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homeopathy versus herbal tinctures 2


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Are mother tinctures homeopathy or herbal medicine? Page 2 of 10

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In allopathy and ayurvedic

1.Digitalis in high doses causes arrhythimias, but this drug is used routinely in low doses to treat this condition
2.The stimulant amphetamine-based drug Ritalin is used to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
3.Small doses of allergens such as pollen are used to de-sensitise allergic patients
4.mostly in ayurvedic ;Alzheimer
5.mostly in auyrvedic;detoxification;how?read process of detoxifcation in ayurved; and used herbs property in bhavparkash.(it is very good book ;it is also translated in hindi)buy online.There is hundred of herbs in it.
DrManojVEDI 8 years ago
Opposites balance is a basic tenet of Ayurveda.also in nature opposite balance.Ayurveda primarily heals by balancing.point being like can not balance like.if it still works than a different concept/working is involved than balancing.

You have cited allopathic examples.Detox process is different as per my understanding. Any way you must have read it.thanks for sharing.
[message edited by Teupne on Thu, 10 Nov 2016 14:28:37 UTC]
Teupne 8 years ago
What do you think about capsicum, which is hot, being applied to soothe inflammatory pain (also hot) in arthritis, and similar conditions?
I've always thought that was kinda homeopathic.
cosmicweaver 8 years ago
No god forbid.

Arthritis if it is due to excess pitta (fire, inflammatory)will worsen with capsicum .

If due to kapha it will help.

If due to vayu it could help

Ok I get it now.if it is due to pitta then temporarily capsicum may reduce vayu (pain) but eventually will exacerbate it.Do you see the logic.
[message edited by Teupne on Fri, 11 Nov 2016 05:37:39 UTC]
Teupne 8 years ago
I think I understand. It's usually applied externally in form of poultices so it might not even worsen that much long term, it only acts upon the local tissue.

I ran into this... Organon edition 6 Aphorism 11, footnote 2. You were correct about two different modes of action of crude substance and homeo remedies. Where Hahnemann draws the line is dynamization. According to this, you cant potentize a crude substance but you can potentize MT therefore MT can act homeopathically (nevermind that they still hold some crude substance). There are a lot of cases in old books that got cured with tinctures, these people reacted to low potency. This is from that footnote:

"These medicines act upon our well-being wholly without communication of material parts of the medicinal substances, thus dynamically, as if through infection."

"Far more healing energy is expressed in a case in point by the smallest dose of the best dynamized medicines, in which there can be, according to calculation, only so little of material substance that its minuteness cannot be thought and conceived by the best arithmetical mind, than by large doses of the same medicine in substance. That smallest dose can therefore contain almost entirely only the pure, freely-developed, conceptual medicinal energy, and bring about only dynamically such great effects as can never be reached by the crude medicinal substances itself taken in large doses."

"It is not in the corporal atoms of these highly dynamized medicines, nor their physical or mathematical surfaces (with which the higher energies of the dynamized medicines are being interpreted but vainly as still sufficiently material) that the medicinal energy is found. More likely, there lies invisible in the moistened globule or in its solution, an unveiled, liberated, specific, medicinal force contained in the medicinal substance which acts dynamically by contact with the living animal fibre upon the whole organism (without communicating to it anything material however highly attenuated) and acts more strongly the more free and more immaterial the energy has become through the dynamization."
cosmicweaver 8 years ago
Honestly it makes for a very difficult reading.

Not my cup of tea.It makes for a very vague , mystical reading quite surreal.

I had started with homeopathy, but 20-30 self trials Later with minor effects left it.

I bet in search of that one elusive 'constitutional' remedy success rate might suffer.

I scoff at the premise stated that crude substances can't heal and you have to reduce material presence so low that nothing remains and it transforms in to some spiritual healing force.

Look it might still be possible. Having read physics and studied the fundamental nature of matter/energy it can not be ruled out.But the action principle is at odds with how gross matter acts.
If there is fire you would dowse with water.

I challenge homeopaths to capture potentized fire dilutions and dowse that fire.

Point being ayurveda principles as applied to our body are equally applicable to nature and world at large.

I will explain:

To reduce fire in body we increase other elements like air water earth.

In nature equivalents are gusts of wind , cloud rains,dust storms.We witness these phenomena here in India when mercury soars.
Thus we are merely an extension of nature as per ayurveda philosophy.

Comparatively in ayurveda there is arguably higher success ratio with lesser options and lifestyle /diet changes.
[message edited by Teupne on Sat, 12 Nov 2016 17:02:14 UTC]
Teupne 8 years ago
"I scoff at the premise stated that crude substances can't heal"

But nobody said that. They just work different than homeopathic meds so they can't heal -the same way homeopathic meds do-. In ayurveda and other disciplines you achieve healing either by detox or by stimulating certain tissues (active substances in herbs). But homeopathic medicines act through the nerves, sending information kinda like our nervous system sends impulses (per example how people get sick by prolonged negative emotions - some data is stored in there and homeopathic meds seem to directly affect that area if targeted well). Why discard things just because they are complex, this is totally worth studying. I will not give up just because it's hard. But you have nice ideas about combining therapies. I often wished there was someone to link allopathy, TCM, Ayurveda, all that, comprehensively... But I guess it won't happen soon because it takes decades to master each of these.
cosmicweaver 8 years ago
Point is homeopathic prescription is not simple.

As a laymen if you went symptom matching you would have atleast 10 remedies to choose from with their finer nuances.

If you were to choose one that you feel best matches your symptoms and it fails then what next?

You try the next one and so on and on.......

You do not know about potencies. Which one to take and the dosage.

Like I read here minimum dosage etc.

Someone said no two homeopaths will agree on a remedy. What is that ?it means there is a lot of scope for interpretations/ambiguity.It would never happen in ayurveda.

In ayurveda if I have 10 remedies to prescribe you can take any one .Any one will help though to varying degrees. But all will help.There is no ambiguity here.

Hence you can self prescribe herbs also with confidence.

I read on the cases here .Usually I see someone saying that remedy benefited immediately up to 20-30 percent better sometimes 40-50 percent better with in 4-5 days.

That is huge improvement so fast very unlikely in ayurveda.

However many a times within next 3-4 days the effect fizzles out and you are back to square one.
What is that? I mean what it is really? ?

Is it a game of roulletes all or none??

It would never happen in ayurveda.First of all you would benefit 20-30 percent let's say over 15-20 days may be more in chronic cases.If I were to stop taking medicines then this benefit would not disappear overnight.its a real solid benefit/improvement you attained which is unlikely to vanish in thin air at the drop of hat. That goes with all remedies in ayurveda. They work at natural slow pace but the effect lasts and there are no surprises. No(rarely) scope for disagreement over pathology involved.

There are measures in ayurveda for faster relief (metal-mineral) preparations but carry inherent risks hence expertise is needed.

Whatever pathy heals you its good because that is the final objective :healing that lasts.be it TCM homeopathy ayurveda allopathic.

I just wanted to highlight some difficulties if you decided to self prescribe in homeopathy.

I want to add something. The allure of simply popping a homeopathic pill and voila healing is simply big rather than the dreary prospect of having to look at root causes and making wholesale healthy changes in your diet/lifestyle and what not.
I think you would agree on my last point.
[message edited by Teupne on Mon, 14 Nov 2016 05:56:14 UTC]
[message edited by Teupne on Mon, 14 Nov 2016 05:57:17 UTC]
Teupne 8 years ago
About your last point - Organon also points out that there must be a healthy and balanced diet and lifestyle as well (in all) or healing might not be lasting, or might even be prevented. (But people nowadays in general like to think they can have great health if they pop some pill while maintaining a bad lifestyle)

A lot of people use homeopathic meds in smaller potencies for acute relief and it works, even though it might not be most similar. Also the remedy might help even when when you don't hit the simillimum if it's close enough, but not to the degree that simillimum would. I've read an example where some snake remedy brought relief to the patient - but his simillimum was actually another snake remedy and when the homeopath prescribed it next there were really impressive results. So that is also not too different in homeopathy, although it's more complex.

About your other questions (like fast improvements plummeting) I really wish someone more experienced would reply.
[message edited by cosmicweaver on Mon, 14 Nov 2016 19:24:47 UTC]
cosmicweaver 8 years ago
Study herings law of cure.

Important thing to remember is that the human body will not accept two similar diseases.

If that were not true.. homeopathy would not work.

The remedy is a safe version of what you already have. Your body recognizes this and the law of not accepting two diseases is triggered.
The immune system/vital force goes to target the remedy and then is also targeting the disease.

Your immune system then starts bringing up what was suppressed in reverse order of most recent first.

Having fast results that then do not hold usually means the remedy is palliating the disease . Suppresing it
Like allopathic medicine. It means remedy is usually wrong .
simone717 8 years ago
Dear Simone
Point taken and understood.

Body does not tolerate similar diseases.Suppose I am addicted to coffee which is my bane.It is causing issues, nervous dependency etc.By that logic on every fresh coffee consumption body should not accept similar invasion and should clear out or cure in reverse order.That does not happen.

I know you would counter law applies to potentized dilutions not crude substances.wondering why that might be so.
I view it a bit differently as stimulating of immunity by like cause.rather than body rejecting like diseases.what is the logic?

Regarding reverse order concept, in ayurveda also same order applies.There are seven dhatus (layers) and disease moves through these layers.Mazza dhatu (nervous system)being deepest.

You talked of homeopathic suppression.It is dangerous to suppress.I wonder when I improved on my urticaria first time on homeopathy and had several relapses that needed further medication and so on till eventually nothing worked.Was that suppression? I suspect so and truly curse that experience.

You said palliation/temporary relief may be suppression.

In ayurveda there is no suppression per se.

What palliates , almost moves in the direction of healing.Though if root cause is not addressed ailment would be intact. But pathology would not go deeper because of palliation.It would go because of continued aggravating factors/root cause that eventually forces pathology deeper in to tissues.

I still fail to understand palliation/suppression concept as why it should be so.Either I am aggravated or palliated (moved towards healing).

You say if inadequate match then palliation /suppression happens but logically there should be some permanent improvement in matched symptoms.

Unless it works only if it is a near complete match then it points to all or none scenario where extremely precise choices are needed to heal out of scores of available options.

That has to be a very difficult task.Symptom matching is not an easy task at all.If a layman attempts it there are far greater chances of suppression.

Is there only one perfect remedy for any given condition??
Does that mean only one will work and all others will fail/palliate/suppress.

If that's so what are the odds that I hit the correct remedy on first attempt. ?
[message edited by Teupne on Mon, 14 Nov 2016 21:21:20 UTC]
Teupne 8 years ago
I wanted to add something about herbal medicine. In many ways, herbs act on a like-cures-like basis, even though it may seem like they're being used in an opposite way.
For example, Valerian. It is well known as a calming herb helping reduce nervous tension and help patients who are edgy, anxious, tense, etc. But did you know that large doses of Valerian will cause those symptoms which we are trying to cure? In fact, some sensitive patients go on to "prove" Valerian and have negative effects from the standard dose, getting wired and tense from it.
Another example: Yarrow. Used to staunch blood flow, but overuse can actually cause bleeding. It is said that a good sniff of potent yarrow can cause a nosebleed. Yet it can help stop a badly bleeding wound. It is also cooling, yet a stimulant.
I believe many herbs have these opposing effects, and homeopathy just helps draw out a certain desired effect from the plant or substance.
Even regular medications can have a like-cures-like effect. Many modern meds have been synthesized from plants, so perhaps a modicum of the healing genius of that plant remains, though much of it must be lost in the process.

Even some herbal mindsets are a like-cures-like mentality, for example my favorite herbal author says that a particular native American tribe uses "hot" herbs for burns. So instead of cold to hot, they use heat to attract the heat of the burn and draw it out of the skin instead of potentially driving it further into the interior with cold.
Just my thoughts as a layperson who has studied herbalism through books and internet.
alaskamom 8 years ago
Ok going thru your points in several replies.

First it is a false argument to be comparing systems working. Homeopathy is based on the"match"
To the disease- and in chronic you
Match mental, physical, emotional
,better and worse by, weather preferences, and what was going on
At the start, and very important! What is strange , rare and peculiar.

So the coffee example is not right.
If you have coffee addiction you take the case like above. Maybe addiction
Needs nux vomica to clear tendency to overdo things. Maybe it needs arnica bc addiction came after an accident and is used to over ride pain
- you do the match, take the case.
[message edited by simone717 on Tue, 15 Nov 2016 00:55:52 UTC]
simone717 8 years ago
Yes palliationwould make things go deeper. It is same as putting steroid cream on in eczema. palliation is used in incurable end of life cases.
Palliation is not letting the body release the problems .

The improvements will Not stay there
After a time.

Aggravation is the release of blocks to stable health. And often there is the second prescription bc the first one took care of a percentage. It took
Me about 4 prescriptions and one year to get rid of
simone717 8 years ago
Hi Alaska mom,
Yes you are right. But herbalism is a system in its own right .Raw herbs, tinctures are very powerful, so you
Really need to know what you are doing !

But yes, on your examples as take chamomile tea. two cups relax, 3 cups make you irritable. As a remedy
For angry children , right dosing will relax them. Difference is if chamomile is your match for chronic then you
Will not have to keep taking it, bc it should clear from the core.
simone717 8 years ago
I do not want to add more confusion
Here, but what you are talking about with coffee example is called tautopathy - 0nly the coffee would be diluted.


"Homeopathic toxicology"

A lecture by robin murphy
Where he goes over tautopathy, isopathy and why he practices what he calls "clinical homeopathy"

You might like his approach. He believes in serious cases that you can palliate for months if needed.
[message edited by simone717 on Mon, 14 Nov 2016 23:38:31 UTC]
simone717 8 years ago
Thanks for that comment, Simone. Yes, the herbal books I really enjoy almost use a homeopathic application with herbalism, in the way the author gives detailed info about each herb and the mental, physical, and emotional type that that remedy would suit. He paints a picture of the type of constitution that the remedy would match best, and recommends very small doses (1 to 3 drops, 3x a day). He says if the remedy is the right one, a small dose is all you need. And he gives case studies of cures, sometimes with just one dose, sometimes after using the herb for a period of months.
I love how each system like homeopathy, Ayuvedic, herbalism, Chinese medicine, etc all have a unique view on healing. I feel that homeopathy has brought my family the most profound changes in the mental/emotional sphere, and I like herbs for simple complaints like first aid, pain relief, nervousness/sleeplessness, and illnesses. But for those complex, mental states, homeopathy has worked like no other. I'm very grateful for it.
Hope that wasn't too much of a pig-trail in this thread.
alaskamom 8 years ago
I agree about all the healing systems-
Fascinating to me.

It is fine you commented. This thread
Is not a treatment thread, more like
A general discussion.
simone717 8 years ago
Dear Simone

Read tautology. So you antidote coffee with coffee dilution and not more coffee. This does not prove like cures like and body does not accept two similar diseases.

You failed to answer why crude coffee would not antidote coffee. (Like cures like and body can't accept two similar diseases)

Thus its evident that these laws are applicable only for dilutions with a possible different mode if action/explanation.

Its because coffee consumption is additive.more you consume more effects you have.

Dear Alaskamom,

If you read above logic you wound understand that herbs do not follow like cures like, no way.

If a herb is laxative I don't think that on regular usage it would prove itself and cause the condition of constipation.?????????

My basic point again that like cures like applies to dilutions only .Kindly don't extrapolate the same mechanism to herbal actions/grosser world because herbal action is additive hence as per need herbs are used long term also for chronic disorders .
In ayurveda herbs are mere extension of food we eat though a bit more potent and follow principle of opposites balance by virtue of their own qualities.more you use them more you would see their effect as effects are additive.

For example bitter herbs are reducing in nature. They deplete tissues si can be used to shed weight.By your logic on extensive usage they should prove themselves and cause the condition of weight.which is far from true they would keep on depleting you and emaciated you like hell. Would you take the challenge??

LIKE CURES LIKE is not applicable to herbs. Period.
If it is please take acidic foods if you have acidity to cure yourself homeopathicly.
Teupne 8 years ago
Dear Simone

I Read tautology. So you antidote coffee with coffee dilution and not more coffee. This does not prove like cures like and body does not accept two similar diseases.

You failed to answer why crude coffee would not antidote coffee. (Like cures like and body can't accept two similar diseases)

Thus its evident that these laws are applicable only for dilutions with a possible different mode if action/explanation.

Its because coffee consumption is additive.more you consume more effects you have.

Dear Alaskamom,

If you read above logic you wound understand that herbs do not follow like cures like, no way.

If a herb is laxative I don't think that on regular usage it would prove itself and cause the condition of constipation.?????????

My basic point again that like cures like applies to dilutions only .Kindly don't extrapolate the same mechanism to herbal actions/grosser world because herbal action is additive hence as per need herbs are used long term also for chronic disorders .
In ayurveda herbs are mere extension of food we eat though a bit more potent and follow principle of opposites balance by virtue of their own qualities.more you use them more you would see their effect as effects are additive.

For example bitter herbs are reducing in nature. They deplete tissues si can be used to shed weight.By your logic on extensive usage they should prove themselves and cause the condition of weight.which is far from true they would keep on depleting you and emaciated you like hell. Would you take the challenge??

LIKE CURES LIKE is not applicable to herbs. Period.
If it is please take acidic foods if you have acidity to cure yourself homeopathicly.
Teupne 8 years ago
Dear Simone

I Read tautology. So you antidote coffee with coffee dilution and not more coffee. This does not prove like cures like and body does not accept two similar diseases.

You failed to answer why crude coffee would not antidote coffee. (Like cures like and body can't accept two similar diseases)

Thus its evident that these laws are applicable only for dilutions with a possible different mode if action/explanation.

Its because coffee consumption is additive.more you consume more effects you have.

Dear Alaskamom,

If you read above logic you wound understand that herbs do not follow like cures like, no way.

If a herb is laxative I don't think that on regular usage it would prove itself and cause the condition of constipation.?????????

My basic point again that like cures like applies to dilutions only .Kindly don't extrapolate the same mechanism to herbal actions/grosser world because herbal action is additive hence as per need herbs are used long term also for chronic disorders .
In ayurveda herbs are mere extension of food we eat though a bit more potent and follow principle of opposites balance by virtue of their own qualities.more you use them more you would see their effect as effects are additive.

For example bitter herbs are reducing in nature. They deplete tissues si can be used to shed weight.By your logic on extensive usage they should prove themselves and cause the condition of weight.which is far from true they would keep on depleting you and emaciated you like hell. Would you take the challenge??

LIKE CURES LIKE is not applicable to herbs. Period.
If it is please take acidic foods if you have acidity to cure yourself homeopathicly
Teupne 8 years ago
Dear Simone

I Read tautology. So you antidote coffee with coffee dilution and not more coffee. This does not prove like cures like and body does not accept two similar diseases.

You failed to answer why crude coffee would not antidote coffee. (Like cures like and body can't accept two similar diseases)

Thus its evident that these laws are applicable only for dilutions with a possible different mode if action/explanation.

Its because coffee consumption is additive.more you consume more effects you have.

Dear Alaskamom,

If you read above logic you wound understand that herbs do not follow like cures like, no way.

If a herb is laxative I don't think that on regular usage it would prove itself and cause the condition of constipation.?????????

My basic point again that like cures like applies to dilutions only .Kindly don't extrapolate the same mechanism to herbal actions/grosser world because herbal action is additive hence as per need herbs are used long term also for chronic disorders .
In ayurveda herbs are mere extension of food we eat though a bit more potent and follow principle of opposites balance by virtue of their own qualities.more you use them more you would see their effect as effects are additive.

For example bitter herbs are reducing in nature. They deplete tissues si can be used to shed weight.By your logic on extensive usage they should prove themselves and cause the condition of weight.which is far from true they would keep on depleting you and emaciated you like hell. Would you take the challenge??

LIKE CURES LIKE is not applicable to herbs. Period.
If it is please take acidic foods if you have acidity to cure yourself homeopathicly
Teupne 8 years ago
sorry some technical issues saw multiple posts.they were not visible so reposted.checking from different device.
Teupne 8 years ago
I'm a sceptic by nature, and since this is related to the general topic, how do you guys track the results of homeopathic treatments? I can't say with certainty I'm doing better in any regard.

Does it mean the remedy did not work? Or it was wrong? Or I need a stronger potency? How does one even determine these things?
[Edited by cosmicweaver on 2018-01-26 21:37:16]
cosmicweaver 8 years ago
Very hard for the person who is the patient to determine these things.

This is why homeopaths go to other homeopaths.

Murthy is your prescriber and these
Questions are best directed to him.

One looks at herings law of cure.
Which is easy to see the path when
Treating an acute illness. And even
Chronic physical issues.

But let's say you have an abusive
Relationship with family and have to keep interacting with them.. or job,
Or you live near toxic farm areas , etc
On those things you have to change
And remove the stress.
simone717 8 years ago
I did change the job that gave me injury and eczema. I also cut off the toxic relationships. It just reduced acute stress on me but my emotional world hasn't moved an inch.
[Edited by cosmicweaver on 2018-01-26 21:37:55]
cosmicweaver 8 years ago

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