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*pulsatilla and SILICEA I meant
afskarimymail.com 7 years ago
Thlaspi q is good for spotting also..but in your sister's case it seem sscanty late...irregular.. Hence.. senecio aurius Q is suited most..
Give senecio Q 10drops 6hourly..till flow starts..

Report changes

drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
her menses are no more irregular or late
I mentioned that now she has cycle of 28 days
either a spot OR DRY pad
afskarimymail.com 7 years ago
Not this time..it was irregular right..we cant say regular by one menses alone.

You mentioned earlier:
"now cycle of approximately 40 days...but not proper bleeding,only spotting or sometimes pad is clear but a few drops come out with urine. "

"menses were absent before for months and months now they come every 35/40 days but no proper bleeding.only spotting.or sometimes clear pads and a few drops come out wiyh urine. "

You read your first post again..

So take senecio as prescribed and please report changes..

drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
sir i had a small patch of blood in the whole of my 2nd day....NO BLEEDING.
I 'll buy SENECIO tomorrow but plz reply my query that what do u think about ASOKA in my case???regards
afskarimymail.com 7 years ago
i am confused..whose case are you talking about?
your sister's? daughters? yours?
drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
hello dr.
i could not contact u due to some business.we were stuck up and engaged a lot that we could neither maintain the medicines nor could give u feed back.
sorry for the confusion...its my sister's case and i write here on my sister's behalf.
she could not take SENECIO .
Her periods continued for 7 days.
NO pains No cramps.
No proper bleeding..only spots and small patches during these 7 days
Now the menses are over.
kindly suggest her med. plan which she has to follow now.
as she stopped NUX and SELECIA
when menses started.
afskarimymail.com 7 years ago
Did i suggest you nux vomica? I suggested you plusatilla and nux vomica right? Give one dose of pulsatilla 1M and and silicea 6x as suggested earlier

drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
oh sorry Dr.
definitely u suggested PULSATILLA to my sister.
actually i told u I was extremely stuck up that my mind is not that vigilant yet.
sorry again.
Pulsatilla 1M....once a week...1 drop in half glass water.
silicea 6x....3 pills thrice a day.
if I m right kindly let me know that when I am supposed to report back?
afskarimymail.com 7 years ago
Yes you are right..
Also give asoka Q 10drops 3times daily which is uterine tonic

Report on next menses

drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
hello Dr.
my sister is taking
PULSATILLA 1 drop weekly
ASOKA Q 10 drops 3 times a day SILICEA pills 3 times a day
kindly advise that....
is she supposed to stop them all when menses start and to take SENECIO only.
or she should take ASOKA also with SENECIO during menses.
afskarimymail.com 7 years ago
Yes you can take senecio during menses if menses is scanty.. if necessary.
Stop pulsatilla during menses..what is expected date next?

drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
last periods were
11 March
08 April
now expected date is 6 May
plz tell what about ASOKA during menses???
afskarimymail.com 7 years ago
Asoka is not needed during menses.
Continue medicines and report on next menses.
drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
Assalamualikum dr.
her period started at 6 which is a good cycle of 28 days .
but the same problem.....no flow....poor bleeding....only a small drop after 6 hours.
she is taking SENECIO 6 hourly.....but of no good.
kindly suggest.
afskarimymail.com 7 years ago
stop everything and give
natrum mur 1M 3pills or 1drop in 1/2 glass water at night ,only once.
viburnum opulus Q 10drops in 1/2 glass water thrice daily,
pituitarinum 30 3pills daily morning for 5days after menses.

reporrt changes here:
drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago

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