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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Need help .....suffering from sinusitis and breathing problem

Hi Doctor,

I am 35 now and suffering from Sinusitis (turbinate swelling) from childhood. I sneeze a lot that sometimes lead to hay fever. At the age of 22, I also developed wheezing at right side of chest and urticaria. I started expereining breathing problem at the age of 30 which now comes and go, also eczema,mild psoriasis and slight discoloration in skin at right cheek (not much visible). Now I think the allergy has aggravated and I feel breathlessness with urticaria. While I sneeze there is no breathing problem but If i stop sneezing i experience breathing problem with stomach upset and frequent bowel movement. I feel chest congestion and breathing problem on right side of chest as well as right nostril blocked. Could you please help me with right medicine. I am taking arsenic album 200 with few ayurvedic medicine for last 6 months. There is little bit improvement and condition stable.

Could you please help.
[Edited by bhelpu on 2017-07-23 16:03:26]
  bhelpu on 2017-07-22
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