The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Acne for many years
Hi everyone... i have acne from 16 year and now i am 19 ... u have redness on cheeks and big red pimple on my head.. i also have pimple on my back shoulder and chest ... right now i am taking hepha sulphur for 1 month... but while eating this medicine my body become warm and if i eat large quantity i got more pimple.. is these symptom ok or it is an allergyNl2112 on 2016-09-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
This is sad actually for anyone who is suffering from this problem. You can try some healthy fruit juice to maintain good health and avoid this skin problems. You can have a glass of Acai berry, cranberry or other healthy fruit or vegetable juice like aleo vera juice to maintain good health for longer hours.
wtaumme 8 years ago
Pls stop what you are taking.
Take these:Kali Mur 6x BEFORE meals
Cal Phos 3x + Silica 6x AFTER meals
Report after one week
Take these:Kali Mur 6x BEFORE meals
Cal Phos 3x + Silica 6x AFTER meals
Report after one week
radhey1504 8 years ago
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