The ABC Homeopathy Forum
tennis elbow
Hi, i am suffering from tennis elbow since a month now. right hand....just got a cortisone injection last week since the pain was becoming unbearable. I am 38yrs old, thinly built female. Have two little kids, one is a 2 yr old so u can imagine how hard it is for me at the moment. We are in Germany means no domestic help at all plus its very cold here at the moment. Now recently since 2 weeks the same problem is starting in my left arm. burning and pain around the elbow, forearm and fingers...i cant pick up even a cup without the pain. The doctor has said not to do any work which puts pressure on these areas which means i havent made the basic rotis even since a month now coz i cannot knead the dough or roll the rotis. The problem is just increasing. I read online a bit and took 2 doses of rhus tox c200 yesterday and today once 5globules but since i am not a doc i thot better to ask here as another problem is we dont find any good homepathic docs in germany ironically. plz help!!! Rgds, Arien[message edited by arien on Sun, 25 Dec 2016 21:28:48 UTC]
arien on 2016-12-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Pl take
1. Ruta-200 6 pills twice a day
2. Calc Phos-12x+Mag Phos-12x (3+3) pallets twice a day
3. Rhus Tox-1m 6 pills at bed time
Pl take this treatment for 10 days and then give feedback
homeo hlper
1. Ruta-200 6 pills twice a day
2. Calc Phos-12x+Mag Phos-12x (3+3) pallets twice a day
3. Rhus Tox-1m 6 pills at bed time
Pl take this treatment for 10 days and then give feedback
homeo hlper
♡ homeo_helper 8 years ago
i ll take these doses and report back will take atleast a week b4 this potency medicine can reach me here in soon as i get them i ll start. Thnk u very much for ur help. Have a u think these symptoms are only tennis elbow or am i starting by any chance on artheritis or rheumatism also as the pains are starting in left arm also? TiA Rgds, Arien
arien 8 years ago
Hi, its been 3 weeks almost now and i havent recieved rhus tox 1m...wont be either. I have nobody coming from India at the moment either. I have however rhis tox c200 at home and since the pain increased i took that only once at bed time for 5 days. I have the other medicines now. Plz let me know if i can take rhus tox c200 along with the other meda u have prescribed? Getting such high potencies in Germany is almost impossible. :(
arien 8 years ago
♡ homeo_helper 8 years ago
Hi just to be this calc phs 12x....the biochemy salts??and This 12x is D6?? The chemist gave me D6 and told me there is nothing above that. Also, they dont have 1m at all....the only potency available is it the same??
arien 8 years ago
Hi, i have taken the meds...with rhus tox c200 now for like 11 days...initially my pain went down but now the pain in right elbow is increasing...after the cortisone injection the pain had gone down too in the action of squeezing with right hand but now its returning also slowly. Please let me know if i should continue with the meds. Thanx!!
arien 8 years ago
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