The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Nat Phos 6x
Hi there,Can any one advice which dose I can administer to 11 weeks old baby with silent reflux ?
She is not sleeping all day long
Vomiting very rare and when she does is like projecting and looks like cottage cheese
Very irritating when I hold her after feeds
Fussy when she is nursing
She is gaining weight ( that's why the GP told us there is nothing I should worry about)
She wants to be on the breast all day and night
Can this pills affect baby with anything?
Many thanks
♥ Loredana1 on 2017-08-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Loredana,
Nat Phos 6x is good for acid reflux. Play with your child as much as possible. Involve your baby in some exercises with music. No need to keep baby feeding 24X7, intelligently plan the feeding schedule.
1) Get hold of Nat Phos 6x in Biochem form. Dissolve 1 tabs of Nat Phos in in one table spoon of mineral water. Avoid direct contact of tablets or water while making this solution. You can give your child this solution immediately after feeding.
Use this liquid with a dropper and make sure you clean the dropper afterwards or use a fresh dropper each time the remedies are used.
Give your child three doses of Nat Phos as explained above. Make sure there is six hours time difference between two doses. Continue this for one week.
2) Get hold of Aethusa 30C liquid dilution.
Take three doses of Arethusa 30c in a day. First dose Early morning empty stomach, second dose in afternoon and third dose before going to bed. Continue for three days.
One dose means.
The medicine is in liquid dilution form. Add 2 drops of medicine in some half cup (Approx. 3 sip) mineral water and stir with spoon. Use One table spoon of this solution with clean dropper. Discard rest of the solution and prepare fresh for next dose.
Keep me updated.
Be Blessed,
Make sure you keep all medicines away from direct sunlight, strong smell, strong heat zone (keep it in a dark cool place away from allopathic medicines). Also make sure the dropper is fitted with the bottle, else use separate dropper for different medicine for making doses, this will avoid unnecessary contamination.
Please follow homeopathy restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, and no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 45 minutes before or after taking medicine and brushing of teeth one hour before or one hour after taking the medicine. These restrictions need to be followed each time you take homeopathy medicines during the treatment.
[Edited by Nikkie on 2017-08-18 01:52:50]
Nat Phos 6x is good for acid reflux. Play with your child as much as possible. Involve your baby in some exercises with music. No need to keep baby feeding 24X7, intelligently plan the feeding schedule.
1) Get hold of Nat Phos 6x in Biochem form. Dissolve 1 tabs of Nat Phos in in one table spoon of mineral water. Avoid direct contact of tablets or water while making this solution. You can give your child this solution immediately after feeding.
Use this liquid with a dropper and make sure you clean the dropper afterwards or use a fresh dropper each time the remedies are used.
Give your child three doses of Nat Phos as explained above. Make sure there is six hours time difference between two doses. Continue this for one week.
2) Get hold of Aethusa 30C liquid dilution.
Take three doses of Arethusa 30c in a day. First dose Early morning empty stomach, second dose in afternoon and third dose before going to bed. Continue for three days.
One dose means.
The medicine is in liquid dilution form. Add 2 drops of medicine in some half cup (Approx. 3 sip) mineral water and stir with spoon. Use One table spoon of this solution with clean dropper. Discard rest of the solution and prepare fresh for next dose.
Keep me updated.
Be Blessed,
Make sure you keep all medicines away from direct sunlight, strong smell, strong heat zone (keep it in a dark cool place away from allopathic medicines). Also make sure the dropper is fitted with the bottle, else use separate dropper for different medicine for making doses, this will avoid unnecessary contamination.
Please follow homeopathy restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, and no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 45 minutes before or after taking medicine and brushing of teeth one hour before or one hour after taking the medicine. These restrictions need to be followed each time you take homeopathy medicines during the treatment.
[Edited by Nikkie on 2017-08-18 01:52:50]
♡ Nikkie 7 years ago
Thanks Nikkie,
I have actually started yesterday and she had 4 pills in 24 hrs disolved under her tongue.
She slept well from 15:30pm till about 1 am then she started to have the symptoms again and less sleep more feeds over night ...
I will keep going with Nat 6x disolved in breast milk and try the other after we come back from holiday ð
I hope it will make a difference
Fingers crossed
I have actually started yesterday and she had 4 pills in 24 hrs disolved under her tongue.
She slept well from 15:30pm till about 1 am then she started to have the symptoms again and less sleep more feeds over night ...
I will keep going with Nat 6x disolved in breast milk and try the other after we come back from holiday ð
I hope it will make a difference
Fingers crossed
♡ Loredana1 7 years ago
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