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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Hello everyone.
I am 19 years old. Male. I am having Cystic Acne on my face and neck since May 1,2016. I have tried many medicines but there hasn't been any relief at all. I really want a cure this time. So, I request to please help me out. A friend advised Sulfur 30 and Nux Vomica 30 but I don't know if these drops should be taken or not. Can anyone please help me out. Will be grateful for the favour. Thank you.
  MTaimurG on 2017-08-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Pl take
1. Berberis Aquifolium-3x one tablet twice a day
2. Sulphur-30 6 pills at bed time
Pl take this treatment for 15 days and then come back

homeo helper
homeo_helper 6 years ago
Right away I will follow you. Thank you for responding.
I actually have Sulfur & Berberis in liquid form. Can you tell me the amount of drops I should take as I don't have the tablets available Will be grateful for the favour. Secondly, my skin is very oily which sometimes causes pimples on my face too. Will this also be covered under the prescribed treatment?
MTaimurG 6 years ago
3 drops in one teaspoon water is one dose
homeo helper
homeo_helper 6 years ago
Right Sir. I am following your remedy & will inform you after 15 days.
MTaimurG 6 years ago

In future please put all problems on one thread.
Otherwise advice will conflict. One person has to monitor your case.

See how the oil is after you finish this prescription.
Your diet is important in skin issues. Stay away from junk food, fried fatty food and eat good vegetables and have enough water.
simone717 6 years ago
Sorry to bother everyone again & again. I found this thread luckily and I will start taking the medicine from today. Thank you so much.
MTaimurG 6 years ago

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