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The ABC Homeopathy Forum



Have contracted Type 2 diabetes, due to alcohol, smoking (while having alcohol) and a pretty sedentary lifestyle.

This has resulted in very low levels of physical energy, fatigue, sleepiness, boredum, detachment, not able to focus on one thing for long, erectile dysfunction, and premature ejaculation. I feel like being in bed most of the time, just watching TV of surfing the net. Not able to focus on work while in office. I am seeking help in:

Lowering blood sugar level
Increased production of insulin by the body
Much higher levels of energy
Curing of liver and kidney due to alcohol and high sugar level
Cure to erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and more desire to have sex

I also feel lethargic to move around, dont feel like doing chores and generally feel a sense of disconnect.

Currently have started taking:

Ginseng 1X (2 tabs thrice a day)
Lecithinium 3X (2 tabs thrice a day)
Kali Phos 6X (4 pills thrice a day)

Look forward to some good advise for my problem/s.

  sunup75 on 2017-09-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Pls fill out questionnaire
Zady101 7 years ago

Where is the questionnaire?
sunup75 7 years ago

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