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No problem go ahead ... I thought u had nux vomica in liquid form..

Update in 2days
homeodr 8 years ago
So we gave Nux in the evening and he hadn't taken a nap that day, I tried after the dose and he still wouldn't, but he was much much more calm. He was probably way tired, but it also could have been the remedy.
The last few days, overall I would say he's gone from a 10 to an 8.75 on the hyper/crazy/naughty scale.
Part of it can be attributed to my attitude towards his craziness, too. Some things have to be ignored instead of reacted to, since a reaction was what he was looking for. Parenting is a school of character, that's for sure!! Lol

He has still been pretty hyper, and antagonistic. Hitting, biting....he thinks it's funny to hit/pull on the dog to make her yelp....oi!
Night time and naps are a tiny bit easier, but still the same hyper-distracted mentality.
Sleep in general is better. Last night was better than the night before, and the night before that. He's been going longer stretches without waking to nurse again, so that's good.

I think his teeth are still driving him crazy. Last night he was just drooling and running around being hyper and goofy. And in bed he was trying to bite us, and the bed pillows, so I gave him a teething toy and he started biting on that instead.
He's very busy.
So that's the update I guess.
rom109 8 years ago
Every night I've been dreaming about my horse. The scenario is always laced with sadness...and the general theme has been either he is trying to get back to me, or he is in my care, injured, and I can't help him. I wake up sad.
I've been trying not to think about this.
I think I put on a tough exterior but I am not tough inside.
During the day I'm fine...I just get on with life, but every night it's the same dreams haunting me. :(
I just want it to go away.
rom109 8 years ago
OK.. thanks for the update .. Don't give any more doses.. Lets wait for few more days.. Update me in 2-3 days.

Now coming back to you..
It is sure that you are still missing your horse and I understand it is difficult to forget someone who is so attached to you..
just a thought.. I was wondering if you could contact the new owner of this horse and just check in with him.. If possible try to get some update about your horse, this might help you. Once you know he is fine you might not think too much.
homeodr 8 years ago
Okay. I'm still seeing subtle improvement with my kiddo so that's good--no more doses, check. :)

And yes, that is a good thought. I did email them a day or two after he left but maybe they didn't get it.
I think that would help to hear how he is doing. Thanks.
rom109 8 years ago
So the baby has developed a cold or flu...it started with lots of sneezing and then his nose started running--clear watery---it stops when he's lying down, and when he's eating, mostly.
His eyes are puffy and look glossy.
He's not sleeping well because I think it's running down the back of his throat and he tries to swallow and wakes up coughing and choking and then starts bawling because of the distress. I've been cuddling him all night and trying to keep his head slightly elevated so he can breathe better. It seems to help.
He wakes up frequently, crying etc. I'm not much of a pillow--it's pretty uncomfortable for me. :(
He doesn't have a fever, at least he didn't yesterday. Ive been giving him Fer Phos 6x yesterdayfor half the day, followed by Kali Mur and Nat Mur 6x alternately.

He's been acting very sweetly, for the most part. He's bouncing back and forth betweeen running around playing with his little cars and wanting to cuddle me. He's been giving me lots of hugs and even kisses.

Anyways that's what's goin on.
rom109 8 years ago
Hi again.
So yesterday and today are a complete flip flop from the day before.
He is being a total stinker again. He obviously isn't feeling well, but is getting better quickly as far as his cold. But he is being extremely obstinate and hitting and throwing himself on the floor and yelling "no!" every time something goes contrary to his way.
Today he keeps asking for things and then refusing them when I offer.
Last night at bedtime he was being super crazy and flailing all over and being hyper, but also asking for milk, then refusing, or laying there and kicking his legs violently(for fun) and laughing. And climbing all over me. Ugh. A lot of the time he asks for milk when he really wants me to change his diaper, or he wants up on the couch, so he just uses it as an ultimate attention-getter....but also these last two days it's been the whole asking and refusing bit.
He's kinda hyper and running back and forth today, easily upset but mostly in a happy mood.
rom109 8 years ago
Is he having or had fever?
Any improvement in runny nose, sneezing and cold like symptoms?

How would you respond when he becomes obstinate ?What makes him stop yelling, hitting , throwing, etc... ?

Does he like being carried?
homeodr 8 years ago
His nose isn't running hardly at all anymore. He's got a rattly ish cough and sounds congested.

When he's acting obstinate and throwing his fits I mostly ignore him and then it turns into pittiful crying and asking to be held or for milk. If I try to discipline it mostly just makes him get more cranky.
Yes he likes to be carried. No sitting and holding, but if I pick him up and walk around he's quite happy.
Also he did have a small fever yesterday--probably the day before too. About 99.7. He felt really warm, too.
I gave him baby ibuprofen and Ferr Phos 6x and it seemed to help.
He doesn't have one now and doesn't feel too warm
[message edited by rom109 on Tue, 27 Dec 2016 20:52:50 UTC]
rom109 8 years ago
Not really sneezing anymore, just the cough.
If I ignore his fits they fizzle out, also if I pick him up and hold him he gives me a hug and is happy again.
rom109 8 years ago
Ok.. If he is happy and cough or cold is not much bothering him then there is no need to give any medication.

However if fever and cough comes and goes intermittently and if he is bothered by it, then give him Pulsatilla 30c single dose.
homeodr 8 years ago
Yeah. He's only really happy if he's being distracted (attention) or being held, and yes the cough etc bothers him very much! :(
I will try Puls.
rom109 8 years ago
Hey, so baby is doing a little better. We got a battery powered nasal aspirator the other day and were able to clear out his sinuses quite a bit so he can breathe better while eating and sleeping so that has helped a lot with the mental state.
I can't say that Pulsatilla really helped much. I just see him being the same way, just not as extreme since his sinuses are less clogged. Being able to eat and sleep when you're sick does do wonders for the mental state...lol
He's going back to wanting to nurse frequently at night though, which is really frustrating for me.
Getting him to sleep isn't as much of a challenge, but still some....and I could attribute that to his ability to breathe better as well...

He's been extremely obstinate lately, like it's getting worse. He wants to do things by himself,(and throws a fit if I don't allow him to.) especially eating. I get that is a normal transition for a baby, but there's only so much that can be eaten with his hands...and if it's difficult for him to chew then he just gets frustrated and throws his food on the ground.
I just feel like he is being uncooperative in general in a lot of ways. ... Some things its not that bad...Bla.
I think I'm just complaining.

..moving on...

I am feeling very frustrated with my own sleep situation lately...for the last month at least I would say.....my sleep is just this very heavy stupor-like sleep that I have the hardest time getting out of. I simply cannot wake up in the morning. I could keep sleeping all day. And my dreams are thick and heavy and I will try to wake up from them and then I fall back asleep and go right back into the same dream.
And then when I finally do get myself awake and out of bed I have that same grogginess of mind with me.

--some thoughts I've been having the last few weeks....
I feel left out of my family a little....I know in a lot of ways that's not true....but there's this residual feeling of being left out --my sister's-- they have their own goings on and I don't get included in it much.
I'm feeling kind of lonely in my interests, I don't have any one that shares my interests, or wants to engage with me on them.

It may or may not be truth, to some degree here and there..and it may very well just be seasons of busyness or other interests or priorities in other's lives, which is reasonable....
but those are the thoughts I'm having.

on a positive note, I have not had any more negative dreams about my horse since i last updated.
Also, I have not had another dose of Nat Mur in almost 3 weeks, FYI.
[message edited by rom109 on Sat, 31 Dec 2016 00:15:29 UTC]
rom109 8 years ago
For baby ... Wait and watch for a day and two.. If he seems to be the same mentally or without much improvement then give him one more dose of pulsatilla or else repetition is not required..

For you.. You may repeat natrum mur one dose this time in the same way as you did before.. Update me in 7 days..
homeodr 8 years ago
Okay, thanks. Will do.
Have a happy new year :)
rom109 8 years ago

I finally have a moment to update.
It's been a really rough week.
I have not felt well.
I experimented with a slight change in my diet and it did not go well--I am learning that it was a good thing but requires tweaks and most importantly slow integration.
Mentally I have been just feeling very distant from basically everything. I feel like there is distance between me and reality and I'm just going along out of necessity. Not really feeling truly in the moment -- it's hard to explain. I feel like the thing I'm trying to explain makes it difficult to explain things. It is very dull.
I am a different person after about 3:30-4pm. I regain energy, and vitality. I start cleaning the house, making food, doing laundry, etc... I get all these ideas for organizing my life and prioritizing and I want to make a schedule and be structured person, but then I go to bed and wake up the next morning and feel like a lethargic unmotivated blob of a person until 4pm again.
The one thing that has been lacking though, even after 4pm, I really don't have any motivation to actually do anything and care about it. Like I'm not emotionally invested, or excited about stuff.....the things that usually come with that 4pm life-burst....the desire to do a craft or create something or whatever....I do things out of necessity but I would rather not. Even with the energy.
I have not been feeling sad about my family....rather I feel like I don't want to bother with people altogether. It just seems tiresome, and I don't know what to say anyways.
My son has been much better. I did not end up giving any more doses. He just simmered down on his own and his cold went away.
He has still been waking frequently in the night and fighting going to sleep; staying up to play, and asking for milk constantly. During the day he's pretty much his normal self.
rom109 8 years ago

When was the last dose of Natrum Mur taken? Was there any improvement (emotionally and in terms of sleep) after the last dose?

For your son -- no need to give any more doses at this point of time..
homeodr 8 years ago
I took my last dose of Nat Mur about 9 days ago. There was subtle improvement I think in the area of feeling left out of my family. And it is slightly less difficult to wake up in the morning, but still significantly difficult. That is all I would say for it.
rom109 8 years ago
I've also been forgetting things the past few weeks...like the things I've made for dinner just a few days ago...it's a blank unless I think very diligently, which is difficult.
It's so frustrating...it's like I can't access my own brain....
rom109 8 years ago
Sorry for the late reply..
Just a,quick question, do you feel motivated to do something else like getting involved in some hobbies, or something of that sort?

Just wanted to know that if you feel less motivation only towards certain things ..
homeodr 8 years ago
Hi, it's okay.
No I don't feel motivated to do anything
rom109 8 years ago

Take one more dose of Natrum Mur from the left over solution, just succuss it 10 times and take a spoon from it.

You may need Sepia 30 later, just keep it handy..
homeodr 8 years ago
My son is fighting another sick bug. He had a fever night before last, and a pretty hard night last night as well, but he didn't feel nearly as warm. He kept waking up whimpering and wanting milk every time I moved. He has a tiny bit of congestion that's making him cough every once in a while but not a lot.
Yesterday he didn't have much of an appetite until dinner time. He finally took a long nap and woke up feeling a little better, maybe.
He's being somewhat pleasant during the day; playing quietly sometimes, but mostly wanting to be played with and much attention. He gets pretty upset if something gets taken away, or he can't have something he's asking for. He will just start crying like he is very sad.
Another thing- his gums are really red and sensitive.
rom109 8 years ago
Weird-- this thread only now is showing me your last reply. I have been checking back to see a response but it wasn't showing up.

I have been doing increased succussions with each dose, so I started with 10, then the next I did 20, and so on...
I was up to 30.
Wouldn't going back down to 10 be kind of going backwards? Curious what your thoughts are.

anyway while waiting to see your reply I decided to try another dose at 40 succussions.
I think it helped a bit. I feel a little less unmotivated.
More details later-- I'm needed elsewhere.
rom109 8 years ago

So this motivation thingie--
I want to do things that I know I enjoy doing, but then I think about getting up and doing it and I go over all the steps in my mind and then it's like that alone just wears me out and I don't want to go through the hassle.

Now this most recent dose I took I just told you about with 40 succussions, it seems to have taken some of that away. It also seems to help quite a bit after I have a bowel movement, which is not a new development, I've always felt this way, I just really noticed it over the last week.
Also my period now has come a week early.
[message edited by rom109 on Sun, 15 Jan 2017 22:25:29 UTC]
rom109 8 years ago

First I would like to answer your question regarding the succussion - going backwards if you go for only 10 succussions..
You would not go backwards in this case as the potency of the solution will increase with certain succussion. It doesn't matter if you go for 10 succussions or 40 succussions at a time.. For example - you have made a solution of 200c of a remedy and succussed it 10-20 times its potency will increase to 201, next time if you succuss it again by 10-20 times its potency will increase to 202. Third time if you give 40 succussions potency will increase to 203..The potency will not go backwards if you succuss less number of times than last dose.

Now coming back to your problem.
It seems every little dose of natrum mur has been helping you to some extend.. Since you have taken the another dose of this remedy also you have got the periods, I would advise you to wait for a week and see how you feel.

Is this the first time that you have got the periods early or does it happens frequently?

For your baby - give him calc phos 6x 1 tab twice a day for sensitive gums..
homeodr 8 years ago

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