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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Gout cure

Uric acid 7.8...swelling in affected left ankle...since last 3 months...otherwise no pain ...can take weight...looking for med to get uricacid levels to 4 or 5...please advice mesicene...male 54 yr
  andy_65_in on 2019-12-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Start taking Urtica urens Q10 drops three times daily. You will see lowering of high Uric acid level and relief of gout. Also, consider taking Benzoicum acid 30c if the urine is smelling very strong.
[Edited by Tui on 2019-12-29 17:58:33]
Tui 5 years ago
andy_65_in 5 years ago
What will be dosing for acid benz 6
andy_65_in 5 years ago
Can you also advice med for elevated SGOT/SGPT levels
andy_65_in 5 years ago
I did try urtica urens wirh acid banz 200...but the uric acid levels did not lower...do you feel the urticaurens+acidbenz6 will make a difference or is some other medicene recommended
andy_65_in 5 years ago
I don’t know for how long you had taken Urtica urens q but I you have to be on for at least 3 months to see the result.
As for Benzoicum acid, you need 30c, 1 dose daily. This too, need to be taking for at least 2 months.
You will also need Medorrhinum 200c in every 3 days for a few months.

Now,I’m suggesting you take the remedies daily so you need to be aware of any new symptom that you have never had before or aggravation of the current symptoms. If it happens, stop the remedies and report back.
Tui 5 years ago
How many drops acidbenz and medorhinum in each dose?my gout issue is 18 years old with gout attacks every three years or so...otherwise i have remained asymptomatic...only one place affected every time ie my left ankle...max uricacid ever recorded was 9.2
[Edited by andy_65_in on 2019-12-30 05:18:49]
andy_65_in 5 years ago
1 dose is 2 drops.
Tui 5 years ago
And continue with the remedies for 3 months.
Tui 5 years ago
Please clarify,i have to take acid benz 30 and medorrhinum 200 every day one doze ie 2 drops or acidbenz daily and merrihinum every 3 days...urticaurens i see i have to take thrice dailly.2 drops dose is diluted with water or not..please clarify
andy_65_in 5 years ago
Urtica urens Q 10 drops, 3 times daily. Take it with some water.
Benzoicum acid 30c, 1 dose daily.
Medorrhinum 200c, 1 dose every 3 days,
For Benzoicum acid and Medorrhinum, 1 dose is 2 drops if you are using a liquid form. And you can take it with a little water.
Tui 5 years ago
My sgot/sgpt levels also high..AST 72,ALT 148...please advice medicene
andy_65_in 5 years ago
Any symptoms such as jaundice, swollen legs and ankles, stomach pain, loss of appetite, weakness or any other symptoms?
Tui 5 years ago
No other symptoms visible....my weight increased to about 85 kg..my ideal body weight is 72.5 kg..other parameters of liver are ok as per blood test as also are kidney functions.could obesity and alcohol be the cause...though i have stopped alcohol,fried food,sugarvetc now.uric acid now is 7.5.i had some pain in my right toe.i have to get uric acid down to 5 or ideally 4 to avoid gout pain
[Edited by andy_65_in on 2020-02-18 00:48:45]
andy_65_in 5 years ago
I've already suggested the remedies for gout.
Are you still taking it and how long have you taken the remedies?
And still having exactly the same pain or frequency of getting gout?

Also, medications can cause liver problems, do if you are taking something, you may need to research on that.
Tui 5 years ago
Im taking all three med advised by u...Urtica,acidbenz and merrhinium..no other medicene...i hope these dont cause spike in ast/alt enzymes..i also take 25 mg atenolol since last 4 yr per day for hypertension which is very well managed without any side effects
andy_65_in 5 years ago
So what's happening with gout? Are you still getting a gout attack as often as before?
If so, how are you managing the pain? And what do you take to ease your pain?

If you feel the remedies might be causing the problems, I suggest that you stop all the remedies, and see if you feel any better.
Tui 5 years ago
Gout is managed ok now
andy_65_in 5 years ago
Stop all the remedies for now, and start with just Lycopodium 30c, twice daily.

How to take the remedy;

1. Get a clean bottle (150-200ml) or buy a mineral/spring water bottle from a store.
2. Put 2-3 drops or pills.
3. Shake the bottle hard 10 times each time before taking the remedy.
4. Take 1 tablespoon as a dose.

Report back in 30 days.
Tui 5 years ago
Dr Tui,i have been on homeo med for gout since 2004 .till sep last year i was having gout episodes only once every 3-4 years but last year in sep the gout attack really shook me bcoz it lasted for more than a month...it was forced to take allopathy painkillers..this episode again repeated after a month...again i had to tale allopathy.somewhere in 2013 based on someones recommendations in this forum,i tries urticaurens +acid benz6 combo and that worked and brought my UA down to about 4.9...but thereaffter that combo never worked again.currently i am about 7.5 on UA which i want to desperately lower to below 6 initially and then maintain finally around 4-5 to lead a gout free life.my problem is that no homeo med suggested to me since sep last year has really worked with UA not dipping below 7.2 or so.i shall be thankful if i could be suggested a effective remedy .i have now striclty cut off purine diet and alcohol and started exercising regularly..even a visit to a rheumotologist in oct last year resulted in me not being advised any allopathic med for gout since the rheumatologist felt that my gout episodes were reoccurring every 3 plus years which as per him was not alarming.hence please advice some med. thanks
andy_65_in 5 years ago
I've given you two choices based on what you've written here.

1. Stop all the medicines for now because you are wondering if the remedies might be causing or spiking ast /alt level.

2. Start only with Lycopodium because it is a great remedy for liver and people who has a gouty tendency.

So you decide for yourself.
Tui 5 years ago
Ok..i will start with lycopodium as advised.in a bottle 200 ml water with 3 drops of lyco,shaken 10 times,1 tablespoon each twice day.
andy_65_in 5 years ago
Have got gout attack again..pain in right toe...got it yesterday.....what should i do now
andy_65_in 4 years ago
Dr Tui..please see my post and advice me medicene now...am in pain in right toe
andy_65_in 4 years ago
Liver enzymes normalized but uric acid remains...still 7.8.please advice some other remedy..i was on urtica and acidbenz 30 but frankly no advantage.reduced abut 2 kg weight,liver enzymes restored using herbal supplement
andy_65_in 4 years ago

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