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homeopathy versus herbal tinctures 2


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Are mother tinctures homeopathy or herbal medicine? Page 3 of 10

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I did change the job that gave me injury and eczema. I also cut off the toxic relationships. It just reduced acute stress on me but my emotional world hasn't moved an inch.
[Edited by cosmicweaver on 2018-01-26 21:37:55]
cosmicweaver 8 years ago
Ok, well that last statement would be
An indicator to re evaluate.

Is this a passive wish, or have you thought about actually doing something?
simone717 8 years ago
I wouldn't do anything stupid, no worries. I just look forward to it, very much at times.
[message edited by cosmicweaver on Sat, 19 Nov 2016 03:16:18 UTC]
cosmicweaver 8 years ago
" how does one even determine these things"

Its simple cosmicweaver.By feeling incresingly better.Its not a rocketscience.You feel better you know you are being healed.Most importantly if you know the root cause of your illness,if you know what has been aggravating it and what relieves it ,you make those changes and your body restores its balance gradually to heal you.Our body works on principle of homeostasis.It continually strives to regain balance.But often we fail to spot our imbalances,its triggers etc.

To exempily I once had cholinergic urticaria(triggered by heat).
I was shown to a homeopath.He prescribed and I had relief in seven-ten days no doubt.However I experienced it recurr frequently to the point of exasperation.I had lost all hope.It was affecting me severly emotionally too.

However lucky me that I could finaly understand its root cause---diet/food

True .I realized that my urticaria was triggered by hot foods/sun/exercise/physical exertion and even strong emotions.

I eliminated all pungency/sorness/salt in my food and consumed herbs/tastes indicated to balance heat.Specially one paticular food that was most aggravating to me was eliminated. Herbs that are bitter(cold),astringent(cold),sweet(cool) and food.

I saw continous improvement.I did not have to resort to detailed provings or imagine the ways in which I was getting healed or even wonder if I was being healed.
I could really see/feel it.Gradual cooling of my blood/emotions/senses.

I realised earlier I could not let go easily.It became easier with cooling of body/mind/emotions.

No homeopath would have explained the root cause to me.and any of their remedies however healing would have been negated by my diet.Thus never achieving true healing/balance.

The first case I picked on this forum was for cholinergic urticaria.This guy was from Israel .He had tried allopathy(anti-histamines/steroids) for 9 months with no permanent cure.I was happy to help him out.
He saw improvement in 15 days flat.Best part is he now knows what triggered it.I bet he would never need a doctor for this condition atleast and it would never recur if he wants.

This is ayurvedic wisdom.It draws from nature only.and Nature alone can heal.

It is said homeopathy stimulated immunity.But ayurveda does not stimulate, it aids/abets healing forces in us by direclty balacing/cleansing toxins etc.So it directly helps healing .

True, healing force is within us.Herbs only aid by removing blocks to healing.

In my view Ayurveda is best for chronic/lifestyle/functional disorders.
Also it pervades all body organs and parts.which means that a benefit in one particular aspect(for eg. digestion) eventually spreads to entire body healing it .

You should not lose hope.Try to ascertain root cause.

Read ROBERT SVOBODA: Prakriti your constitution.

It will potentially change your life.

Best thing I found about ayurveda is not just its healing capability but it has higher dimensions also which are highly enlightening.

It explains origin of us humans .No other pathy attempts it.

Ayurveda includes:









winter is vayu season and thus most uncomfortable/aggravating to you.

To sum up it is the most comprehensive healing science and has several aspects to it which it explains at length.
Homeopathy in contrast is limited to healing only.
It does not explain root cause/diet/.
It does not explain what food is?What is digestion? etc....

You know modern surgery owes its origin to Ayurveda only.Sushrut is considered father of surgery which was performed three thousand years ago.

Each pathy has its place and time and if we understand that manking can be truly benefited.

I have no idea why homeopaths here are averse to ayurveda in conjunction with homeopathy.

Having studied ayurveda I would never oppose anyone trying homeopathy while I prescribe ayurveda remedies because it does not affect the working of ayurveda.

and yes I also continue to learn on this forum.I love to learn.

Modern psychology is no match for Ayurvedic psychology/bahvioural therapy.It explained to me why I think in the manner I think what more can I ask for.
Teupne 8 years ago

Do not have time at this moment to look at your treatment thread.

So am wondering when was last time you had a physical checkup?

What is your energy level like on a daily basis?

Have you ever had body work?

Hopeless state is going on here.
simone717 8 years ago
I did not go to doctor for about 10 years, it's useless, I don't believe they can help anyone. I never do checkups in fact I vehemently oppose them, to me it's like asking "did I get a disease yet? did i? did i, doctor, say yes?" LOL no way I'm doing that...

No body work. I was reading about it qigong, yoga etc. but honestly any kind of energy work creeps me out, so I couldn't do it. Not for religious reasons, it just creeps me out. I am very tired when I get up, then I function at work, when I come home I am quickly drained, too tired to just undress, so I sit/lie for hours in work clothes before mustering up the strength to go shower. It's often a challenge to maintain personal hygiene. But no matter how I feel even if ill I never drag myself around at work, I work diligently.
cosmicweaver 8 years ago
If you have low energy it causes depression bc the body is struggling to operate. You do not usually find people with high energy depressed unless there is an unbalanced manic

For checkup I mean getting a basic
Cbc(complete blood count) done to see status of iron levels, white count,
Red count etc. You could be uborderline anemic,or have low blood pressure both of which can make you
Tired all the time and can be adjusted with cell salts or remedies. If your digestion is not top notch, I would get a liver panel to see if all the enzymes and bilirubin are normal levels.

In India people can just go to a lab and get these tests done in a day. It was not till I came on the forum and saw people giving their stats especially on liver that I realized USA they do not do this unless you push it.

Body work, I mean massage like acupressure or shiatsu.They get your immune system moving and trained people can tell you in about 3 minutes what is off balance in your system. Acupuncture can too.

The way I see it- low energy is going to automatically cause depression.
There is often a physical reason for this and does not mean you have a "disease".

I used to do counseling. I went over the physical with people as a huge amount of people had something going on - even a lot of young women
depressed from their birth control pills -and told by obgyn to get psych meds
For depression when all they needed was to stop the pill or get rid of the I u d.

The low energy has to go and you need to get physical facts to rule out
Physical cause.
[message edited by simone717 on Sat, 19 Nov 2016 10:08:52 UTC]
simone717 8 years ago
They couldn't find the cause for chronic edema and anemia. Nutrition, supplements, etc - useless. All was declared normal when examined. No pill or iud.

Low energy, depression, low self esteem, you are right, these things all go hand in hand but it's hard to tell what is the cause. I have good opinion of acupuncture and massage but I can't afford.
[Edited by cosmicweaver on 2018-01-26 21:40:37]
cosmicweaver 8 years ago
There are reasons for this. I don't suppose when you went to dr earlier in life that they ever did a liver panel?

And low vitamin d levels can be a cause. You can go to dr mercola site and find the online vit d lab test. Cost about $60, they send and you send back.

And taking prescribed iron is tricky.

I suggest for right now you try cell salts. Ferrum phos 6x 3 tabs 2x a day
For iron and nat sulph 6x 2x a day for edema. Try it for one week. Cell salts
Balance out the cell itself .

See what you notice. I suggested Ferrum Phos to a woman in India who was feeling same as you and also borderline. She felt good!after one week and uses the ferrum phos now
Every few weeks for a couple days .

please do the vitamin d test. Get the facts, vitamin d is a big deal.
[message edited by simone717 on Sat, 19 Nov 2016 16:10:03 UTC]
simone717 8 years ago
I did not do a test but I supplement vitamin d from time to time and make sure I get sun exposure in summer. You're right it is a very neglected vitamin.
Actually liver enzymes are done often with blood count. They always come out normal.
I'll try cell salts after I exhaust attempts to find simillimum that will work to cure. At this point I highly doubt homeopathy will cure me though (or anything else) though.
cosmicweaver 8 years ago
There is something in homeopathy called obstacles to cure when the "perfect" or partial simillimum has no effect.

Thru sun has to be maintained year round.
Trying cell salt potency for a few days
Could give you valuable heads up on
A new main remedy.

Sorry you feel hopeless about ever being well.

I don't have any more to say.
simone717 8 years ago
"They could not find reason for chronic edema or anemia"

I reproduce from a text symptoms of vata anemia:

VATA: Body aches,piercing pain,,blackish red complexion,discoloration of veins,nails,feces,urine and eyes;edema,gas,astringent taste,dry feces,pain in the ribs and head,dry skin,anxiety,insomnia and constipation.

In ayurveda pitta is blood.
So it is not surprising that since you had so low pitta score(10) you would have low RBC count.
Teupne 8 years ago
Dear simone,


Impatient,not good enough,has to be now and perfect,can't get people out of my heads...........

Could you add more.You know what I mean.Dont be alarmed.I raked it up from old post.I want tp make sense of it.
Teupne 8 years ago
Hi there.
Hope you don't mind me butting in. I'm not a homeopath, but have read a bit on it and learned a little.
Mind if I ask, have you looked into the animal remedies? I recently am learning more about them, and finding they have some exciting possibilities for my family. My husband uses Lac Equinum once in awhile. And I just ordered Lac Delphinum for my oldest son. Perhaps some of the newest substances getting proven may help?

What Simone is saying makes a lot of sense, using the Ferrum Phos. Might be worth a try.

Also, if it seems homeopathy is not working, would it be possible to try a different alternative route? For example, herbalism, Traditional Chinese Medicine, etc?
alaskamom 8 years ago
I looked a lot into milk remedies and am convinced one of them will pop sooner or later, either human lacs or lac-can.
I don't expect miraculous results, I'd be pleased if I maintain the current levels of health. I'm not worried about my physical health at all, I'm used to it. It's emotional issues I struggle with and I had high hopes reading homeopathic cases that it could help me overcome. I'm not completely out of hope I'm just back to pessimistic mode with zero expectations. But I'll keep working on it. And I'm not one of those people who will now go and crusade against homeopathy just because it didn't work for me so far. It works for many people so I'll just chill out.
[Edited by cosmicweaver on 2018-01-26 21:35:05]
cosmicweaver 8 years ago
Cell salts are a sub system of homeopathy. They are to work on balancing out the cells. There are 12 of them.

You take them short term to balance.
For instance, if you feel the first stage of a cold take ferrum phos 6x several times that day. it has to be taken at first sign and usually the cold does not happen.I use that all the time on
Myself and my children do too. It works great.

Ferrum Phos cell salt has minute minerals in it unlike higher potencies.

Cell salts are called biochemic theory
Developed by dr schuessler in 1873.
They have stood the test of time.he felt when correct minerals were supplied abnormality was corrected and body healed itself.

You can try them safely as they wear off quickly. A great book listing 100's of conditions and salts prescriptions for them is "natural healing with cell salts"by dr skye weintraub.

Years ago on here, I used to argue with a n u j about him prescribing these all the time. A n u j has no alllopathic med in his home. His work puts him in contact with huge amounts of people and he is well versed in helping them with cell salts
For decades. So I became a convert
And my children too- bc they work.
simone717 8 years ago
Since it's palliative, does it kill the chance to cure if used long term?
[Edited by cosmicweaver on 2018-01-26 21:35:42]
cosmicweaver 8 years ago
No, not palliative bc it is working to balance the cell. You stop taking it
When better. Like I said the India woman with borderline anemia?
They could not find the cause.

But she is able to assimilate the iron from fp6x and uses it once every month or more and gets the iron she needs. So think of it like a very, fine tuned mineral supplement.
simone717 8 years ago
Sounds cool. Thank you both. I'll buy next time I go to homeopathic lab. My best friend has a similar problem, chronic borderline anemia. Her doctor prescribed her some B vitamins but this makes her feel really ill so she can't take them for long. I'll have her try this too. How do you take/dose these?
[Edited by cosmicweaver on 2018-01-26 21:36:11]
cosmicweaver 8 years ago
They come in little tablets.
Are you USA? You can get hylands brand from vitacost, good price , fast shipping.

Take 3 tabs and dissolve in mouth.

Try it 3 times a day for 3 days and
Report what you notice.
simone717 8 years ago
I'm from Eastern Europe. I'll let you know what happens after I get them. TY
cosmicweaver 8 years ago
Ok. Your English is so good you sound American. :)
simone717 8 years ago
"But when I use software and list symptoms these are not even in top 20. Idk - how does one even determine the simillimum?"

What I have found helpful is like one article I read said. It's more about the motivation behind the actions that determines the remedy. For example, a child may cling to their mother. For Pulsatilla, they may cling because they are afraid of losing their mother's love, afraid of abandonment. For Lycopodium, it says they are more nervous about their place/rank, and want to assure their place in the family hierarchy.
One thing I like to do is not just go by lists and symptoms, but getting more into the mentals and emotions (in addition to symptoms. Usually, for myself or my kids, I get an "aha" moment where I think, this is it! on a remedy. It so far has been fairly reliable.
I also like to read lengthy discourses on single remedies if I think they might be an option. So say you do the computer list and it says "this remedy is for you", then you look up that remedy and read about it much more in-depth and see if it still seems right. Here are a couple of webpages I have found that seem to be in depth in their articles.

Use the search feature to pull up a remedy you're interested in.

sepia-personality-study " rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.homeorizon.com/homeopathic-articles/materia-medic...
In this one, specifically the articles by Dr. Mari Fuller seem really helpful. Look to the left at "related articles" for more by that author.

Also, in herbalism, I read that historically, an herb called Agrimony (Agrimonia) was used for anemia. It is not iron-rich, but helps the intestines to better assimilate iron from the diet. Perhaps it could help?
Agrimony is for people who feel like they're between a rock and a hard place, yet they hide behind a cheerful facade. They may feel tortured cheerful. They may drive too fast to let off some steam. Agrimony can be useful for tension in the mental or physical sphere. For pain that causes you to hold your breath, or to suppress the exhalation, so it comes out under pressure. For tension in the liver causing anger and irritability. Also can be useful for kidney pains.
Just some thoughts, again I am not a professional. Hope that helps.
alaskamom 8 years ago
Hi Cosmic weaver

The so called constitutional features like patients needing ferrum.phos pale, calc.crb stout and chubby, lycopodium lean etc..are only indications that confirm our remedy choice.

The absence of these features Don't contraindicated the medicine. Each polychrest has thousands of symptoms that came out after proving and listed in materia medicas. It doesn't mean one need to have all those symptoms for the medicine to work.

If a set of symptoms are covered by the medicine, it will work. You shouldn't bother about symptoms you don't have, that are covered in the MM of that medicine.

Same is the case with constitutional features. The absence of them doesn't contraindicated the remedy.

Take the tissue salts suggested by Simone. They won't interfere with the action of homeopathic potency.

gavinimurthy 8 years ago
Thank you Murthy, I'll buy it this or next week, as soon as I have my next day off.

About features and symptoms, I get lost in details.
[Edited by cosmicweaver on 2018-01-26 21:30:33]
cosmicweaver 8 years ago
You know cosmic weaver what I think of you.

I think here is a soul who is suffering. I wish I could help you.I wish you had received unconditional love from everyone near you coz everyone is perfect in ways god intended us to be.period.

You are afraid that people will hate you, reject you thinking you are a nuisance. Far from it.You are projecting your emotions/feelings , fears and insecurities.This is not what everybody is thinking. To each his own.I am thinking how to help you.Can I help you through my analysis/understanding/concepts.
Since I have also suffered horribly I wish I could help.That is what true knowledge is for.To help us reduce misery and be more happy and lovable.

Each of us lives in their own thought world and would react differently to you.Some would hate, some would be indifferent , some would genuinely want to help, some would empathise. .and so on....

But each of them eventually would be projecting their own self.Who feels love for you has only love in his heart.who hates you can't truly love someone. Who empathises with you has also suffered.

Point being you are different for different people.

So what are you ? Are you a mix of all these projected emotions or a one particular emotion.

Hell with anybody. You are not anyone's projected emotions.

You are what you are , perfect as you were meant to be.

I said to you earlier your emotions stem from low self worth.If I have low worth I would think I am a nuisance and others hate me coz I inconvenience them.

So what would help. Understand that emotions you are projecting is not you.

Body and mind/emotions are very intimately connected.I speak from my experiences and extensive analysis.

As you body heals/returns to balance your thoughts will get better.

You will think better and feel much more self worth.you would be able to let go.

I wrote in earlier post that love truly heals. I know that it heals coz it healed me.

If you have love in your heart then you accept your self unconditionally. You don't need a reason to love yourself.Its a state of being.

Love alone truly defines your self worth. Nothing else does.

So are you capable of loving yourself?? Tell me. ......

Ayurveducaly speaking as you move from vata(air) which represents fears/low worth/insecurities to kapha(earth and water).you would love yourself more and would be healed. Kapha being dense, coalesces. You would be able to connect with people and love them more and also receive their love and affection.

So tell me about air in you.

Light, constipated, ........
Teupne 8 years ago

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