. This is the way they are made and then placed on the dry little pellets.

How shall we know if the remedy chosen for you will now work? A pile of remedies at once and hoping one works?

This is not homeopathy. This is allopathic thinking. I am thinking you do not know much about homeopathy??

I will still continue to study. Then we will have to wait at least 5 days before beginning a remedy with specific instructions to follow.

Now the remedy MAY cause an increase of symptoms. This is homeopathy releasing the suppressions of allopathic medicines.

You need to know this beforehand so I will not be asked for an antidote you do not need because the conditions may be temporarily uncomfortable.

NO homeopathic remedy is dangerous. A child can get into a kit and taste a few, and suffer no effects. May show some symptoms...still safe.

How do you want to do this? Do you wish to continue?

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade

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