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Cat with breast tumors Page 4 of 4
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In regards to swelling in front paws I was reading online that for cats with breast canser this is normally due to the canser spreading to lymph nodes. Her legs are weak tonight - she does not feel strength to use her box to go to washroom - she urinates where she is - troublesome night.
Bfstlove 8 years ago
At this stage we can only provide relief and hope for some miracle to take place.
Is their a requirement for subcutaneous intervention?
Is their a requirement for subcutaneous intervention?
♡ anuj srivastava 8 years ago
It was suggested by the veterinarian because ofher constant thirst and need to be close to water. It did help the first two times - I noticed her more comfortable.
Do you think maybe it is no longer a good idea?
The main issue now is her inabilty to find comfort - not even the strongest pain medication helps because I am not sure it is pain she is experiencing or the inability to breathe due to issues in her throat. It is 3 am here and she (and I) have yet to fall asleep because each time she puts her head down to relax she jumps up because placing her head in a certain position prevents her from breathing properly it seems.For some reason this is so much worse at night.
I agree that a miracle is necessary - I do not want her to suffer but have a hard time imagining her not being with me. (selfishness on my part).
Thank you anuj srivastava
Do you think maybe it is no longer a good idea?
The main issue now is her inabilty to find comfort - not even the strongest pain medication helps because I am not sure it is pain she is experiencing or the inability to breathe due to issues in her throat. It is 3 am here and she (and I) have yet to fall asleep because each time she puts her head down to relax she jumps up because placing her head in a certain position prevents her from breathing properly it seems.For some reason this is so much worse at night.
I agree that a miracle is necessary - I do not want her to suffer but have a hard time imagining her not being with me. (selfishness on my part).
Thank you anuj srivastava
Bfstlove 8 years ago
anuj srivastava is there anything that can help with the retention of fluids?
Or just to stop suncutaneous fluids?
Or just to stop suncutaneous fluids?
Bfstlove 8 years ago
♡ anuj srivastava 8 years ago
It is so strange - yesterday when I left home, and after givinger her lachesis - she looked so good - almost like when she was healthy in facial expression - only hours later, I arrived back home in early evening - and she was again showing symptoms. It is now morning again and she is still showing symptoms but so much more calm. So interesting the effects of the lachesis and the difference in day and night.
Bfstlove 8 years ago
I will.
I just saw the vet and she says that the swelling in paws is most likely due to the size and location of the tumors - now causing edema in front paws.
She also suggested getting an antacid - just in case the issues with her throat are due to acid reflux. Is there anything in homeopathy that you could suggest for this?
Thank you so much!
Christine (& cat Bijou)
I just saw the vet and she says that the swelling in paws is most likely due to the size and location of the tumors - now causing edema in front paws.
She also suggested getting an antacid - just in case the issues with her throat are due to acid reflux. Is there anything in homeopathy that you could suggest for this?
Thank you so much!
Christine (& cat Bijou)
Bfstlove 8 years ago
♡ anuj srivastava 8 years ago
Hi anuj srivastava,
It seems I have to accept that my cat is in the dying process now. Is there anything I can give her to ease overall discomfort, anxiety through this transition? There is weakness, feels more cold externally, thirst, watery eyes, seeking affection less.
Your advice would be greatly appreciated.
It seems I have to accept that my cat is in the dying process now. Is there anything I can give her to ease overall discomfort, anxiety through this transition? There is weakness, feels more cold externally, thirst, watery eyes, seeking affection less.
Your advice would be greatly appreciated.
Bfstlove 8 years ago
carbo veg 200,ones/twice a day.
♡ anuj srivastava 8 years ago
hello anuj srivastava,
The carbo veg has given her more energy! Do I continue? I gave 3 pellets 2 times today.
Thank you so much.
The carbo veg has given her more energy! Do I continue? I gave 3 pellets 2 times today.
Thank you so much.
Bfstlove 8 years ago
Hello anuj srivastava,
On a forum for pets that are seriously ill they mentioned to give arsenicum album. When I read more about the profile for this remedy it seems to describe my cats situation exactly.
I gave 30 ch 3 pellets 2 times today - but it made her worse - more anxious - stumbling. Was this the wrong thing to give her even though it described her so well? They say for animals that are very sick it is the best thing in the late stages. I should have waited to speak with you first but I thought it would work well for her.
On a forum for pets that are seriously ill they mentioned to give arsenicum album. When I read more about the profile for this remedy it seems to describe my cats situation exactly.
I gave 30 ch 3 pellets 2 times today - but it made her worse - more anxious - stumbling. Was this the wrong thing to give her even though it described her so well? They say for animals that are very sick it is the best thing in the late stages. I should have waited to speak with you first but I thought it would work well for her.
Bfstlove 8 years ago
Just to clarify, I gave carb veg 200ch as well as arsenicum (30 ch - 3 pellets) twice today.
I thought the arsenicum was right because of her restlessness - and also it describes trouble swallowing and gurgling sound in esophagus.
Now she is worse, cannot walk without stumbling, groaning with movement.
I thought the arsenicum was right because of her restlessness - and also it describes trouble swallowing and gurgling sound in esophagus.
Now she is worse, cannot walk without stumbling, groaning with movement.
Bfstlove 8 years ago
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