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This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
One thing that's different is this outbreak is going on for almost three weeks now. The most it has ever been is 7 days.
The majority of the UTI symtopms have gone but I still get the intense cutting pain after urination. Also urine is very cloudy. Don't know what that means--dr says don't have an infection and I've been drinking at least a 1/2 gallon of water a day. :/
rom109 8 years ago
Herpes infection has similar symptoms as UTI. Continue drinking water.
Do you have fever or chills along with the cutting pain? Is there any pain in the lower back or in the Kidney region?

Sometimes Herpes infection takes 3-4 weeks to completely become symptom free. Try sitting in warm water tub for 15 minutes twice a day. This will reduce the pain and burning.
homeodr 8 years ago
Lol 15 minutes twice a day...sorry but that's funny to me. I do not have that kind of time for myself lol. #momlife

The cutting pain only happens for a few minutes after I go to the bathroom.
My dr just called me this morning and said there are actually some bacteria so I guess there is a reason. And yeah, she already told me that herpes outbreak can cause UTI type pain. I believe I mentioned that a few posts back. :/
rom109 8 years ago
Ive been noticing a reoccurrence of the mild anxiety again....in the form of intrusive thoughts regarding bad things happening to family members. It will just be a train of thought that veers off of my current thought and pops up with a bad scenario momentarily, and I quickly shove it away. I really hate these "pop-ups"....they are awful and unnecessary.

Also last weekend I did re-home my horse. Some nice gentlemen came on Saturday and took him.
I was very internally sad for a day or two, and when I look at my gear I get sad but I won't let it come up because it's a sentimental kind of sad. Something I don't need to be wallowing in. And I do not want to give myself the chance to regret it. I don't want to look back.

I scratched my hands on Saturday when I was getting him ready to go; yesterday I kept looking at/noticing the scratches and a thought of "that really did happen" kept coming to mind.

I know these things must be normal, and I'm just working through the logic and sadness and trying to reconcile the two, while focusing on the present and future as best as I can.
rom109 8 years ago
Another thing--- my son has been acting really 911 crazy lately, especially at night. I don't know if it's his teething or if the remedy is not affecting him very well.
At night he wakes up so frequently, like every couple hours, especially if I move AT all and sits up and cries and wants to nurse. It's so unbelievably frustrating because there's no reason for him to be doing this.... and also because I often have to get up in the middle of the night to pee and I can't because if I move he wakes up and cries and then that will wake up my husband who needs to be sleeping. I feel very stuck, physically and metaphorically---because I can't correchave his behavior without causing a commotion that will wake up my husband.
Is there any suggestion you could give for his sake? Maybe start with cell Salts....I don't know but I'm so frustrated and very tired. :(
rom109 8 years ago
I understand it is so hard to see your horse taken away. It will take some time to get out of this sadness but don't worry it is normal and you are working towards it.
If the thoughts and anxiety doesn't go away in few days you may take a dose of Natrum Mur (take from the previous solution if its still there).

For your son- what homeopathy remedies have you given him up till now for sleeping issues?
Usually Nux vomica and chamomila works fine in sleeping problems.
homeodr 8 years ago
Okay. I am feeling better already for the horse thing. I jut needed to get back to my life...being busy and stuff.
Also I did toss the Nat Mur solution. So starting fresh from here on. :)

for my son, I haven't directly given him any remedies since he was around 4 months. I tried Chamomilla and that made him extremely irritable with tantrums and screaming and the whole bit through the day. Maybe I didn't wait long enough for the aggravation to wear off...I don't know.
I have only given him cell salts, and he's gotten whatever I have been taking since I breastfeed.
rom109 8 years ago
So I got up this morning and looked at my tongue, for funzies.... my mouth feels really thick and bleck in the morning but I always forget to look before I eat breakfast. So it's coated white with a yellowish hue.

My son did a little better sleeping last night- he played really hard yesterday with his cousin, so he was much more tired. But even with that he woke up about every 2 hours fussing and whimpering and crying, either wanting to cuddle more, or wanting to nurse. I noticed that he was really wanting his head on my arm/shoulder the most. In the morning he seems to have the same difficulty as I do in waking up.
He is out of it and very unhappy and drowsy. he wants to keep cuddling, nursing, and going back to sleep, till 9-10 am.
This is not his norm since his birth. He usually wakes up between 7-8 am, quite easily and without issue. He has always just sat up and been instantly awake and happy and ready to go.
Also I've noticed an increase in his wobbly-ness while walking around in the last few weeks.
It is most marked first thing in the morning. Again, I feel this way too. Sort of disoriented and wobbly with a fullness in my head. Maybe he's the same, maybe not.
He has also been biting more. It's out of playful excitement more than anything.

Ok I hope that's enough info for the remedy selection for him.
rom109 8 years ago
How frequently d you feel your mouth / tongue thick? Is it bothering you?

For your son - give him Kali phos 6x 1 tablet dissolved in water once a day in the evening for 3 days.

Also I would like to understand the reason for him to cry or whimper, is there any pain or discomfort he is going through? How old is your son?
homeodr 8 years ago
By thick tongue I meant like a thick coating on my tongue. It's not a bother. It's been that way for maybe a week at least. Sometimes in The morning my mouth feels more dry and stuck together.

My son is 13 months, he is currently teething. He's got at least 5 teeth he is currently cutting through the gums. So that could explain it. But since this behavior is more recent than his teeth cutting through, I would guess it's not so much that, but I could be wrong.
I have been giving him Calc Phos 6x maybe twice a day, or whenever I think to do it...probably most usually once at night before bed. Maybe that could explain why so many teeth all at the same time...?? :(
I will try the Kali Phos now.
rom109 8 years ago
(((((Okay I was wrong. It is his teeth causing this.
Last night he woke up at least 4 times....the first time he sat up and was just crying crying crying so sadly, and wanted to cuddle me, and then nursed back to sleep. A few hours later he woke up and said, "teeth?....teeeeeeth!!!" And was crying again.
And he continued waking up whimpering/crying/wanting milk every couple hours thereafter all night. ))))))

I am very tired :(
rom109 8 years ago
Give him Calc phos 6x 2 tablets in the morning and Calc flour 6X 2 tablets in the evening.

Update me in 2 days.
homeodr 8 years ago
Back to me for a sec....
My lower right eye lid is twitching off and on for the last three days and it's driving me nuts.
I tried (cell salts...)Mag Phos, and Kali Phos a few times, which it made me feel pretty irritable....(as if my "aura" [for lack of a better term] was vibrating) ... and did not hep the twitch.
Omg this is so annoying. I've never had such a strong twitch, or as long lasting.
rom109 8 years ago
Are you under stress or not able to sleep at night? Stress and lack of sleep can be the reason for twitching of eyes.

Is there any inflammation or redness of eye?

Avoid consumption of alcohol and caffeine as they may increase the twitch.
homeodr 8 years ago
I wish someone would update this forum to a)work properly, and b)enable emojis in the posts because it would help a lot with conveying the right emotions and people's personalities. So with that imagine a laughing face lol

lack of sleep???!!! Yeeeeeessssss lol the baby doesn't sleep well, neither does momma lol
I don't drink alcohol at all....
It's probably the lack of sleep....lol
Someone told me once that a lack of B-vitamins can cause eye twitching too.....I wonder lol it's probably not only one simple element, I'm sure.

My eye is pretty irritated. The rim of my lower eyelash feels slightly swollen and the whole under eye area feels tense. Also this morning I had a lot of "eye crusties" in the outer corner of that eye, and it itched pretty intensely.

So I looked last night and all of those symptoms; the eye twitching and baby's sleep disturbances, plus the way I've been sleeping for the last two weeks, are all found under Nat Mur.
So I took another dose last night. We both slept worlds better last night and woke up much more easily as well. I will let you know if the twitch stays gone but it's looking good so far. By the way I made a mixture of the 200c the same way as I had the 30. Since I pretty much exhausted the action of the 30 potency.
[message edited by rom109 on Tue, 13 Dec 2016 17:13:22 UTC]
rom109 8 years ago

Yes lack of Vitamin B12 and also Vit D can cause eye twitching. Keep washing your eyes with luke warm water.

Good to know that Natrum Mur helped you to sleep well. Hoping to reduce your eye twitch as well.
Keep updating..
homeodr 8 years ago
Hello- so updating on the baby...
I tried what you suggested and there was no improvement, besides after my last dose of Nat M.
He has not woken up crying in distress anymore since.
He is now having the most difficult time going to sleep; for naps and at night.
He is crazy restless and seems to be unable to get comfortable to fall asleep. He flops around and turns over and tries this and that spot to no avail.
He wants to talk about things and mess around with the pillow and he blanket and nurse and then not nurse and everything but sleep, even though he is tired and cranky.

One thing that I find very interesting is that when he wakes up in the night and asks to nurse, if I tell him no he has been accepting it and going back to sleep without starting to cry from me saying no. (I might add even this effort to return to sleep is restless.)
This acceptance of "no milk" in the night is kind of a huge deal. It means I get more sleep! Hurray!
He is however extremely restless all through the night and ends up in some weird places on the bed...:/
rom109 8 years ago
Well....never mind the "no milk" thing. Last night was the usual....
rom109 8 years ago
He is sooo hyper, and cranky if things aren't going his way....he is very tired/needing a nap, but he gets almost to the point of sleepy and then sits up and starts winding himself back up.
His cheeks are rosy...

I am incredibly irritable myself; I'm being so impatient and snappy...I really don't feel well in myself which is where I feel like the mood is coming from....

I don't really know what to do.....he really needs to sleep....and I really need the break !!
rom109 8 years ago
Give him a dose of nux vomica 30c. Add 1-2 drops of nux in 2 teaspoons of water.. Give one teaspoon out of that..
homeodr 8 years ago
What happens if I give Cham? That's all the store had :( :(
rom109 8 years ago
Ok u can try chamomila 30c , just a single dose..
homeodr 8 years ago
We were going to wait and try another store tomorrow, if you think Nux is the better remedy....I definitely don't want to make a mess where there isn't one, if you know what I mean. Lol

What's the best action?
rom109 8 years ago
If you could get Nux it would be better. I think he had aggravation from Chamomila in the past hence don't want to start with chamomila now.
homeodr 8 years ago
"Add 1-2 drops of nux in 2 teaspoons of water.. Give one teaspoon out of that."

----not sure what you mean here by drops of nux.....
I have the pellets...??
I am just going to dilute as I usually do into 4oz of water and so on....
1 pellet dissolved in 4oz water, 1 tsp of that into another 4oz of water, then 1tsp of that as a dose....(for the record (: )
rom109 8 years ago
No problem go ahead ... I thought u had nux vomica in liquid form..

Update in 2days
homeodr 8 years ago

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