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Kitty Cat with severely growing breast tumors -- but lots of spirit 22


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yes give kp
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
Hi anuj srivastava,

Just some recent observations...

I don't think what I am seeing in her is nausea anymore. I think one of the remedies you suggested has helped this.

I was thinking that when she would look away and swallow hard when I approached with food was still nausea but now I realize it may be fear as she has trouble swallowing. She is anticipating because she knows she will have to swallow the food.

I also know it is not nausea because she does not spit out the food. When I give her liquid food or water she is able to swallow but I can feel it moving down her throat - lightly rumbles. Sometimes, she will hold the liquid/food in her mouth for many seconds before swallowing.

I do not know what is causing this. I know the veterinarian told me when she was first diagnosed that the canser from the tumors in the chest can spread to the lungs - but that would cause "coughing". She is not coughing but obviously there is some sort of restriction there. Sometimes she is sleeping and will wake up quickly and start to swallow as if something is in her throat. My feeling is that it is spreading to her lungs - I just don't want to think about it and still want to do all I can to help her.

Good signs are: she wants to eat (just fearful I think), she is not aggitated or restless, she is no longer running to bathtub or running to water dish to drink so often. She also seems stronger when she walks - has gained a little bit of weight.

Thanks for all your patience with my reports!
[message edited by Bfstlove on Tue, 30 Aug 2016 21:46:44 UTC]
Bfstlove 8 years ago
Tonight I am seeing exhaustion and almost a sense of giving up...drinking water from a bowl is so difficult for her - she makes one or two attempts and then lies down and sleeps as though she is fed up. I have not seen this before. Alternates with periods of alertness and some peaceful rests. But eating and drinking routine seems to exhaust her with the difficulty swallowing.
[message edited by Bfstlove on Wed, 31 Aug 2016 01:06:37 UTC]
Bfstlove 8 years ago
keep giving cell salts only no calc carb for a week and observe.
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
Ok I will - thank you!
Bfstlove 8 years ago

I am seeing her weaker this evening - far away look - not distracted by anything - a sense of being tired and giving up. Noticing symptoms always worse in the evening. Worse with movement. Worse with pressure on chest (ex. when I pick her up).

Pupils more dilated. Still very thirsty.

Less strength to jump and move from place to place.

She can't seem to get comfortable. Lying down in certain positions causes her discomfort in her throat - often waking and swallowing hard.

I do not want her to be in pain. I am refraining from using allopathic medicine unless there is nothing that can ease pain should she be ready to make a transition. Is there anything you can recommend that would help with pain so I could always have it on hand should I feel she needs it? To be quite honest, I am quite sure she needs it now - cats are masters at hiding pain.

I would value your advice and guidance.

Thank you very much for your time and help.
[message edited by Bfstlove on Thu, 01 Sep 2016 03:30:13 UTC]
Bfstlove 8 years ago
I just wanted to add:

She craves fresh everything. Fresh air, fresh water, fresh food, fresh cool grass to sit on.

It is almost 2 am here and suddenly she wanted to go out - when I let her have some fresh air (holding her at the door) she wanted me to put her down - and walk - she sat out on the grass for half an hour - she did not look like an ill cat during that time. She used to be too scared of all the noise outside and would not want to go out.But at this time it is quiet and peaceful.

I hope these details can help.
Bfstlove 8 years ago
continue with the cell salts only,if she is comfortable outside she be allowed to remain out and then you observe.
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
Hello anuj srivastava,

For now it seems most things are stable - more affectionate like she used to be.

But there seems to be more discomfort in the throat when swallowing. Has a hard time getting comfortable with head down if there is even light pressure on throat. Still very little voice. Sometimes gagging.

I think she feels a little relief with warm liquids - but again the stress is swallowing because it causes her pain. Does not yawn.

She definitely is better in the day, worse in the evening.

Veterinarian saw her today and said she did not feel swolllen lymph in throat but without xray cannot see if maybe there is a tumor there? She prescribed very strong Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug that can be very dangerous for cats kidneys. Blood test I cannot afford to see if her kidneys are ok for her to take it.
I do not want her to be in pain but this is too risky.

Veterinarian also gave her a drug to increase her appetite - 10 minutes later she threw up the pill. She is not accustomed to those drugs.

So seeing some improvements in some ways but throat is causing lots of stress and harder to give her food and drink.

I look forward to hearing your advice and thank you.
[message edited by Bfstlove on Sat, 03 Sep 2016 02:30:57 UTC]
Bfstlove 8 years ago
give her a dose of lachesis 200,cell salts to continue.
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
Thank you - how many pellets is it for a dose of Lachesis 200C?
[message edited by Bfstlove on Sat, 03 Sep 2016 11:28:37 UTC]
Bfstlove 8 years ago
five pellets
anuj srivastava 8 years ago

I gave the dose a few hours ago - when I read about that remedy it describes her very well - I am just wondering how long can it take to see positive effects? If it is a right remedy for her should it work almost immediately at that higher dose?

I am seeing less lethargy but still distress with throat/swallowing. Yet the remedy very much describes her.
Bfstlove 8 years ago
Is it normal for her to feel worse before she feels better maybe? Seeing her quite lethargic again....
Bfstlove 8 years ago
...another observation - I feed her with a syringe - pureed food and some liquids but she drinks water on her own - notice some light sneezing and food/liquid comes out of her nose sometimes.

Tonight - suddenly very curious about food - ate 3 dry very small cat food pieces - first time in months! It seems liquids bother throat more - if not how did she eat the hard dry pieces so easily?
Bfstlove 8 years ago
do not try to interfere with the discharges,now only observe and keep me updated.

cell salts to continue.

if there is neck collar,remove it.
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
ok- I did have a soft wool collar on her but I removed it.

She is very uncomfortable. When picking her up it seems to hurt her when my hand is on her chest. When she tries to rest there is constant adjusting and I can hear some "gurgling" in her chest. If she rests her head in a certain position she suddenly jumps up and starts gagging. Feeding her still causing some distress because of the need to swallow. Very exaggerated swallowing - and then distances herself - very quiet and lost look after I give any food or liquids.

Makes a motion as if she is trying to chew something even when I give her liquids. Grinding of teeth sound.

Strong food smell from breath. Sometimes alert, sometimes very lost look as if she is not here. Changes can be from one hour to the next.

She is still seeking water and often sits with her head above the bowl - this makes her neck wet. I worry that this will cause a cold or pneumonia so I try to keep her neck dry especially on cool nights.

when lying down wants to be very close to me.

Again, I do not know if the canser has metastisized to her lungs. I worry about her suffocating.
Bfstlove 8 years ago
More observations - she lies the majority of the time on her left side.

This morning she was almost comatose - I thought she had died - breathing shallow. I shook her and she moved a little. Once I got up and she heard the other cats meowing she sat up. Then there was again interest in food - but she did not eat on her own like yesterday - I gave her the syringe food - again exaggerated swallowing, chewing motion even though it is liquid - grinding teeth sound - light gagging and needing water afterwards.

It has also been over a month that she does not groom herself -I have to clean her. This is a big deal for cats who always want to feel clean. She no longer has the desire.

Pupils very dilated.
[message edited by Bfstlove on Sun, 04 Sep 2016 13:56:59 UTC]
Bfstlove 8 years ago
we will wait and watch,increase the dose of kali phos to 5 times a day.
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
ok so kali phos 5 pellets 5 x/day and CALC FLUOR continues 3x per day 5 pellets?

Thank you!
Bfstlove 8 years ago
ok so kali phos 5 pellets 5 x/day and CALC FLUOR continues 3x per day 5 pellets? YES
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
hello anuj srivastava,

Some observations:

Quite a few ups and downs - 2 days ago I gave her some pain medication because she was so uncomfortable and looked very much in pain. I gave her a few doses plus I started the Kali Phos 5 times per day. A few times I truly thought she would die - very lethargic (before and after pain medication), so much anguish with swallowing - far away look, dilated pupils as I mentioned.

Yesterday I gave pain med 3 times - today the last time given was 7 am in the morning. I took her outside in the sun - the sun was very strong but she did not want to go back inside. I thought she will be very dehydrated when I take her inside. But no - she drank less water today than the other days I did not take her out. She was very peaceful and comfortable today - deep restful sleep - curious about food, more energy.

Still problems with swallowing but not so much. I can gently touch and brush her throat area and she does not gag.

Also, in the last few days I notice less complaints when I pick her up - before, any pressure close to her chest would make her cry. Not so much now - that was also before pain medication.

Possibility of a slight softening of the tumor under he left armpit. Still observing this.

It is now 9:30 pm. I have not given her any pain med since early this morning. She looks like she doesn't need it - very peaceful and relaxed - comfortable.

I also realize she wants her food simple - not so many smells and different things in the food. I gave her baby food made of rice and chicken.

Lets see how tomorrow goes but feeling good about today - now maybe finally I can get some sleep. :)
[message edited by Bfstlove on Tue, 06 Sep 2016 01:59:03 UTC]
Bfstlove 8 years ago
give mag phos 6x or belladona 30,4-5 times for pain.

continue the same protocol.

we can repeat a dose of lachesis after one week from the first dose if you feel her energy level is good.
anuj srivastava 8 years ago

Sorry for my constant need for clarification - I just want to make sure I am doing the right thing.

So I contine kali phos & calc phos tissue salts...ok.

Mag phos or belladonna 4-5 times per day - 5 pellets each time? Can mag phos be tissue salt?

Today started ok but then pain and discomfort started again - I did not like seeing her like that so I gave pain medication - right now she is a little bit out of it but in a few hours after the effects of medication have passed, I will start the other treatment you suggested.

What the vets are saying is that these drugs are ok for her to take because the nature of her dis-ease means she won't be here much longer. I am like a little girl with these things and I still don't want to lose hope. At the same time, I don't want her to suffer.

I will keep you posted and as always thank you so very much for your time and wisdom.
Bfstlove 8 years ago
mag phos 6x is a tissue salt
anuj srivastava 8 years ago
Last pain medication was 12:45 pm yesterday - it is now almost 3 pm next day. Began giving mag phos yesterday 5 pellets 4-5 times - other than some of the exaggerated swallowing (no voice) she is not showing signs of discomfort or pain - she has increased appetite/interest in food. Can be picked up without seeming to feel discomfort - pupils no longer dliated - comfortable sleep - more alert. I see big changes from starting mag phos.

Do I only give mag phos when she looks in pain or can I give it continuously?

If I give her belladonna 30 ch is it also in a dose of 5 pellets (4-5 x per day)?
Bfstlove 8 years ago

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