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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Sleep Apnea

Dear Homeopaths and all others,

I am a healthy, active 30 year-old male. Non-smoker and athletic.

I have been suffering from sleep apnea ON and OFF since January 2017.

My sleep test results indicate 15 apneas (2 obstructive and 13 central).

I get sleepless nights because I cannot fall asleep. I believe this is a failure to breathe while falling asleep. I feel that I fall asleep for a moment and then I am lightly jerked by a quick inhale after not breathing for an x amount of time, which wakes me up.

It started in January and February, came and left in August and it has now come back intensively.

I have researched such medicines as lachesis, calcarea, and salicia.

I would just like some further advice on my issue or confirmation of the appropriate medicines to order.

Thank you in advance.

  Lukasz on 2017-10-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take Lachesis 30 twice a day for 3 days and see how that affects over 10 days.

One dose means 2 pills or drops.
kadwa 7 years ago
Dear Dr. Kadwa,

I have taken Unda 30, which I understand is the same as Lachesis 30 but please correct me if I'm wrong.

I took it twice daily, 10 to 12 drops on the tongue, for three days and waited for 10 days.

However, symptoms still persist unfortunately. Sometimes I can't fall asleep at all. Sometimes I sleep a few hours and cannot fall back asleep. It's the same breathing issue.

Thank you in advance.

Lukasz 7 years ago
If you want to try other remedy from a new person ..

Than try kali.phos .. 4 drops only.. once only. In a disposable glass with some warm water in it. After two hours of dinner.

Don't eat or drink anything before or after 30 minutes of taking medicine. Don't use coffee or mint etc. Don't place medicine near strong perfumes.

if you see no change in one day .. Take another dose. But not more than two doses.

And change sedentary life style. No spicy or junk food or hoteling etc ..

Update after two days. You can email me as well by clicking my name.

Any advice etc can't be considered as a clinical advice or etc
healer21 7 years ago

Unda 30 is a combination remedy having following constituents.

Glechoma hederacea (Whole Plant 4X)
Lactuca virosa (Whole Plant 4X)
Taraxacum officinale (Whole Plant 4X)
Sempervivum tectorum (Leaf 4X)
Jateorhiza palmate (Root 4X)
Valeriana officinalis (Root 4X)
Plumbum mettalicum (12X)
Purified water

Lachesis is an altogether different remedy.
kadwa 7 years ago
Dear Dr. Kadwa,

I have received and used Lachesis 30. I started using it one week ago.

I took it twice daily, 2 drops each time for 3 days. I did not dilute it.

However, my symptoms are still becoming more frequent, not to say it's from the lachesis but in any case I am unable to fall asleep without sleeping pills. After waking up 6 hours later I cannot fall back asleep. I fall asleep for 1 second and suddenly I wake up.

I should also mention that one day last month I consumed alcohol to the point of intoxication and these symptoms returned when trying to fall asleep the next day. The same thing happened this month and the symptoms are back. I am not saying that my problem is caused by alcohol but I just thought that I should mention it.


Lukasz 7 years ago
The classical books of homeopathy mention alcohol as an antidote to lachesis. That is why alcohol may be causing aggravation.
kadwa 7 years ago
OK. Understood.

I last drank November 19 and commenced the lachesis treatment on November 22 for 3 days.

The symptoms persist. Should I start taking the lachesis again?

If so, what dosage and are there any other restrictions?

Thank you.

Lukasz 7 years ago
You may take Lachesis 200 in evening for 7 days and see how that affects.
kadwa 7 years ago

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