The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Adenoids and sinusitis
I have a 3 year old son. He has been suffering from enlarged adenoids from one and half year onwards. We tried home remedies, antibiotics nasal spray it give relive but the problem is not stopped. He has running nose almost everyday. He breaths with mouth. Doctors are suggesting to take adenoids out. But we want to try homeopathy as a final hope. He don't have any issues with eating, manners, thinking. Etc. please help meZaipea on 2017-03-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please give him one dose Tuberculinum 30.
Do not give him any sour article to eat or drink.
Do not repeat medicine.
Update after 3 days or earlier if needed.
Do not give him any sour article to eat or drink.
Do not repeat medicine.
Update after 3 days or earlier if needed.
♡ telescope 8 years ago
Thank you for the reply
Can you please clarify that I need to give only one dose and want me to wait for 3 days to see the results.
Can you please clarify that I need to give only one dose and want me to wait for 3 days to see the results.
Zaipea 7 years ago
Yes. Homeopathic medicines should be repeated only when symptoms come back. 30 potency may act for around 7 days and thus does not require repetition within that period. However this period varies from person to person. So I have asked for update after 3 days.
♡ telescope 7 years ago
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