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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


My daughter 7.5yrs old had throat pain and sputum when she woke up today. She was saying that i can spit it out. I have her honey water with breakfast and then brufen and a cough syrup to survive the school time. Her nose is not runny, all the mucus is in the chest and sore throat. I live in a joint family and my husband, mil, me and my 3 yrs old son all had this. My son and me are still coughing.Cough is very forceful. My husband and mil took antibiotics so they are fine. I want to avoid antibiotics so kindly suggest a remedy.
  mominisb on 2019-09-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Btw she was having nux vomica as she does not go to toilet everyday.
mominisb 5 years ago
Stop Nux
Start with Bryonia 30
6 pills 3 times a day.
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Sbould i stop allopathic meds as well?
mominisb 5 years ago
Yes. The remedy should go without any obstruction.
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
She had throat ache when she got up for school.. A ball of sputum in her throat and was crying.. Her cough is very deep difficult for her to clear her throat and spit it out.. On and off she is complaining of stomach ache as well..
mominisb 5 years ago
Are you giving her Bryonia 30?
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Yes gave her bryonia30 thrice yesterday
mominisb 5 years ago
Did you stop Bryonia 30 today?
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Is her gland is ok?
Is her tongue swelled?
Is there any pain eating something?
cough starts just after falling asleep?
[Edited by freehomeoforall on 2019-09-17 06:18:12]
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Everything is ok..yes pain when she swallows sonething..no very choking cough but no sputum.. But it sounds strange.. Full of mucus..
mominisb 5 years ago
I am not understood wheather you are continuing Bryonia 30 or not.

You have told me thet you gave Bryonia 30 yesterday.

Not today?

Tell me now what are you giving her.
Bryonia 30?
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
You told:

mominisb said She had throat ache when she got up for school.. A ball of sputum in her throat and was crying.. Her cough is very deep difficult for her to clear her throat and spit it out.. On and off she is complaining of stomach ache as well.

mominisb said Everything is ok..yes pain when she swallows sonething..no very choking cough but no sputum.. But it sounds strange.. Full of mucus..

Please clearify that.

Any improvement after taking Bryonia 30?

Cough became more loose?
Abdomenal ache is decreased?
Throught pain is decreased?
She looks more happy than before?
No sputum in throught?
[Edited by freehomeoforall on 2019-09-17 13:11:13]
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
She is same
mominisb 5 years ago
I am asking you again:

Are you continuing Bryonia 30?

Please give full details.
[Edited by freehomeoforall on 2019-09-17 13:15:36]
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
It is not possible to give proper advice if you do not answer my questions.

Please answer to my above questions and give full details.
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Sorry sir.. given her three doses.. Thats it..
mominisb 5 years ago
Is there any reason to stop the remedy?
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
I thought i have give her for a day only
mominisb 5 years ago
Please continue this for 3 days.

Give feedback time to time.

If cough is more hard and making sound in chest then tell me soon.

What is about her evacuation of stool?
[Edited by freehomeoforall on 2019-09-17 16:37:23]
freehomeoforall 5 years ago
Ok thanks sir for being so payient with me..
mominisb 5 years ago
Is there any sound in her chest?
Is there any tendency of vomiting?
What is about her stool? Hard?
freehomeoforall 5 years ago

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