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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Can homeopathy treat my acne or am I just wasting more time ? Please reply I'm all time low
  Lovebug93 on 2016-07-31
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Nux Vom 200
15 drops in a cup containing an ounce of water, sip one third of it, 15 minutes later sip the next third of it, and 15 minutes later take the last third of it.HALF AN HR BEFORE DINNER. repeat AFTER THREE DAYS .

In the mean time tel me something about your periods,digestive system,color of the tongue early morning,any other peculiar symptom.
anuj srivastava 7 years ago
My local homeopath gave me silica 6c and gunpowder?
Lovebug93 7 years ago
tel me something about your periods,digestive system,color of the tongue early morning,any other peculiar symptom.
anuj srivastava 7 years ago
Periods Normal,occasionally have a headache situated at the front of forehead, tongue can be a little green I think that's from smoking. Had this acne for 6 months randomly came out of nowhere. I'm 22
Lovebug93 7 years ago
Nux Vom 200
15 drops in a cup containing an ounce of water, sip one third of it, 15 minutes later sip the next third of it, and 15 minutes later take the last third of it.HALF AN HR BEFORE DINNER. repeat AFTER THREE DAYS .

lYCOPODIUM 200,ones in three days.

Calc phos 6x 5 tabs three times a day from day two.

Apply Berberis Aq Q,10 DROPS IN 20 ML OF WATER ,three to four times a day.

Feedback after every 7 days

Not come across a green tongue till date.Reconcile pls
[message edited by anuj srivastava on Sun, 31 Jul 2016 17:51:53 UTC]
anuj srivastava 7 years ago
Thank you , how come I've been given silica 6c and gunpowder 3x
Lovebug93 7 years ago
Also like a green coating tongue
Lovebug93 7 years ago
Also like a green coating tongue--could not follow this statement.

Why the medicines were given to you ,I will not be able to comment.
anuj srivastava 7 years ago
How some people have a white coating on their tongue sometimes mine is a green coating. I'm currently taking silica 6c and gunpowder 3
Lovebug93 7 years ago
Not come across green tongue,anyway,if you want to cont with sil no harm.

In case you see no improvement have what I have suggested.
anuj srivastava 7 years ago
Thank you , I'll try these first how long should I wait to see an improvement with silica ? Thank you
Lovebug93 7 years ago
skin ailments take a long time if they are old
anuj srivastava 7 years ago
5-6 months ago it started? Would that still take a long time
Lovebug93 7 years ago
yes may be.cannot predict.
anuj srivastava 7 years ago
So change can happen earlier then as 6 months isn't as long as 3 years
Lovebug93 7 years ago
any thing can happen depends on your constitution.
anuj srivastava 7 years ago
My homeopath said to take my remedies for a month , should I see a slight change by then? Thank you for all your help
Lovebug93 7 years ago
no predictions
anuj srivastava 7 years ago
Probably not and i'm just wasting more time :(
Lovebug93 7 years ago
You have been in good hands. How are you now? Do you need help? Please state your case very briefly.
jawahar 6 years ago

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