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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Stress, depression starting

I am experiencing some work-related stress and am starting to feel depressed by it. My symptoms include being slowed down in daily functioning , almost having to force myself to do some things. This is not constant, but something I am noticing. Other symptoms include a gnawing feeling in my stomach, wanting to cry but not being able to cry, and worrying.

I will not get any type of resolution on this for at least a week and a half and I would like to not have it occupying my mind and my life for the next few days.

I am a quiet, reserved person and am prone to depression and worry. I feel that this situation is somewhat unfair in that it deals with questions about my role that were not clarified when I began this position a few months ago. If I had known earlier, I would have made changes and am still very willing to make the changes. I just regret that I wasn't informed about this part of my role.

Does anyone have a suggestion about a remedy to take to help me through the next few days?

  lmhoopes on 2006-03-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I ended up taking Ignatia. It seemed to help on Thursday and Friday. Now today it is helping but maybe not as well.

A book I look at says to take Ignatia only for 3 days. What is the reason for this? If it is helping, can I take it longer? Or is it expected that I will need to switch remedies after 3 days?

Any help is appreciated.

lmhoopes last decade
depends --on initial response of ignatia?whatpotency?

bets take single dose 30c --note reponse---if immediate relief then partial homoeopathicity is most like case...repetition wont solve --will come a point where back to same symptomology or worse--this being secondary effect of response to ignatia....safest single dose 30c wait-access -then single dose 200c--not eresponse--access --if right,then will note effect /response 2-3 days--nergy level up--but if no respopnse of response short lived__THEN DO NOT REPEAT ...accessment is to be clear in order to see if another remedy is indicated..

what new symptoms (never had in life beofre) occurred after taking ignatia? please explain
John Stanton last decade
John, thanks for your reply. I took 12C potency. This is the highest available locally. I guess a new symptom is that I was able to get through the day and do things that needed to be done in spite of my worry about the job situation. I didn't feel weighed down with it, even though I thought of it and talked about it some. I think I was able to put it in perspective. I work two very part time jobs for this place and it is a small amount of time in my life that I even spend there. So I decided it did not deserve this much worry over it.

But then last night whenever I woke up, I was thinking about it and was even completely awake for about an hour maybe around 2 or 3 am. When I woke up this morning, I was feeling heavy and wanting to cry again.

Going to the other job helps the situation. I went this morning feeling heavy but felt good while there and feel better this afternoon, but still have a gnawing feeling in my stomach. I suspect I am helped because I can see my competencies in this position.

I don't know what details you need or if that is even important. I think the symptom of Ignatia that deals with a feeling of embarrassment is relevant in my sitaution. I am embarrassed that I didn't know what was not going right (and no one told me) yet I will be evaluated on it. I also feel chastised in a way and that it is unfair.

As you can see from my somewhat rambling post, I am just ruminating over it.

After reading your response, I am wondering if I should stop the Ignatia.

Thanks for your help.
lmhoopes last decade
no more ignatia...

single dose (2 pellets) natrum muriaticum 30c..

if using meds for other ailments...dont take nat-m and report back with the details --of meds used?why using?dates started?
John Stanton last decade
Thanks John. I am not taking other remedies or medications right now except for a supplement called PSP which I started taking on Thursday when I received it in the mail. It is a whole foods supplement and I got it to build my energy and immune system.

I will start the Nat-m when I get a hold of some. Thanks for your help.
lmhoopes last decade
just one dose--no repetition at all
John Stanton last decade

The Nat-Mur helped me for a couple of days. I didn't even talk about my worries for two days in a row. Now today, another blow and I can't get my mind off of this other problem. My head is foggy feeling. I don't feel fully present to my children. I feel like crying and did for a few seconds before my husband came in.

There is a common theme. Both problems involve other people's perception, evaluation of me. They also have to do with my ability to handle larger groups of children and adults. I am a very reserved person and both of these situations have challenged me and stretched me and I thought that I was doing well at facing the challenge. Now I am thinking that perhaps I am just not suited for at least one of these jobs, the university part time instructor.

I do not feel as worried as I did when I first posted and took the Ignatia. I am saying that I am not emotionally affected by it, yet I think I am.

If I could have somebody take over the rest of the semester for my class, I would be relieved, yet feel embarrassed and more inadequate. But I really don't want to finish it. I would never not finish it, however.

What remedy will help this?
lmhoopes last decade
firstly --did you follow food/drink/ restrictions? need truth---so as to acertain what occured ..

also have you avoided all MEDICINES/remedies (besides nat-m)?

what other symptoms were affected (no matter how seemingly unimportant)?please explain...

how has sleep characteristics been affected?dreams?

stool?urine?thirst?appetite? all as compared before nat-m
John Stanton last decade
As far as food restrictions go, I'm pretty sure I didn't follow all of them. I had sugar alot. I did make sure that I took the Nat-M at least 15 minutes after water or food. It was probably even 1/2 hour or more now that I think of it. I use toothpaste without peppermint in it. I don't drink caffeine.

The only supplements I take are the PSP I mentioned earlier, which is a whole food made from brown rice. I also remembered that I have been taking humic acid, a viral immune system supplement, because we have had a lot of illnesses in our house for the last several months. And I take red raspberry and fenugreek because I am nursing a child.

Other symptoms that I have noticed are that this is bothering me but I am still able to function and think a little more positive about it. In other words, I haven't let it totally take over my being. I am trying very hard to be present to my family when maybe in the past, I would have let depression or anxiety just take over and not really participate well in family life.

I seem to be a little less irritable.

I haven't noticed sleep being affected really. I don't remember any dreams. No change in urine that I know of. Stools are maybe softer than they had been.

It does seem like I have been able to cry about this a little, where before, I was unable to cry when I felt like it.

I guess another probably important piece of information is that the nat-m--any of the remedies--only comes in 12C for the highest potency if I buy it locally. I wanted to get relief fast and so I didn't order a 30C potency.
lmhoopes last decade
ok lets get on same page...

rasberry ok--NO fenugreek -----too medicinal--effects blood sugar level--and need clear picture of what is occuring without chance of fenugreek affecting the symptom characteristics...also STOP humic acid usage...

sweets not a problem (BUT NO HONEY)--unless particular item give any sort of aggravtion--and this case let me know and do not use any longer..

MAIN DIETARY RESTRICTIONs--NO acid foods or drinks (coffee;tea;vinegar;all carbonated soft drinks;acid fruits and juices;sour foods;....etc); REDUCE SALT/sodium USAGE;avoid seafood;seaweeds

no other herbs;medicines;remedies (other than what is prescribed here);no strong perfumes and such...

what is health status of breast fed child?
John Stanton last decade
once start followwing dietary restrictions then 4 pellets of natrum muriaticum 12c in 20 tablespoons of water --stir vigourously and take only 1 teaspoon dose in morning 1 hour before first eating.....save in water bottle this mixture...will use as i direct

get nat-m 30c and nat-m 200c ---liquid form preferred..5ml bottle fine

KEep me informed each day after use---BUR only start Nat-m as directed above --when start following restrictions mentioned..
John Stanton last decade
My daughter started getting a runny nose I believe before I took the Nat-M. I think it was Friday or Saturday and I took the Nat M on Sunday.

Today a cough started. It was sometimes loose, but not always. Now it is 11:20 PM and she has a dry cough. Not quite croupy sounding.

Her sleep has been restless the last few nights, as well as tonight. She moves around in the bed alot. Last night she woke up whenever I tried to put her in her own bed. Tonight, she slept in her bed for about an hour and then woke up. I have not been able to put her back in her bed after about 45 minutes and a couple of attempts. The other nights, I have given her chamomilla and she has settled down. I haven't given her anything tonight as I am waiting to see more about her cough.

She doesn't have a fever.

Thank you for your help. I appreciate it so much.
lmhoopes last decade
no more---chamomilla --may act suppressive i this case----

what is exact source of child's nourishment? 100% breast fed? please explain...
John Stanton last decade
I am actually working on weaning her--kind of slowly. She is a bit of a finicky eater. She likes bread a lot. I give her rice bread or sprouted grain bread because she is prone to bad diaper rashes that sometimes turn into yeast infections. Right now she is not wanting to eat fruit and vegetables, although she will eat applesauce and an occasional sweet potato. She likes cheese alot and yogurt sometimes. She eats goat milk products. She doesn't like to drink a whole lot of milk, so is on a calcium supplement--chocolate chews.

She is almost two and I am really wanting to wean her. It is getting to be less, although she likes to nurse to go to sleep and if she wakes at night.

I forgot to add in my last post that she has been having a bowel movement just about every time I change her diaper the last few days. It is not really diarrhea, just more often than normal. Sometimes it is a bit sticky, others a little more formed.
lmhoopes last decade
child's health state is directly related to mother's health staet by way of breast milk...stool change most like nat-m affecting...mathoer need follow restrictions i mentioned...but by sounds of child's symptoms and that of mother's ----forget about nat-m for now....single dose sepia 30c for mother only....follow same restrictions...

alcoholic beverages ar eto be avoided --be aware not to use ANY product containing salicylate(s) and compound of... child and mother are to follow these restrictions ---also no milk or milk products ...and fatty foods/rich foods....

IMPORTANT work diet around restrictions ---

kep me informed
John Stanton last decade
I have sepia only in 12C potency. Should I wait and order 30c or is there a way to take the 12C now?
lmhoopes last decade
follow restrictions and take (4 pellets) sepia 12 c NOW!

be sure follow avoid list..

keep me informed email or here...
John Stanton last decade

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