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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Diabetes at 32 age

Hello Doctors,

I am 32 years old, and just now Diabetes got deducted, its genetic too, My parents have been diabetic since long, sugar level before breakfast is 220 and after break fast is 340,

I would request you to advice what kind of precautions I have to go through and what diet plan I have to follow.

Thanks with regards.
  zahid.amin04 on 2016-09-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Good! I appreciate your decision of seeking help from homeopaths before trying any thing (I assume). You haven't asked for homeopathic prescription. Don't you think you should manage or possibly even get rud of your diabetes?

If yes,
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
Post details of all your past and present health.
Write in detail about you – emotions, fears, sentiments, etc. your personality, physical parameters, habits, feelings about life, etc.
Write in detail about your life: social, family, occupational, schooling, childhood, etc. You should mention about incidences that might have influenced or impacted your mind / health / life considerably. Write about what common opinions most people have about you; what they say about you; how they react / interact with you & why?
Write something unique (how you are different from others or what makes you special) about you.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
Family Background:
My parents having diabetes since long, My father passed away 21 years ago due to having heavy sugar level, My mother is having BP and Heart disease along with Diabetes, my elder sister also having same disease since ten years, other paternal uncles are having too,
Personal Life: I have been healthy since my childhood, very rarely I had any health problem, in college life i used to do some exercise but not regularly, only itching has been my concern many times, i got itching in whole body with reddish colour three times, last time it took almost one year to recover, normally i use to have homeopathy more than other way of treatment.
Habits:I have no any bad habit means No smoking or alcohol or any thing, since four to five years I use computer for more than 12 hours on daily basis, I am little bit emotional man, I dont like to say No for any help or any thing, kind of Yes Man but not 100%.
Status: I am considered as a good and responsible person in my family, relatives and friends, I have been in job since Five years, apart from job I am studying too, so two pressures are always, as I do feel,
Since two three years I do feel that I feel hungry much once I come back from office, and eat twice at evening, but gradually my weight deteriorated, in last two three month I have been feeling some time vomiting tendency, and it happened too, so I consulted Doctor and i came to know that my lever is little fatty and my sugar level increased too..
I hope above details are enough to diagnose, if required more details I will be more happy to share all other details
Thanks for taking up my case and helping me
Zahid Amin
zahid.amin04 8 years ago
Need more info. Try to add refering following questionaire.

Write about following:
Age/Gender/Location/Country/Ethnicity. Height / Weight /Skin color/Eye color.

PLease explain everything in detail. Don't try to cut short. What is the probable cause of each of your health problem according to you.

All your past and present health in sequence oldest to newest. All details of previous treatments (oldest to newest) and their effects.

Write in detail about you – emotions, fears, sentiments, etc. your personality, physical parameters, habits, feelings about life, etc.

Write in detail about your life: social, family, occupational, schooling, childhood, etc. You should mention about incidences that might have influenced or impacted your mind / health / life considerably.

Write about what common opinions most people have about you; what most people comment /say about you frequently; how they react / interact with you & why?

Write something unique about you (how you are different from others or what makes you special).
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
i like to advice you ,so you fatty liver ? its easy to solve once you confirm me

and also i read your statements.
nisha301 8 years ago
Well zahid.amin04, if you want my advice you must follow that only. Decide and let me know.
[message edited by DrKulkarni on Sat, 24 Sep 2016 13:59:27 UTC]
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
I am a 32 old Indian Muslim single man, living in New Delhi, my height is 169 cm, and weight is 62 kg, I look fair color, eye color is little brown.
Skin disease (Itching): First time I had itching problem around 13 years before when I was taking some homeopath medicine for hair fall, it started when I got wet in raining and I had been in wet cloths around 1 and half an hour, I do feel also that whenever I take continuously non veg, it effects me, it causes reddish clot at body where I do itching, as of now I am having itching problem.
Hair fall: Hair fall started around 15 years before, first five years not cared about it, then started some homeopathy for some months but not got recovered and due to itching issue Doctor advised to leave it for some time, since then not taken any medicine properly but use to have some prescribed shampoo and hair oil. I think hair fall starts whenever I have more dandruff, usually I cut my hair completely after every four to five month, till three months I feel my hair is strong then I have more dandruff and hair fall starts and again I shave my head and this cycle going on.
Weight Loss: Three years before my weight was around 70, and then I got located to a city where I didn’t like anything, culture, food, living style etc. I am regularly getting weight loss although I have good diet, after two hours feel much hungry and eat something, snack, fruit or dry fruit. I do feel thirsty too also and usually I drink not less than 3-4 litters,
Vomit and Loose Motion: Since three months I do feel some time vomiting tendency and thrice it happened with loose motion, I do feel whenever I eat roasted corn I get vomiting tendency more, very rarely I get fever, but I caught by cold and cough some times when suddenly I move from hot weather to cold or like that.
Diabetes: it got deducted just two months before, as I mentioned previously it’s my genetic disease, my parents, uncles, elder sister and brother in law suffering from diabetes, I do feel headache when I am hungry, I feel more weakness nowadays, till today sugar level is before breakfast 181 and after 285, do exercise but not regularly, I have been cautious about diabetes and avoiding more sweets and things which are not advisable since it’s a genetic for me, but finally it caught me too, that’s all story of my illness life..
Write in detail about you – emotions, fears, sentiments, etc. your personality, physical parameters, habits, feelings about life, etc.
I am an emotional man, I do feel crying and laughing very soon, not arrogant, little kind hearted, little shy, not bold much, I do fear of failure but determined to achieve my goals on my own conditions, I do like to accept challenge in life, try to experience new things, don’t like to stick in one situation, but little hesitant for new thing too, I have less friends, I don’t know art to make friends so have less friends, don’t like much gathering, I live alone and I don’t feel board, most of the time spend on net surfing.
My habits are as normal, previously I used to read novels more but now spending more time on surfing net, watching comedy and music shows, my sexual desires are very high, but never dare to approach any girl….and habituated for masturbation twice in a week, and I do feel that cause hair fall too in my case… I am habituated little to adult movies too, I want to get rid of both things too. (Please suggest)

Social, Family..: I belong to middle class family, I have four brothers and three sisters, one elder brother is married and two sisters are married, I m more worried about my sister marriage as well as my marriage, I do like that my sister get married first then I should do, hence I have more burden and concerned about it. My brothers are settled well as middle class people, I am working in IT Company since five years almost, since childhood I have been in hostel till my Master degree, so less time I spent with my family, I think my health started down when I broke my relation with a girl to whom I have been talking on social network for long time, we were in love but could not meet due to some reason and we discontinued talking….
I have been a good student in my whole student life, all appreciating me, people think that I am a good man, kind hearted, helping nature but not bold enough….
What makes me different from other as I think I never say NO if someone asks any kind of help and always ready to help that makes me special…
I hope these details will be enough to know my back ground, I am thankful to you for your kind advice
looking for your kind revert.

Thanks with Regards
zahid.amin04 8 years ago
Please start with following prescription:

SUPLPHUR LM/1, dilution (buy minimum qty dispensable at the shop). Take it once every morning after preparation as follows. If not available easily at your place you may buy this online.

Preparation of dose:

A. Buy 1 ounce size dropper bottle (preferably of glass otherwise plastic. Buy it from homeopathic shop only.).
B. Fill it with clean potable water.
C. Mix 5 drops of prescribed medicine in it. Shake it 2-3 times & keep it for 10 minutes.
D. Now it is ready to use. Take APPROXIMATELY 1/4TH teaspoonful (1.5ml) of this solution as single dose directly under the tongue. (You get approx. 20 doses from 1 ounce bottle).
E. Repetitions as prescribed above.
F. Nothing else to eat or drink 1 hour before and 1 hour after the doses.

Do’s & don’ts:

1. Stay away from Strong smells of any kind.
2. Do not touch medicines or spill them. Use the cap / droper of container (of same medicine) to transfer the medicines.
3. Place the prescribed dose under the tongue and let it dissolve. Keep the dose for at least 2 minutes in mouth.
4. Keep medicine containers airtight, away from direct sunlight, heat, any smell and children.
5. Avoid strong smells and odors AFAP.
6. Do not take any other medicines for any health problems. Most symptoms go away as they come within 24-72 hours.
7. Report any problems & seek appropriate advice.
8. Otherwise report progress after 2week.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
one dose = 1.5ml approximately.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
Uranium Nitricum 3x can be suggested
For later use Drkulkarni
DrManojVEDI 8 years ago
DrKulkarni 8 years ago

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