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Doctor!with due honour to all Doctors who are helping to find remedy or solving health problem.
My 12 years boy has cough since 1st may and i never used any alopethic medicine.His cough haspeculiar characteristic which seems to me.He cough only after eat or drink and only day time.for your notice i would like to mention here that he has development disorder(PDD) and do not know how to or could not take out phlegm if there is any.He took only ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM 30 in a globules(tiny)once daily for 5days but nothing happend.moreover ,he is suffering from cold with fever for three days and taken Aconite 30 6 dosage only and now there is no fever but still he has same cough with thick nasal discharge or blocked .
Please help me with the right remedy.
thank's in advance
moheb on 2017-05-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
take BRYONIA 30c liquid, 2 drops in a tablespoon water, 3 times a day for 2 days,
{if buying pills then 3 pills, 3 times 2 days, chew it, do not swallow with water}
do not eat or drink anything 30 minutes before and after medicine,
REPORT improvement AFTER 4 DAYS
{if buying pills then 3 pills, 3 times 2 days, chew it, do not swallow with water}
do not eat or drink anything 30 minutes before and after medicine,
REPORT improvement AFTER 4 DAYS
♡ 0antivirus0 7 years ago
Dear Doctor.
I have used the said( BRYONIA 30c) medicine for my boy but no improve seen.Please prescribe me what else i can give him.
I have used the said( BRYONIA 30c) medicine for my boy but no improve seen.Please prescribe me what else i can give him.
moheb 7 years ago
♡ 0antivirus0 7 years ago
It is not chesty cough but it is dry cough and aggravate after eat or drink.No cough at night or during sleep.Seems to me that no phlegm or very little and he do not know how to expel as he has PDD(pervasive developmental disorders).
moheb 7 years ago
give PHOSPHORUS 30c liquid, 2 drops in a tablespoon water, 3 times a day for 2 days,
{if buying pills then 3 pills, 3 times 2 days, chew it, do not swallow with water}
do not eat or drink anything 30 minutes before and after medicine,
REPORT improvement AFTER 4 DAYS
{if buying pills then 3 pills, 3 times 2 days, chew it, do not swallow with water}
do not eat or drink anything 30 minutes before and after medicine,
REPORT improvement AFTER 4 DAYS
♡ 0antivirus0 7 years ago
Still nothing change as i used medicine according to your precription.
Still the boy coughing and aggravate after eat and drink.
Still the boy coughing and aggravate after eat and drink.
moheb 7 years ago
give these biochemic cell salts DAILY morning, afternoon and night,
(2 pill of each together dissolved in half cup warm water)
(nothing 15 minutes before and after medicine)
report improvement after 15 days,
(2 pill of each together dissolved in half cup warm water)
(nothing 15 minutes before and after medicine)
report improvement after 15 days,
♡ 0antivirus0 7 years ago
Your son has Esophagitis which is causing cough.This is not common but can be seen in children having impaired growth and development and related to inadequate oxygenation.
♡ Dr Tahira 7 years ago
My son has a history of Oxygen deprivation at birth,premature c section may you help please?
moheb 7 years ago
My son was born in premature by c-section delivery and oxygen deprivation at birth.Till 3 years of his age,he seems fine except speech(only pronounce few words).later on slowly developing signs of nonverbal neuro development disorder.
Do not pronounce any word(although he can pronounce only few words but clearly and loudly)) unless he is angry or in big problem(aversion to talk)
Hyperactivity(most of the time restless,even when sitting moving his hand and foot or foot finger)
Cravings for sweet, carbohydrates,cold drinks(carbonated water),meat,cold (air condition)environment.
Like to eat spicy food, dislike sour food,milk and any fruits.most of the time like to eat if saw some one is eating his favourate food.
Smell every things(specially food and drinks before eat),Afraid of height,Constipation and gas/ hard stool,does not like to be touched or cuddle,Sensitive to smell/sense of smell is very high,Like perfumes.Does not like to wear sandal,socks or shoe,always like to rubbing foot on rough surface,always looking for dust,sand,powdery things or sand and like to rub over his face,Like to play with light,gliterythings and sand or sand like things,bed wetting,He loves music but sensitive to certain noise/sudden noise/extreme high noise(like car horns),Not point to things instead grabe others hand and pull to things,Affraid of being in narrow spaces,sleeping position on either side.Plenty of pus in eye(after sleep),urin retention for long time.Aversion to strangers and shy,Throw away things what he does not like,bump his head with his hand when got angry or SCRATCH me with his nails(not kicking,not boxing).Generaly polite type,never take things on his own instead he will ask by grabe some one hand to things.
He likes water and rain,like to play with water
Aversion to strangers and shy,
Selfish and jealous
whenever go to shower look at the ventilation window and affraid off and if i shut it down then look at oftenly to make sure it is closed
Fear of height but like to walk by building stair upto 2nd and 3rd floor alone
Like travel and out side play very much.he is no chubby and height is fine at his age.
Thirst is normal.
he used to wakeup around between 2:00am to 3:00am morning and sleep again around 6:00am morning guess due to night terror because most of the time he cry or lough along without reason.
I tried kali phos 6X for two months along with Baryta carb 6c for one month and later 30c for one month by advise of one homeopath.It was January this year.
[Edited by moheb on 2017-06-15 21:52:59]
Do not pronounce any word(although he can pronounce only few words but clearly and loudly)) unless he is angry or in big problem(aversion to talk)
Hyperactivity(most of the time restless,even when sitting moving his hand and foot or foot finger)
Cravings for sweet, carbohydrates,cold drinks(carbonated water),meat,cold (air condition)environment.
Like to eat spicy food, dislike sour food,milk and any fruits.most of the time like to eat if saw some one is eating his favourate food.
Smell every things(specially food and drinks before eat),Afraid of height,Constipation and gas/ hard stool,does not like to be touched or cuddle,Sensitive to smell/sense of smell is very high,Like perfumes.Does not like to wear sandal,socks or shoe,always like to rubbing foot on rough surface,always looking for dust,sand,powdery things or sand and like to rub over his face,Like to play with light,gliterythings and sand or sand like things,bed wetting,He loves music but sensitive to certain noise/sudden noise/extreme high noise(like car horns),Not point to things instead grabe others hand and pull to things,Affraid of being in narrow spaces,sleeping position on either side.Plenty of pus in eye(after sleep),urin retention for long time.Aversion to strangers and shy,Throw away things what he does not like,bump his head with his hand when got angry or SCRATCH me with his nails(not kicking,not boxing).Generaly polite type,never take things on his own instead he will ask by grabe some one hand to things.
He likes water and rain,like to play with water
Aversion to strangers and shy,
Selfish and jealous
whenever go to shower look at the ventilation window and affraid off and if i shut it down then look at oftenly to make sure it is closed
Fear of height but like to walk by building stair upto 2nd and 3rd floor alone
Like travel and out side play very much.he is no chubby and height is fine at his age.
Thirst is normal.
he used to wakeup around between 2:00am to 3:00am morning and sleep again around 6:00am morning guess due to night terror because most of the time he cry or lough along without reason.
I tried kali phos 6X for two months along with Baryta carb 6c for one month and later 30c for one month by advise of one homeopath.It was January this year.
[Edited by moheb on 2017-06-15 21:52:59]
moheb 7 years ago
I may try for it here and even from kolkata but if it is from kolkata then it may take time to get.
Anyway we have one or more Ayurvedic medicine company here and i may try to find.
Please let me know which those medicine are.
Anyway we have one or more Ayurvedic medicine company here and i may try to find.
Please let me know which those medicine are.
moheb 7 years ago
give him ayurvedic eladi vati 1 tab. 3 times a day. stop other homeopathic medication.
16.Tell child date, month, year of birth with birth place and timing for Medical Astrology
16.Tell child date, month, year of birth with birth place and timing for Medical Astrology
♡ 0antivirus0 7 years ago
moheb 7 years ago
♡ 0antivirus0 7 years ago
Allopathic doctor said the same as you mentioned but his SLP( speech-language pathologist)said it is PDD-NOS(PDD-NOS stands for Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified).He is not in any medication right now or previously.
Only gave him Kali phos 6x and baryta carb 6c and later baryta carb 30c for two months and seems have bit improved on his few things night terror or like wake up at later part of night and bedwetting.It is two months now i stopped those medicine.
Can you help me please to cure my boy out of his disorder?
[Edited by moheb on 2017-06-22 14:09:49]
Only gave him Kali phos 6x and baryta carb 6c and later baryta carb 30c for two months and seems have bit improved on his few things night terror or like wake up at later part of night and bedwetting.It is two months now i stopped those medicine.
Can you help me please to cure my boy out of his disorder?
[Edited by moheb on 2017-06-22 14:09:49]
moheb 7 years ago
do not give any medicine currently, just give him one pinch of turmeric mixed in 1-2 drops of mustard oil daily in daytime continuously for 43 days, no break in between.
observe the changes.
feeling calm=
good sleep=
proper energy level=
self control=
confidence level=
freshness on waking up=
love and affection with others=
mental freedom or freshness=
speech issue=
any other change you felt=
observe the changes.
feeling calm=
good sleep=
proper energy level=
self control=
confidence level=
freshness on waking up=
love and affection with others=
mental freedom or freshness=
speech issue=
any other change you felt=
♡ 0antivirus0 7 years ago
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