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Vitiligo in 10 year old Boy Page 3 of 4
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Hello Dr. Kadwa
Third month of Ars. Alb30 and Nux Vomica30 for 15 days use and 15 days off has completed, with additionally Phosphorus 200 weekly dose from last month.
In last month have not seen any new spot nor any reduction in current.
So should he continue the same for next month?
Third month of Ars. Alb30 and Nux Vomica30 for 15 days use and 15 days off has completed, with additionally Phosphorus 200 weekly dose from last month.
In last month have not seen any new spot nor any reduction in current.
So should he continue the same for next month?
nadeemawan 7 years ago
Hello Dr. Kadwa
I think you missed my last message.
Third month of 30 and 30 for 15 days use and 15 days off has completed, with additionally weekly dose from last month.
In last month have not seen any new spot nor any reduction in current.
So should he continue the same for next month?
I think you missed my last message.
Third month of 30 and 30 for 15 days use and 15 days off has completed, with additionally weekly dose from last month.
In last month have not seen any new spot nor any reduction in current.
So should he continue the same for next month?
nadeemawan 7 years ago
Hello Dr. Kadwa
Fourth month of Ars.Alb 30 and Nux Vomica 30 for 15 days use and 15 days off has completed, with additionally Phosphorus 200 weekly dose from last Two month.
A Vitiligo spot on the chin has gone, No changes have seen anywhere on the body.
What to do next, may the child continue with the same?
Fourth month of Ars.Alb 30 and Nux Vomica 30 for 15 days use and 15 days off has completed, with additionally Phosphorus 200 weekly dose from last Two month.
A Vitiligo spot on the chin has gone, No changes have seen anywhere on the body.
What to do next, may the child continue with the same?
nadeemawan 7 years ago
Hello Dr. Kadwa
Fourth month of Ars .Alb 30 and Nux Vomica for 15 days use and 15 days off has completed, with additionally Phosphorus 200 weekly dose from last Three month.
No changes in spot have seen, no increase nor any decrease.
Suggest me Sir what to do next.
Fourth month of Ars .Alb 30 and Nux Vomica for 15 days use and 15 days off has completed, with additionally Phosphorus 200 weekly dose from last Three month.
No changes in spot have seen, no increase nor any decrease.
Suggest me Sir what to do next.
nadeemawan 7 years ago
Ars Alb and Nux Vomica to continue as earlier. Syphilinum 200 every 15 days. This means 2 doses of syph over a month. Please report after a month.
♡ kadwa 7 years ago
Ok thanks Dr. Kadwa, Just need one confirmation will he stop taking the Phosphorus 200 weekly dose.
nadeemawan 7 years ago
yes, please stop phos.
♡ kadwa 7 years ago
Hello Dr. Kadwa
Another month of taking Ars Alb 30 and Nux Vomica 30 is near to complete with additional Syphilinum 200 every 15 days from last month.
Here is spring season and that season always aggravates the condition of vitiligo of child, the spots around eyes become more prominent and also found new white patch near chin. There are number of white patches on hands, feets legs so it hard to distinguish that any new spot occurs or not, but not seen any reduction in any new spots, but have seen new spots in that spring season.
The child is feeling so embarrassing with these vitiligo spots and my sister (child mother) is also very much concerned.
So doctor Kadwa please suggest me what to do next, if you want I can share child pictures with you.
[Edited by nadeemawan on 2018-03-29 06:32:46]
Another month of taking Ars Alb 30 and Nux Vomica 30 is near to complete with additional Syphilinum 200 every 15 days from last month.
Here is spring season and that season always aggravates the condition of vitiligo of child, the spots around eyes become more prominent and also found new white patch near chin. There are number of white patches on hands, feets legs so it hard to distinguish that any new spot occurs or not, but not seen any reduction in any new spots, but have seen new spots in that spring season.
The child is feeling so embarrassing with these vitiligo spots and my sister (child mother) is also very much concerned.
So doctor Kadwa please suggest me what to do next, if you want I can share child pictures with you.
[Edited by nadeemawan on 2018-03-29 06:32:46]
nadeemawan 6 years ago
Hi Doctor Kadwa, I posted a reply yesterday, please anwer.
Another month of taking Ars Alb 30 and Nux Vomica 30 is near to complete with additional Syphilinum 200 every 15 days from last month.
Here is spring season and that season always aggravates the condition of vitiligo of child, the spots around eyes become more prominent and also found new white patch near chin. There are number of white patches on hands, feets legs so it hard to distinguish that any new spot occurs or not, but not seen any reduction in any new spots, but have seen new spots in that spring season.
The child is feeling so embarrassing with these vitiligo spots and my sister (child mother) is also very much concerned.
Another month of taking Ars Alb 30 and Nux Vomica 30 is near to complete with additional Syphilinum 200 every 15 days from last month.
Here is spring season and that season always aggravates the condition of vitiligo of child, the spots around eyes become more prominent and also found new white patch near chin. There are number of white patches on hands, feets legs so it hard to distinguish that any new spot occurs or not, but not seen any reduction in any new spots, but have seen new spots in that spring season.
The child is feeling so embarrassing with these vitiligo spots and my sister (child mother) is also very much concerned.
nadeemawan 6 years ago
Please give him Dulcamara 30 and Staphysagria 30 twice a day for 10 days and report back after 15 days.
♡ kadwa 6 years ago
nadeemawan 6 years ago
But Dr. Kadwa observing any changes in 15 days in that case is very difficult but anyways I will let you know after 15 days.
nadeemawan 6 years ago
Hello Dr. Kadwa,
15 days have completed after giving Dulcamara 30 and Staphysagria 30 for 10 days and then 5 days wait. The concern I discussed with you last time about spring season and vitiligo, during these 15 days have not seen any new spot and growth in vitligo spots. One small spot near lips because lighter(mean heals).
I hope so you remind the previous message. So suggest me what to do next.
15 days have completed after giving Dulcamara 30 and Staphysagria 30 for 10 days and then 5 days wait. The concern I discussed with you last time about spring season and vitiligo, during these 15 days have not seen any new spot and growth in vitligo spots. One small spot near lips because lighter(mean heals).
I hope so you remind the previous message. So suggest me what to do next.
nadeemawan 6 years ago
day 1 to day 7
dulcamara 30 and staphysagria 30 twice a day.
day 8 to day 15
day 16 to day 22
Nux Vomica 30 and Arsenicum Album 30 twice a day.
day 23 to day 30
Please report back after a month.
dulcamara 30 and staphysagria 30 twice a day.
day 8 to day 15
day 16 to day 22
Nux Vomica 30 and Arsenicum Album 30 twice a day.
day 23 to day 30
Please report back after a month.
♡ kadwa 6 years ago
Hello Doctor Kadwa,
A month of using following schedule
day 1 to day 7 Dulcamara 30 and staphysagria 30
twice a day and thenday 8 to day 15 nothing, day 16 to day 22
Nux Vomica 30 and Ars Alb 30 twice a day 23 to day 30
As discussed last month about improvements, have seen only those still which are:
1. A small spot of vitiligo under chin have gone.
2. have seen small normal skin spot in the center of a large part of vitiligo on left eye.
2. Same on left elbow, seen normal skin spot in middle of large spot in elbow.
Please suggest me what to do next.
A month of using following schedule
day 1 to day 7 Dulcamara 30 and staphysagria 30
twice a day and thenday 8 to day 15 nothing, day 16 to day 22
Nux Vomica 30 and Ars Alb 30 twice a day 23 to day 30
As discussed last month about improvements, have seen only those still which are:
1. A small spot of vitiligo under chin have gone.
2. have seen small normal skin spot in the center of a large part of vitiligo on left eye.
2. Same on left elbow, seen normal skin spot in middle of large spot in elbow.
Please suggest me what to do next.
nadeemawan 6 years ago
Hello Dr. Kadwa,
I have a question, the child is using the following remedies from last three months for vitiligo.
A month of using following schedule
day 1 to day 7 Dulcamara 30 and Staphsagria 30
twice a day and then day 8 to day 15 nothing,
day 16 to day 22 Nux Vomica 30
and Ars Alb 30 twice a day 23 to day 30
He had started gaining weight from last two to three months, so just want to confirm that is there any remedy causing the weight gain.
I have a question, the child is using the following remedies from last three months for vitiligo.
A month of using following schedule
day 1 to day 7 Dulcamara 30 and Staphsagria 30
twice a day and then day 8 to day 15 nothing,
day 16 to day 22 Nux Vomica 30
and Ars Alb 30 twice a day 23 to day 30
He had started gaining weight from last two to three months, so just want to confirm that is there any remedy causing the weight gain.
nadeemawan 6 years ago
Please reply,
Hello Dr. Kadwa,
I have a question, the child is using the following remedies from last three months for vitiligo.
A month of using following schedule
day 1 to day 7 Dulcamara 30 and Staphsagria 30
twice a day and then day 8 to day 15 nothing,
day 16 to day 22 Nux Vomica 30
and Ars Alb 30 twice a day 23 to day 30
He had started gaining weight from last two to three months, so just want to confirm that is there any remedy causing the weight gain.
Hello Dr. Kadwa,
I have a question, the child is using the following remedies from last three months for vitiligo.
A month of using following schedule
day 1 to day 7 Dulcamara 30 and Staphsagria 30
twice a day and then day 8 to day 15 nothing,
day 16 to day 22 Nux Vomica 30
and Ars Alb 30 twice a day 23 to day 30
He had started gaining weight from last two to three months, so just want to confirm that is there any remedy causing the weight gain.
nadeemawan 6 years ago
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