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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Teeth pain

My wife age 41 years has decayed wisdom teeth on left lower side of the jaw which is slanting and as come out almost horizontally and is almost half inside the gums. Dentist has confirmed that small surgery needs to be done to remove the teeth as gums need to be opened to remove the teeth.

Since few days pain in her teeth has increased and pain is some times continuous and throbbing and at times its not continuous but comes in between and feels like throbbing pain. Pain also travels above till her head causing headache sometimes and also travels below her jaw towards her neck.Teeth adjacent to wisdom teeth is also decayed and it is also paining.

I know final solution is to get the teeth removed but can any one prescribe some remedy to keep teeth pain under control for short term till we get it removed. Here I require some quick urgent medicine that can work for time being as its urgent and giving her full medical history will take time.

So far I have tried one dose of Belladonna 200 and gave little relief but not much.

Kindly help
  vjhos on 2017-06-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please give her kreosotum 30 twice a day for 3 days. If this doesn't work give Merc Sol 30 in the same way.
kadwa 7 years ago
Thanks for your reply. Can any of these 2 remedies disturb her menses (cause early or delayed).Also want to know she has chronic piles/fissure/constipation problem so I hope these 2 remedies can be taken safely without aggravating her piles/fissure problem ? I am asking this as earlier we had the similar experiences for above things with few homeopathic remedies.

Next is that currently I have Merc Sol 30 with me at home. Can I try that first or I need to buy Kreosotum 30 and try that first ? Pls confirm.
vjhos 7 years ago
Homeopathic remedies are generally safe. At the same time life is highly uncertain. People think that if two events appear one after another, the first event is the cause whole the second is the effect. Merc 30 may by given alone.
kadwa 7 years ago

For my wife Teeth pain has now reduced after taking Kreosotum. Since I did not have Kreosotum 30c I gave her Kreosotum 6c since I had it already with me. I gave it 3 times a day for about 5 days. After this pain has reduced but little pain is still there. Now headache and pain radiating towards head and neck has stopped. Now only little bearable pain keeps on coming in the affected teeth and in increases little during sleeping time (Both morning and afternoon sleeping time)

So should I now start with Merc Sol 30 or you can suggest some other remedy for her present condition ?
vjhos 7 years ago

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