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Are mother tinctures homeopathy or herbal medicine? Page 4 of 10

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You know cosmic weaver what I think of you.

I think here is a soul who is suffering. I wish I could help you.I wish you had received unconditional love from everyone near you coz everyone is perfect in ways god intended us to be.period.

You are afraid that people will hate you, reject you thinking you are a nuisance. Far from it.You are projecting your emotions/feelings , fears and insecurities.This is not what everybody is thinking. To each his own.I am thinking how to help you.Can I help you through my analysis/understanding/concepts.
Since I have also suffered horribly I wish I could help.That is what true knowledge is for.To help us reduce misery and be more happy and lovable.

Each of us lives in their own thought world and would react differently to you.Some would hate, some would be indifferent , some would genuinely want to help, some would empathise. .and so on....

But each of them eventually would be projecting their own self.Who feels love for you has only love in his heart.who hates you can't truly love someone. Who empathises with you has also suffered.

Point being you are different for different people.

So what are you ? Are you a mix of all these projected emotions or a one particular emotion.

Hell with anybody. You are not anyone's projected emotions.

You are what you are , perfect as you were meant to be.

I said to you earlier your emotions stem from low self worth.If I have low worth I would think I am a nuisance and others hate me coz I inconvenience them.

So what would help. Understand that emotions you are projecting is not you.

Body and mind/emotions are very intimately connected.I speak from my experiences and extensive analysis.

As you body heals/returns to balance your thoughts will get better.

You will think better and feel much more self worth.you would be able to let go.

I wrote in earlier post that love truly heals. I know that it heals coz it healed me.

If you have love in your heart then you accept your self unconditionally. You don't need a reason to love yourself.Its a state of being.

Love alone truly defines your self worth. Nothing else does.

So are you capable of loving yourself?? Tell me. ......

Ayurveducaly speaking as you move from vata(air) which represents fears/low worth/insecurities to kapha(earth and water).you would love yourself more and would be healed. Kapha being dense, coalesces. You would be able to connect with people and love them more and also receive their love and affection.

So tell me about air in you.

Light, constipated, ........
Teupne 8 years ago
Can anyone tell me why I have been suspended? ?

Tell me if I am not welcome here. It hurts but its okay. I don't expect a lot.

But at least say it on my face.

Are people threatened by ayurveda here??
[message edited by teupne1 on Mon, 21 Nov 2016 18:32:07 UTC]
teupne1 8 years ago
No- it has to be for rudeness on another thread.
simone717 8 years ago
Idk why would people be threatened by ayurveda, isn't this forum for all kinds of health knowledge. I'm thankful for your nutrition advice and am apllying it. I think every day they might ban me though because I post long posts...
cosmicweaver 8 years ago
You can only be banned for breaking forum rules. Click the report post at bottom of each post to see what is

You can discuss anything on here and write a novel if you want to.

The owner is very open minded .

Cosmicweaver, I really like your posts. You are honest and a deep thinker. You write well. Keep it up!
[message edited by simone717 on Mon, 21 Nov 2016 19:00:41 UTC]
simone717 8 years ago
I might have now seen the problem thread. And I think I messed up myself once in a similar way. Had no idea it was rude - I was not interfering into prescribing - just suggested something from other healing area that might help but I just wanted to help... now I want to kill myself. I didn't think sharing something would be rude if you don't interfere into prescribing (for which I have no knowledge to do anyway). Idk, is it rude also to read threads if directed to a specific prescriber, I thought it was a public forum and useful for learning? Does that count as eavesdropping? I mean why don't they specify these things more clearly??? I mean it is like walking a minefield I just don't get it... this is surely part of why I avoid people and can't stay among them for long... too difficult to figure out, just too hard, you're guaranteed to fail and be hated. It's futile mission.

I am an alien element... :bangs head into the virtual desk:
[message edited by cosmicweaver on Mon, 21 Nov 2016 23:59:33 UTC]
cosmicweaver 8 years ago
No, that is not the thread.

You have to attack another member,
And make rude comments. It was another thread or threads.

Any member is allowed to post things on any thread . But a lot of folks think they are entering a private
Room with their "doctor".
They do not read the forum rules or
Understand anyone, anywhere can say they will treat them and they can have zero experience.

Many people appreciate others comments. Some of the prescribers
Do not like it and they will stop talking
To the person if the person starts asking questions bc a new person created prescription confusion.

If you read most of the threads after a time you get the feel of it. But there is always new personalities coming in.

Common thing here is write "bump"
On a thread you want to go to the top when it is forgotten. Once I wrote "bump" helping person from Asia and he thought I was attacking him! Reported me.lol.
[message edited by simone717 on Tue, 22 Nov 2016 00:10:25 UTC]
simone717 8 years ago
cosmicweaver, you are not bothering anyone with your long posts. Sometimes talking things out in length can help you to figure out what you need. It sounds like, subconsciously, you already knew the Hura was probably a good match. If you have that feeling inside that it is probably the right one (I never know 100% either---you just have to try it, most times), then I'd say it's worth a try. Do you have anyone on here who is prescribing for you that you could run it by? Do you already know what potency you want to try?

With the way you were hurt as a child, its no wonder you may have a hard time trusting your instincts on remedies. You were told at the deepest level that you were fundamentally broken. And if that's so (which it's not, but that's the belief that was instilled), then your choices would be wrong too, no? I'm so sorry for all you've been through. Try to trust that you have wisdom inside yourself, that you can do this.

And please, if you think lengthy posts are a problem, go see some of mine, LOL. I write novels. Writing long posts can sometimes help the prescriber get all the details of how to help you. I have gotten flack for a long post before, but it was just from one person, and I'm not sure they were even a homeopath. They were very rude.
So please don't feel like you're a bother.

Also, sometimes I read other posts on here. Maybe it's a little like eavesdropping, but when you start posting, you are notified that this is a public forum and that there's the possibility that others may read your posts. Sometimes I will read other threads if I need to choose a homeopath and am looking for what their style is in treating others. Sometimes I read to try to learn more, or to reach out to others.

Also, I am using Nat Mur right now, and I personally think the Hura sounds like a better match for you. Nat Mur may fit better in your future, after your current state is healed. We all have many layers (so I learned), and you peel one layer away and then you may need a different remedy for the next layer. I can see a lot of similarities for myself to other remedies sometimes. For example, I see Lycopodium and think I bet I was a Lycopodium child. Now I use it for my 3 year old son, because he fits that remedy right now. I think he inherited that state from me.
It's all so fascinating--but can be confusing, too. I would never try to prescribe for anyone else, but I am learning, I think, to pick simple remedies for myself and my kids.
alaskamom 8 years ago
Dear cosmic weaver

I wrote a long post in reply to you.But it was deleted by moderator. (It hurt me as my intentions are pure.)Again I shared my perspective at length.Anyway the moment is gone.I wish you luck.I truly believe that ayurveda can heal you as it healed me.

Good luck.
teupne1 8 years ago
We are all forum members. As members the owner/moderator encourages reading all posts if you can and reporting breaking of rules and comments if dangerous advic is being given. He leaves it up to members to report things.

And Alaska mom, Radhey, who you ignored when he made a judgement on your posts- he was not a homeopath- he was suspended for that and other posts where he was doing the same thing.

You can always click your name and erase posts. I would not advise that if under treatment, but seeing this is the internet and they will be there forever, you have that choice.
simone717 8 years ago
Dear simone

Are you the moderator here? I don't know hence asking. Same name so. ...
teupne1 8 years ago
No. The owner of the forum is Simon In the U.K. He is the moderator, sometimes bc of name similarity people think it is me.
simone717 8 years ago
Teupne, I really like with ayurveda how it's very simple to apply and looks compatible to anything. I wish I made effort to eat like that much earlier. Now I've read your previous post, it's been restored. Glad you're back.

Alaskamom - yeah - I was also attacked for long posts, I was already anxious when writing them and then someone came and attacked me that I didn't know what my problem was.

I don't know which potency to start with. I wanted to hear what Murthy thought since he was interested into my case.
[Edited by cosmicweaver on 2018-01-26 21:27:26]
cosmicweaver 8 years ago
I wasn't aware that Radhey person was reprimanded in any way. I'm kind of glad because he seemed really unhelpful in posts to others also and might cause them not to try homeopathy at all if his response was their first experience with it.

Cosmicweaver, I'm glad you are feeling that you've nailed down the reasons behind the actions. I hope truly that the Hura is your answer. Do you know to expect a possible aggravation even if it is the right remedy?
And yes, perhaps start with a lower potency and work your way up. I tend to be a sensitive person and aggravate easily, so personally I have to start low. My homeopath recommended LM potencies for me. I didn't want to wait for one to come in the mail, so I used what I had on hand, and have to deal with a week-long aggravation on 200c to get to the benefit of the remedy. Do you know whether you tend to be sensitive to medications in general, or to homeopathic remedies? Perhaps you could order, say just to throw out numbers, 30c and 200c? It can be handy to have a lower potency on hand, too, because in case the higher potency aggravates too long or strong for you, then you can help antidote those negative effects with a lower potency. You might also look up what the antidotes are to your remedy, so that you can be prepared just in case it's not the right match, somehow. Then you have the option to antidote it, should you need it.
I have had to antidote remedies in the past due to them being the wrong potency and aggravating, or not quite the right match and I got a temporary amelioration followed by a worsening of symptoms. Being able to antidote that sure helped me, and also just the knowing, for me personally, that I could antidote a remedy at any time, helped me to have more peace in choosing to try one, what with my mental symptoms being so sensitive to remedies, both right and wrong. Does that make sense to you? And Simone, please correct me if any of this is incorrect. Thanks.
alaskamom 8 years ago

You have some things right, and some things are not so simple and would take a lot of reading.

My opinion is that she takes remedy and dosing advice from Murthy,who knows a lot more than I do.
simone717 8 years ago
Good advice :)
alaskamom 8 years ago
Idk yet if that's the remedy... So many aspects. It is so hard to filter out what's important trace to follow and what isn't. I mean seriously hats down to people who know how to do this.
[Edited by cosmicweaver on 2018-01-26 21:28:26]
cosmicweaver 8 years ago
The differences between meds are very subtle. Any suggestions on how to best study comparatively - differences between meds? Teupne said meds are similar, he is correct. So I believe comparative study...
[Edited by cosmicweaver on 2018-01-26 21:28:53]
cosmicweaver 8 years ago
Remember that the strange, rare and peculiar symptom if there is one,
Will most probably be the right remedy. These are a symptom that is only found in one remedy.

You need to google Systems of reportizing. You can also just google
Homeopathic cured case of--------.
Read the cases. Only thing I would caution there is a lot of cases up with use of a brand new remedy, proved in "meditation" etc not normal methods. You don't know if the case is really true. My previous homeopath,
Also a teacher, did all his cases on video-so no question about veracity.
simone717 8 years ago
Also, Murthy is willing to guide you.
Not even best experienced people can treat themselves.

So trying to research yourself can help you learn a lot..but I would ask
Murthy for help. He is excellent.
simone717 8 years ago
Oh I'm just talking about learning more about homeopathy. I want to study it because it's fascinating.

Ah! It just dawned on me why I am opposed to medical checkups and never do them - I fear bad news.
[Edited by cosmicweaver on 2018-01-26 21:29:39]
cosmicweaver 8 years ago
You have to make a list of all your mental and physical, and a timeline
And do the big picture.

Find the remedies that contain these things. Which is why you may want
To whittle down into some large general rubrics- then go thru what remedies show up and further reduce
Choices to 3 or 4 remedies and then choose one you think is correct.
simone717 8 years ago
It's impossible - too many symptoms - first I'll write a novel and no one has time to read that. Even this is too long. Second, I just don't know how to narrow it down... too many symptoms, it's confusing. It shows me big remedies in the top then, just because they are reportorized better.
[message edited by cosmicweaver on Thu, 01 Dec 2016 21:37:50 UTC]
cosmicweaver 8 years ago

I am a bit stressed right now. Your case needs concentration to study.

I will perhaps do that in a couple of days. Right now, I was just glancing through your posts.

Keep posting till you feel you told all that is there. The length of the post doesn't matter.

I will dedicate a whole day for your case, if required..but please bear with me for a couple of days.

gavinimurthy 8 years ago
It's no problem. You've been nice to me so I'd really hate to stress you out.
[Edited by cosmicweaver on 2018-01-26 21:25:49]
cosmicweaver 8 years ago
Dear simone

I have a question for you.(an important one)

When I had cholinergic urticaria (heat) I had tried several homeopathic meds:

Urtica urens 30 c

Apis mell 30 c

Natrum mure 6x

Others also

My query is that I did not get any relief whatsoever Zilch, nada.

Does that mean partial matches do not work at all? ? And only complete match works-- the true similum? ?

Or Did I take them incorrectly? ?

Kindly reply.
Teupne 8 years ago

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