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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Homeodr or Maheeru plz- postpartum depression

Hey I need some help
I'm about 10 months postpartum and Im struggling with very low energy, low motivation, difficulty waking up in the morning....
I am very snappy and irritable, little patience with my kids....

I was feeling great ppd for the first 8 months, I had so much energy. then I started to go downhill.

I feel horrible that I am so snappy with my kids. I just don't have any energy, and then my son is so hyper and I just cant handle him...then i feel so awful for even thinking that and I feel like I shouldn't even be a mom. I'm not enjoying my kids. I can barely force myself to do necessary things around the house. Laundry, dishes, dinner...it's all a huge struggle.

My brain feels very foggy and heavy, and as I'm moving around I feel like there is an extra weight attached to me.
around the time my energy fully crashed is the same time that my breast milk supply really dropped, too.
I read that hypothyroid can cause low breast milk supply.

If I could please get some advice from either Homeodr or Maheeru, I'd really appreciate it.
  rom109 on 2018-12-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
start taking cimicifuca 30 four times in a day for 4 days
and Helonis mother tincture 10 drops in a cup of water twice a day for 15days
Rashmi.Drrashmirani 6 years ago
Thanks but I asked for specific user advice,
Also I went ahead and tried Sepia and it was a complete fix within 30 minutes.
rom109 6 years ago

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