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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

congestion in 5yr old -- pls help

whenever i try to treat my son's runny nose with medicines like aconite, he gets congestion in his chest and starts wheezing. then it turns into severe cough and develops asthmatic tendencies. this has been the case forever for him. please suggest some medication which will prevent him from getting all congested.
thank you and look forward to your response.
  nineclouds on 2006-03-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
wrong remedy --suppressive response...

how long runny nose been going on?

explain in detail son's current health status--

what other illnesses son had in health history?when(date(s)?how treated? details please

what vaccinations/immunizations son have?when (dates)?

what condition of fingernails and around fingernails?how many white spots on/under fingernails?

what age learned talk?walk?
John Stanton last decade
ok--i look at past posts--this same son with eczema...

what is current stutus and treatment for this complaint?
John Stanton last decade
thanx for writing. the homeopathy doc gives us medicines which i presumed was aconite because he does not tell us the name of the remedy.

runny nose (clear white mucus) going on for 3 days. what medicines should i use in future if he has runny nose.

yes, he is the one with eczema and he is still undergoing treatment (again medicine names not given by doctor so i cannot share).

fingernails are normal, no white spot. he learned to walk when he was one and talk after 14 months or so.
nineclouds last decade
reading through posts concerning son ....eczema;earache;runny nose...--all symptoms linked to same and to be dealt with as one individual---not sure wwhom is treating child---but 2 many hands in this willonly complicate a case most likely difficult already.....need to settle down and focus on using one method /practitioner and see if results or not---if no results then move on to someone more reliable/able to head in curative direction---know this that prescriber must be available to any acute that comes along for consultation00whether remedy is given or not---prescriber most monitor evry change that occurs from start of case to finish----soundseither you are jumping ahead of prescribing person (supposivly homooepath) or prescriber doesnt have enough experience....or perhaps both...
John Stanton last decade
i am new to homeopathy so i try not to form my own conclusions. but i am trying to learn. the doc who is treating my son has good reputation but he had warned us that in course of treatment he will have few relapses. i am hoping thats what is happening.

i have tried allopathy for 5yrs and the results were very poor for his eczema as well as asthma. in course of homeopathy treatment, i have developed more faith in it and want to continue it for my son as long as it is needed.

i appreciate you writing back to my post. i hope i am going in the right direction. the problem is that our doc does not share the names of the medications he is giving my son. as a result of this i cannot say what group of medication he is reacting positively and what is not working for him.

i agree, we too feel he is falling sick very often with different symptoms. i will try to talk to his doctor in more details in our next visit. meanwhile can you please suggest the name of a medicine which will help in his congestion? when he coughs it sounds like he has a lot of mucus in his chest and throat.

thank you again, i am very thankful to you for writing back every time.
nineclouds last decade
ok then---

startfrom beginning

when exactly this episode start?
explain in detail all symptomology as it occurred --in proper oreder of occurance---concerning this runny nose/cough..

when was last homoeopathic remedy given?date?

how much antibiotics in child['s health history?

what is current appetite/thirst?how has changed?please explain

how has sleep been affected?


John Stanton last decade

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