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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


My son who is 16 years of age has a problem with acne. It is mostly on his cheeks. There is a possibility that he has a low tolerance to tomatoes. When he gets upset, his face especially his acne, lights up with a bright red color like a tomato. I am going to have him stop eating tomatoes for a week and see if that helps his acne. Is there anything else he can do. Is there a remedy. I also think that the acne is related to his braces but I am not sure about that.
  penny3 on 2017-07-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Copy this and resend to me after filling:

1. Age:
2. Sex:
3. Built up:obese/moderate/slim
4. Complexion: fair,dark
5. Occupation:
6. Single/married:
7. Country:
8. List out all your PROBLEMS with its since how long,which part is affected,which side,what you feel during complaint etc:in an order(which came first then which came?

a)Worsening factors for each complaint (eg:-by pressure,what time,heat,cold,season,food,eating,after
sleep,by sweat,,by stooping,after stool & urine,after bathing etc.?)

b)When Its Better,for each complaint (eg: by pressure,what time,by heat, by cold, any season,any food, eating,after sleep,by sweat,after stool & urine ,after bathing etc.?)

c) In your opinion, What is the expected cause for your problem?From injury,fall,cold exposure,sun exposure ,physical and mental exertion etc.?

9. Mind:sensitive/angry/sad/weeping/fear of/anxiety/shy etc.,memory,desire company,grief,lewd etc.

10. Thermal:which weather do you prefer hot or cold? Which one you can tolerate well?

11. Do you have Frequent or occasional nausea,vomiting to any food,headache,mouth ulcer,,allergy sneezing,gas trouble,leucorrhea(white discharge-females) ,dandruff,hairfall etc.explain if any

12. Stool:regular/quantity/frequent desire/satisfied/bleeding?

13. Urine: regular/quantity/frequent desire/satisfied

14. Menses: regular?scanty or profuse?early or late?how many days?frequency of cycle?any complaints before or during menses like pimples,backache,white discharge,pain in abdomen,legs etc.,irritability,constipation,diarrhea,nausea etc?

15. Sweat:profuse,scanty,offensive,stains

16. Sleep:satisfied/disturbed?particular dreams?usual sleeping positon?

17. Appetite: how often,quantity,satisfied?

18. Thirst: how many glasses ?how often?

19. Cravings:salt/sweet/sour /milk/egg/meat/veg/fruit/vinegar etc.

20. Aversion: salt/sweet/sour /milk/egg/meat/veg/fruit/vinegar etc.

21. Intolerant foods if any which might be your favorite or not.

22. How is your sex life?no desire/premature ejaculation/no erection/painful sex?

23. Do you have diabetes/BP/Cholestrol/thyroid(Hypo/Hyper) etc Done any surgey ?

24. Do you have any skin complaints-itching, warts, rashes, discoloration etc.?

25.Your skin type: oily or dry?
26.Do you have any bad habits or addictions? coffee,masturbation, smoking,tobacco, alcohol etc.

27.List out all medicines you have taken till now and its result

28.Any other things which you think it make you unique from others ..

Please attach images of any relevant test reports if any

drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago
age: 16
sex: male
Built: Slim
Complexion: medium
teenager not married
Acne came about four years ago. He never had a pimple before. He did get his braces on about four years ago also.
Acne is worse when he gets upset it turns bright red. Also every morning more pimples appear.
My opinion this might be related to the braces also the thought of being a teenager. He use to tease his sister when she got a couple of pimples when she was a teenager, years ago.
His mind set is doing things by himself and not in a group activity. He does not like school and does enough to do well. He is an "A" student and does not care for mathematics.
He likes summer because of school being out for summer. He always worries that the summer will end soon 8 weeks, 6 weeks, one month left.
# 11. He has short course hair and he does sometimes had a little dandruff.
urine regular
exercises on a treadmill and sweats ALOT.
Sleep: goes to bed after midnight and is woken up around 11:00am. Likes to sleep on side and back.
Drinks about five glasses a day of water.
Skin type on face oily
no medications
Loves to draw, looking into creating cartoons, has finished a few books with story lines been working on it since he was 7 years old.
Diet consist mostly of plant base diet.
All of your other questions the response is no
penny3 7 years ago
Give kali brom 30c 3 pills thrice daily
And kali mur 6x 3 tablets thrice daily
Nux vomica 200c 3pills at night (weekly once)

Report changes after 15 days..

drthoufeequebhms 7 years ago

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